problem client


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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
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Hi everyone,
I posted the other day to say about my client that gets cracks down the sidewalls. Well this client who I work with to be honest is a pain in the *ss!!
I have been doing her nails now for 3 or 4 months and she is such a pain, telling me what I should be doing, that the product is too thin etc. Each time she breaks a nail or one pings off, I put a new one on for her for free!! I only charged her £15 for her first and second set and then charge £8 for maintenance and £12 for rebalance. I find most people including her are always trying to scrimp and only have a maintenance/rebalance every 4 weeks!!
Anyway today she told me that she has lost another 2 nails which I'm giving up my lunch to do for her today! She said that when she used to have them done at the salon she used to go 4 weeks before she needed a rebalance and that she couldn't afford to keep having them done every 2-3 weeks with me. I told her that at the end of the day the girls in the salon are doing nails every day and some have been doing them for years. I only qualified in July last year and am far from perfect and don't possess to be but I also have only charged £15 a full set as opposed to £40 in the salon where she goes. I charge £12 for a full rebalance whereas the salon charge about £18. So I've told her that if she prefers then to go back to the salon cos quite honestly I can do without her critism when she knew I wasn't going to be as good as someone who's been doing nails constantly for years.
Sorry to have a moan but it does knock your confidence a bit
I know EXACTLY how you feel!! (see post girl at work getting me down) I flatly refused to do her nails, she's been asking me for months now!! PMSL!! I did relent a bit and did her a manicure, that was fine and she was impressed, did one for her mother in law last night too so thats good, but I will NOT do her L&P for the same reasons that you say... this is wrong, thats too thick, etc etc..... I do not need my confidence knocked by her! I dont think she even realises shes like it though! I decided I wouldnt do them even if I get to competition standard and I wont give in!! Lol

Have you told this girl how she makes you feel? perhaps the fact that she wont have them rebalanced every 2 weeks is adding to the breakages! you should charge her for everything you do, or she'll continue to take the P! xx
One of my 'friends' was exactly the same - and she knocked my confidence big time, so I suggested she went back to a salon in her area and that was that!

I felt 100% better once the decision was made and I know I do much better nails now she's not this grim shadow on the horizon all the time.

I know we won't always have lovely clients who treat their nails perfectly and work with us to produce long lasting fabulous enhancements, but hell, enough is enough, especially when you're first starting out

Good Luck

Hey babes dont let the b£%*!!?s get you down - hang in there even though its hard!

I'm the same with my work - you take all critisism to heart & it does knock ur confidence .
Well put it like this - if she knew so bloody much about nails why doesnt she do her own?Plus you gotta let her know ur no mug in this game even if you havent been in it for years - charge her for everything - at the end of the day if she comes to u , just laugh all the way to the bank & treat it as one of life's little learning curves! Theyre not all nice at the end of those nails now are they ?!!!
Dont worry about it - you'll learn loads coming on this site for starters plus the more you practice the better you'll be !
Just keep your chin up and go 4 it
Good luck & all the best
DONZIE said:
Hi everyone,
I posted the other day to say about my client that gets cracks down the sidewalls. Well this client who I work with to be honest is a pain in the *ss!!
I have been doing her nails now for 3 or 4 months and she is such a pain, telling me what I should be doing, that the product is too thin etc. Each time she breaks a nail or one pings off, I put a new one on for her for free!! I only charged her £15 for her first and second set and then charge £8 for maintenance and £12 for rebalance. I find most people including her are always trying to scrimp and only have a maintenance/rebalance every 4 weeks!!
Anyway today she told me that she has lost another 2 nails which I'm giving up my lunch to do for her today! She said that when she used to have them done at the salon she used to go 4 weeks before she needed a rebalance and that she couldn't afford to keep having them done every 2-3 weeks with me. I told her that at the end of the day the girls in the salon are doing nails every day and some have been doing them for years. I only qualified in July last year and am far from perfect and don't possess to be but I also have only charged £15 a full set as opposed to £40 in the salon where she goes. I charge £12 for a full rebalance whereas the salon charge about £18. So I've told her that if she prefers then to go back to the salon cos quite honestly I can do without her critism when she knew I wasn't going to be as good as someone who's been doing nails constantly for years.
Sorry to have a moan but it does knock your confidence a bit
Thanks everyone I feel a bit better now and Janeym you did make me giggle when you said 'if she knows so much about nails then why doesn't she do them herself?' That did make me laugh! Well I redid 2 nails for her in my lunch (yeah 2 not 1 as she'd told me originally) and before I could get to the pink application she'd have a look at how I'd applied the white and said 'I think you need to put a bit more white on the edge cos it's too thin'!!! Arggggh!! I seem to have such a problem with getting enough white on the actual nail edge of her nails, no one elses and I think it's because she now makes me so nervous doing them almost like she's an NVQ assessor!!!
Before I can bring them to a shine she always takes the file off me and files them herself for 10 mins! I wish she would just go back to the salon and leave me to my trainer hand. Money's not everything, I'd rather wait 5 years to recoup my outlay and wait for some better more appreciative clients to come along!!
Thank you all anyway at least I now know I'm not the only one!!

