Room Rental


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Apr 28, 2011
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Hi All,

As a new therapist I have been offered a room to rent. The rental includes towels, bed, sink but no products etc.

How much do you think?????????

£15 per hour.

I know I am a bit new to all this but not totally stupid.

What do you all think?
Hi All,

As a new therapist I have been offered a room to rent. The rental includes towels, bed, sink but no products etc.

How much do you think?????????

£15 per hour.

I know I am a bit new to all this but not totally stupid.

What do you all think?
An hourly rate?!?
That seems very odd to me, most pay a daily or weekly amount...
Rhiannon x
That sounds strange for hourly rate... I do 160 a week x
Yeah I thought it was a bit strange and working it out over the year it adds up to an awful lot of rent. £27,000 approx. Average over 5 working days of 7 hours per week.

This is a therapy centre and they have never rented any rooms out before. I don't know if they are just plucking a figure from the air. I have researched all the local rents and this is by far more expensive than anywhere else. The highest rent I have researched is £150 per week. This would cost me £525 per week.

The room isn't even that big.
Hi This is outrageous!! at £15 an hour even if you were fully booked and charging high prices you would be making nothing after product cost and tax etc.
i would try and work out either a percentage or daily/weekly rate or look for somewhere else.
I wish you luck in whatever you decide :)
I know of a therapy centre that charges £8 an hour. which is slightly more reasonable. My weekly rent broken down into the hours I work is something like £6 an hour. Then I have to do all my own laundry etc.

If it's a nice room try and offer them a weekly rate. Hourly rates aren't common for us because we usually work full days. It's more common for holistic/sports therapists, that do hourly treatments. x
Thanks for your comments and I am new to this I need all the advice I can get!
I know of a therapy centre that charges £8 an hour. which is slightly more reasonable. My weekly rent broken down into the hours I work is something like £6 an hour. Then I have to do all my own laundry etc.

If it's a nice room try and offer them a weekly rate. Hourly rates aren't common for us because we usually work full days. It's more common for holistic/sports therapists, that do hourly treatments. x
That is starting to make sense now. The therapies that this centre offer at present are purely holistic and massage. Do you know if this rate is a fair price for this type of rental.
That is starting to make sense now. The therapies that this centre offer at present are purely holistic and massage. Do you know if this rate is a fair price for this type of rental.


The therapy centres local to me charge around £7-£9.50 an hour with therapists mostly being holistic. I think £15 an hour sounds a lot in fact way too much!!!!

Renting by the hour works for me as I only work 3 days a week so to rent a room for a whole week wouldn't suit me! It does however mean my prices have to be near top end for the areas I'm in (about the same as the most expensive salon's in the area) But I have a lot of experience now & I think there are a lot of people happy to pay to be in the environment of a therapy centre.

Hth's xx
Hi everyone. I have a great opportunity to rent a room in a busy hairdressers, it's in a great location, the rent is reasonable, it's a busy shop and I know the owners personally. My only fear is that I'm still new, I only qualified in l&p a few months ago (still not 100% confident in these but I'm slowly getting there), I do spray tanning and Hollywood toes as well so do not offer a lot of tratments as well although I want to do an ee course and offer quirky treatment like vajazzles and lip tattos etc. My question is am I doing this too soon? How long did all of you wait to buy/rent anywhere? I initially wanted to wait at least a year to rent somewhere as I'm moblie at the moment but this seem such a good opportunity to pass up. Help!! lol x
Hi everyone. I have a great opportunity to rent a room in a busy hairdressers, it's in a great location, the rent is reasonable, it's a busy shop and I know the owners personally. My only fear is that I'm still new, I only qualified in l&p a few months ago (still not 100% confident in these but I'm slowly getting there), I do spray tanning and Hollywood toes as well so do not offer a lot of tratments as well although I want to do an ee course and offer quirky treatment like vajazzles and lip tattos etc. My question is am I doing this too soon? How long did all of you wait to buy/rent anywhere? I initially wanted to wait at least a year to rent somewhere as I'm moblie at the moment but this seem such a good opportunity to pass up. Help!! lol x
Go for it im in same boat as you, ive been trading 10months , moving in my rented room on Monday and i only do spray tanning and i also do Hollywood toes/rockstar toes tho i havent advertised the toes for my room yet.
It can only increase your clientèle aslong as your still doing mobile. Im still going to be doing mobile so its win win x
Go for it im in same boat as you, ive been trading 10months , moving in my rented room on Monday and i only do spray tanning and i also do Hollywood toes/rockstar toes tho i havent advertised the toes for my room yet.
It can only increase your clientèle aslong as your still doing mobile. Im still going to be doing mobile so its win win x

Thanks for the reply. I'm still going moblie at the moment so it'll be all go lol. How are you finding it all being a fellow newbie? I'm just worried that I make the rent every month but I still have and will continue to have a mobile client base. Eekkkk so nervous and excited at the same time! :) x
Hi All,

As a new therapist I have been offered a room to rent. The rental includes towels, bed, sink but no products etc.

How much do you think?????????

£15 per hour.

I know I am a bit new to all this but not totally stupid.

What do you all think?

Just to let you all know I managed to sort out a deal with the therapy centre. 70/30 in my favour.

Feeling good I managed to get through my first business hurdle.
Thanks for the reply. I'm still going moblie at the moment so it'll be all go lol. How are you finding it all being a fellow newbie? I'm just worried that I make the rent every month but I still have and will continue to have a mobile client base. Eekkkk so nervous and excited at the same time! :) x

I ahvent started at the shop yet but mobile im finding it great, dont get me wrong it can be slow and wish i was making more money but it comes with time and as each month passes im making slightly more so the way i see it , it can only get better. I love being my own boss etc and to me its worth holding out alleast another 12 months to see where i can take it :green:

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