New pregnancy thread


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I had a birth choices appointment yesterday and it went really well. They went through pros and cons of vbac and a c section (more pros of vbac!) but were totally understanding of me wanting a repeat c section and said that it's my choice and I will get what I want. I see them again at 36 weeks to sign consent forms!
Also had a scan and biopsy done on my breast lump and it's totally normal and nothing to worry about yay! My boob hurts now though! [emoji30]
Hope everyone is doing well x
I had a birth choices appointment yesterday and it went really well. They went through pros and cons of vbac and a c section (more pros of vbac!) but were totally understanding of me wanting a repeat c section and said that it's my choice and I will get what I want. I see them again at 36 weeks to sign consent forms!
Also had a scan and biopsy done on my breast lump and it's totally normal and nothing to worry about yay! My boob hurts now though! [emoji30]
Hope everyone is doing well x
That's great news! Xx
I've been getting cramp in my legs for a while, but the past couple of days my calf muscles in both legs have been really painful and I've been struggling to get walking. I'm on holiday and have done a lot more walking than normal. Has anyone else suffered with this? X
I've been getting cramp in my legs for a while, but the past couple of days my calf muscles in both legs have been really painful and I've been struggling to get walking. I'm on holiday and have done a lot more walking than normal. Has anyone else suffered with this? X

Yeah unfortunately that can be normal in pregnancy. I sometimes wake up with terrible cramp in my calf muscles and then they feel sore all day! Eat some more bananas! lol X

As long as you don't have any sore spots that feel really hot or anything all should be fine x
Yeah unfortunately that can be normal in pregnancy. I sometimes wake up with terrible cramp in my calf muscles and then they feel sore all day! Eat some more bananas! lol X

As long as you don't have any sore spots that feel really hot or anything all should be fine x
Thanks Hun it has worn of a little bit now thank god xx
How is everyone getting on? I'm 25 weeks on Friday, why does pregnancy feel so slow! I feel like Iv been pregnant forever and cant wait until the end! I'm not enjoying as much as my last pregnancy! I suppose that's normal with the second pregnancy and having a toddler to run around after x
I had my little boy end of july. I wasn't due until 21st aug. All ok. Can't believe he's 3 weeks old this week xx


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Congratulations on your gorgeous little boy. xx
congratulations! He's such a cutie!

I can't believe Ella is 11 weeks already! Time has flown so fast and all in a blur! I wish I could relive those first few weeks again (knowing what I know now!)

She had her first lot of jabs yesterday so we've have a rough couple of days :(
Hello, how is everyone?
I have 6 weeks to go! Can't wait as I'm so uncomfortable now! X
Hello, how is everyone?
I have 6 weeks to go! Can't wait as I'm so uncomfortable now! X

Wow babychops, that time has gone by in a flash :eek:
I know! I hope these next few weeks go by quickly! I'm ready now! I had a mad moment and chopped all my hair off! Must be all the hormones! Lol x
Ooo that's soon come round babychops! We're doing well as a family of 4 now. My eldest has taken to be a big brother brilliantly! Hes 3 months old on the 28th! Xx


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I got a date for my c section today! Feeling nervous! It's not long now! X
Ooo what date have u got babychops? X
Anyone here suffering with insomnia...? I haven’t slept properly for 2 weeks now and I’m exhausted! Currently 29 weeks x
I had my little girl today! Gracie, weighed 8lb 6oz! X

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