jayneym said:
Hey babes dont let the b£%*!!?s get you down - hang in there even though its hard!

I'm the same with my work - you take all critisism to heart & it does knock ur confidence .
Well put it like this - if she knew so bloody much about nails why doesnt she do her own?Plus you gotta let her know ur no mug in this game even if you havent been in it for years - charge her for everything - at the end of the day if she comes to u , just laugh all the way to the bank & treat it as one of life's little learning curves! Theyre not all nice at the end of those nails now are they ?!!!
Dont worry about it - you'll learn loads coming on this site for starters plus the more you practice the better you'll be !
Just keep your chin up and go 4 it
Good luck & all the best
Sorry Donna, but i'd say get rid of her, no one needs people in their life that knock your confidence and make you feel worthless! It's not as if she is paying salon prices! I know something is better than nothing, but not if you dread or worry about every appointment.

She can't be that unhappy anyway as she keeps coming back!

Sorry hun, but she's gotta go! :smack:
First of all hello peeps I am also a newbie and lurveeeeeeeee this site.

I know it is hard to stop what you have started so how about this............

The next time she rings for to do a "free" repair agree for her to come in. But before she comes in get one of your colleagues or supervisors to say that you have been called away and get them to do the repair for her and also to charge her what she is supposed to be having done. Then that will break the cycle and the next time she calls for another breakage just say you will have to charge her for it, If she is going to be a pain at least make her pay for it and get some satisfaction. YOur supervisor or colleague could maybe also go over the charges again and explain that it is not something you have done but that she is doing.

Hope this might help.

welcome kizzy
where abouts in durham r u?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOW if someone started to file their own nails in front of me that would be IT. This woman is a total know it all cow. Tell her that no one else has problems with your nails. Then when she comes back with whatever answer she has, just listen patiently. Then say....... I hear what you are saying, but no one else complains, so I think its best if we call it a day. I obviously dont please you with what I do, so its best if you go somewhere else.

Then dont budge on it. Thank her for her custom and wave the bitching old bag goodbye. Your confidence will soar once she is gone.

My that makes me feel better getting that off my chest. I just dont like to see lovely nail techs like you being abused, and that is what she is doing to you.

Ditch the B****h now.
Thank you all for your support. Thanks Kizzy for your suggestion but the problem there is I don't work in a salon, I'm mobile as I work full time for Brittany ferries in Plymouth. This client is one of my colleagues and she thinks she is doing me a favour by letting me practice on her, which she is really I know but........

valburt said:
OOOOOOOOOOOOOW if someone started to file their own nails in front of me that would be IT. This woman is a total know it all cow. Tell her that no one else has problems with your nails. Then when she comes back with whatever answer she has, just listen patiently. Then say....... I hear what you are saying, but no one else complains, so I think its best if we call it a day. I obviously dont please you with what I do, so its best if you go somewhere else.

Then dont budge on it. Thank her for her custom and wave the bitching old bag goodbye. Your confidence will soar once she is gone.

My that makes me feel better getting that off my chest. I just dont like to see lovely nail techs like you being abused, and that is what she is doing to you.

