Quick soak bowl


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Nov 9, 2004
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Hi everyone. Ive got a little more confident now-2nd posting!! I am just about to order the quick soak bowl from Fiona. Is it right it takes about 25mins to soak off a set. Is this for L&P, Tips and Gel? Quite new to all of this but gritting my teeth and getting there. A big thanks to all the great advice.
Hi Maxie

The amount of time to soak off can vary wildly.
It's down to so many things putting a definate time on it is just about impossible...
Temperature, product type, remover type, how you hold your tounge, it all counts...

Also some gels are so non porous that soaking off would be a total misery....
(actually, any hard wearing gel should need to be buffed down, with the final thin layer soaked off)

Even with L&P there can be massive variations... depending on brand, thickness etc...

I personally find the best way to soak off (and the least product wastage)
is to apply product remover to a lint free pad and wrap the finger with the pad and then tin foil (this keeps the heat in, the smell down, and reduces evaporation) Also, this way, you don't have to buy anything new.... just a thought?!
Hi, l've not tried the quick soak bowl, its the one you fill with warm water is'ent it? l always soak a nail wipe in tip remover and wrap in tin foil around the finger, it takes the same time to soak off in a bowl but you can carry on working on the rest of the hand , gel is best filed down really thin as it doe'sent soak off very well, and also you don't waste any tip remover using the foil method. (l use highlight foil as its stronger) hope this helps Angie xx
Thank you so much Envy and Angie for the great advice. I'll have a go at the foils sounds like mums in for a treat. xx

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