Ditch the B****h now.
Hi Donzie
I have only posted twice on this site(have been lurking for ages tho!!)but i had to help restore your confidence when i read about your client from HELL!!
You appear to have great patience,dedication,and you really seem to go the extra mile with your clients - however you need more confidence.
When you are fairly new to the nail industry,some clients will take advantage of your inexperience and blame you for everything.This critisism can knock every bit of confidence that you have so slowly gained.Having said this ,this will not be the last time you have a difficult client,so have confidence in your abilities and grow a thicker skin.
Also send this :client: back where she came from -i bet the nail tech there would throw her out if she attempted to do her own nails.!!!
Keep up the good work
Mrs o
Hi Donna,

You really do seem to have the client from hell:evil: :Scared:, however I have a cunning plan my lord( Balderick)
When she next comes back for a freebie and starts to critisise you or pointing out what she thinks you've done wrong, simply take a deep breath and say, 'Thank you for your views on that, obviously I make a great educator and you've listened and watched well, but to be honest if you intend a formal level of education, you'd need to talk to someone at creative head office to set an exam date,'
This will confuse, annoy and humiliate her.:eek: :o
If she still a bit gobby after that, 'Naff off ' springs to mind!!:biggrin:
Also when she grabs the file, watch her for 30 seconds then tell her she's doing it wrong and she'll do damage the way she holding the file!:evil:
Keep calm and straight faced and it'll annoy the hell out of her.
She sounds like a control freak and a bully,.
Good luck:hug:

Debz xx
Hiya, she sounds a nightmare...i know we shouldn't do this but i would be tempted to pass her the brush and very politely say, here you go, can you show me exactly how you want the product putting on. she will then see its not as easy as it looks.

Or just let all her comments go over your head, focus on the nails, and remember she is just that kind of person, she is probably the same with her hairdresser, postman, window cleaner...the only thing i would say is NO MORE don't even like the woman so why should you do her any favours, she isn't doing you any.

Tell her you've put your prices up to 25.00 and with a bit of luck she will leave anyway.

keep your chin up, babes xxxx
Oh she defo sounds horrible! :evil:
She is not doing you any favours and you will never be able to do her nails properly if you dont relax - which you obviously cant do around her.
Unfortunetly your gonna have to say something to her but even if you continue to do her nails do NOT do any more freebies!

Dont let her get you down!
how rude to start the filing herself ! :smack: if she's so clever, point her in the direction of your nearest sallies and tell her to get her moaning arse down there and buy some kit to do her own nails :mad: .how do people think they will get your best work if they constantly intimidate you and put you on edge. :rolleyes: sometimes i think it would be great if folk could drop off their hands to be done and collect 'em when youre finished :lol:
I would refuse to do them again. She is putting you down, taking the p***. and quite frankly I think A re balance every 4 weeks is outrageous! LOL !Dont forget, each time something goes wrong with her nails, you will be getting torn apart when she tells other people. Honestly, I dont think it's your fault. Some people dont know how to look after their nails and I think this is more the case. she must be doing something to break them and blaming you to get them for free. Charge more than you do already with your other clients, and refuse to do hers again. You dont need clients like that.Also dont forget ... to some people take being nice and genuine as weekness. Good luck!
Thank you all soo much for your support on this. You'll all be pleased to know that I am not going to do any more FREEBIES for this girl!! I think the minute I tell her when she breaks another nail that I'm charging her £1 per nail,that she'll go back to the salon anyway. Good luck to her cos they'll charge her abouy £18 every 4 weeks and £2 for every breakage! And when/if she ever needs a new set the cost will be £40 and not the measly £15 that I charge her!! I have to be a bit diplomatic with this though cos I work with her so I don't want an atmosphere at work. Not that I should worry really though cos EVERYONE knows what she's like with no self respect where men are concerned!!

angel fingers said:
how rude to start the filing herself ! :smack: if she's so clever, point her in the direction of your nearest sallies and tell her to get her moaning arse down there and buy some kit to do her own nails :mad: .how do people think they will get your best work if they constantly intimidate you and put you on edge. :rolleyes: sometimes i think it would be great if folk could drop off their hands to be done and collect 'em when youre finished :lol:

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