Save Lennox


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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
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Norfolk, UK
Hi Geeks, I am not sure if many of you have been following poor Lennox's fate over the last 2 years but his time is running out and is due to be put to death on the 10th of July after his owners have been desperately trying to have him returned to their loving family home. I know it's not a beauty issue but there are many dog lovers on here and hopefully some of you will find it in your hearts to help us in one final attempt to at least get him rehomed to the USA rather than be PTS

Belfast City Council. Contact details -

Any help would be hugely appreciated, Victoria Stillwell is there now trying to get the Council to agree to him being re-homed and Cesar Milan is offering to help him find a loving home.

I have been SO upset the last few days after hearing the news that they have lost the legal battle to have him returned
The Lennox Campaign

and have been signing even more petitions

Animals Petition: Save Lennox from Execution |

Thank you ever so much for reading and for any support that you might be able to offer:sad:

Bloomin tears ruining my spray tan!!! Will have to start all over again
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Poor Lennox it's such a sad case, I've signed the petition but it seems like his heartbroken owner has admitted defeat :,(
Yes unfortunately but I can understand that they no longer want their beautiful boy to suffer in those awful kennels. It is a heartbreaking decision but to be honest I would probably do the same. He has been kept in less than perfect conditions, being set up to fail daily and has still behaved beautifully. No space, no toys, no external stimulation, no companionship,not much exercise, no love, living in filth and unhealthy woodchippings for bedding. If he was a dangerous dog the lack of exercise alone would have him behaving badly.

My dogs are both rescue and could any day be added to the dangerous dogs act due to their parentage but they are fabulous pets and I have not gone on holiday for 4 years now as my boy can not cope with kennels. I can only imagine what that poor little mite must be going through. 2 years is a long time, he probably thinks that this is all there is to life.Just a grey loveless existence
I would be so devastated if my dogs were kept like this. They are rescue dogs with real behaviour problems and probably far more dangerous than this fella. But they were allowed out to rehome and have had to have a lot of discipline! Still not perfect but SO unfair for this guy. Mine would have gone crazy with the lack of stimulation ;( heartbreaking xxx
The owners are hoping that if all else fails they will at least be able to say goodbye to him and let him experience a little love and comfort before he passes over. It breaks my heart. I must admit if it was me I would have tried to steal him back and get him to a safe place but I suppose that is just the emotion talking. It is not acceptable to break the law no matter how right you think you are.

I have not prayed so hard for a long time
Omg I am mortified.That poor dog and family.

I think it's disgusting that they have measured the dog to determine what bread he is.This has actually broken my heart made me cry.The poor little thing.

I'm sorry but I can't write much more right now as this has upset me alot.Sorry xx
Absolutely disgusting! I have signed and shared on my Facebook. How can people be so cruel. Dogs are apart of your family and to be taken away and treated like crap is just inhumane. Poor boy :( so so sad! X
Omg I am mortified.That poor dog and family.

I think it's disgusting that they have measured the dog to determine what bread he is.This has actually broken my heart made me cry.The poor little thing.

I'm sorry but I can't write much more right now as this has upset me alot.Sorry xx

I know love, I cant get over it myself. Just burst ino tears every time think of him,or see my lads being happy loved spoiled dogs. All I can do is say another little prayer for him and keep the hope that just maybe the council will relent at the last minute.

I have been e-mailing people that if I had replies from them you would think I was Royalty. SO many big names, important Government Officials and Legal Figures as well as top Dog Trainers, Breeders and Behaviourists. Everyone is on board. Over 172000 signatures to the first Petition, Nearly 10000 on the latest one ( to try to send him to USA) thousands of likes to the page his owners set up. I just wonder how that little 11 year old girl will ever make sense of losing her best friend, companion and service dog.
How do you tell a child that a piece of paper governs what happens to her best loved friend
As far as I'm aware no one knows where he's being kept? It's absolutely disgusting I don't know how any of the people involved in keeping him from his loving family can look at themselves in the mirror!! :mad:
I've shared it on Facebook, I just hope that there can be a happy outcome...
No it is being kept secret but photographs of him have been released recently, some showing him to be in a bad physical state, it cant be that impossible to find out where he is but I think the council is worried that a rescue attempt might be made. His owners have not been allowed to see him or have ANY contact at all since he was siezed in May2010. I am sure he believes that he has been abandoned by his humans. His carers are said to "be afraid" of him and if that is the case, that poor boy is certainly not getting any loves or cuddles to alleviate his stress and fear
No it is being kept secret but photographs of him have been released recently, some showing him to be in a bad physical state, it cant be that impossible to find out where he is but I think the council is worried that a rescue attempt might be made. His owners have not been allowed to see him or have ANY contact at all since he was siezed in May2010. I am sure he believes that he has been abandoned by his humans. His carers are said to "be afraid" of him and if that is the case, that poor boy is certainly not getting any loves or cuddles to alleviate his stress and fear

I thought of this earlier and that is what has really upset me that the poor boy will have wondered why hes not with his owners and would probobly think he wasn't wanted anymore by them and be so so sad I can just imagine him crying and wining all on his own.I'm crying again.

It's just ridiculous and those horrid people who are supposed to be looking after him in them kennels they should be locked in a cage and left to rot including the people who are saying what goes makes me sick.

I've signed it also.

This story will stick with me it really will.
I am so sorry to upset you love, I didn't mean to cause upset but it is hard not to when something like this happens.
Thank you so much for your support and all we can now hope for is a miracle but sadly it seems that we might be too late, I have often wonderd if they have already "got rid" of him and that is why they are so stubbornly refusing any contact or chance of saving him.
The last link I added has a template of a letter to be sent to NI Businesess in a Boycott attempt but I fear it is all too little too late. His poor owners and the rest of us truly hoped that compassion would have prevailed and that he would be released as others have. I have only today heard of two more having been siezed. It goes on daily and I am in constant fear of my fur babies being wrenched from me in this way one day. It is a British Law so we are all ( in the UK) at risk of we own dogs of "Dubious Descent"

Again thank you for the signatures and shares and facebook posts. Every little can only help ( I hope)

We only have a couple of days left now as he is due for euthenasia on Monday or Tuesday, there are conflicting reports, so the more people we can get to sign, e-mail and share the more of a voice we have.
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I am so sorry to upset you love, I didn't mean to cause upset but it is hard not to when something like this happens.
Thank you so much for your support and all we can now hope for is a miracle but sadly it seems that we might be too late, I have often wonderd if they have already "got rid" of him and that is why they are so stubbornly refusing any contact or chance of saving him.
The last link I added has a template of a letter to be sent to NI Businesess in a Boycott attempt but I fear it is all too little too late. His poor owners and the rest of us truly hoped that compassion would have prevailed and that he would be released as others have. I have only today heard of two more having been siezed. It goes on daily and I am in constant fear of my fur babies being wrenched from me in this way one day. It is a British Law so we are all ( in the UK) at risk of we own dogs of "Dubious Descent"

Again thank you for the signatures and shares and facebook posts. Every little
can only help ( I hope)

We only have a couple of days left now as he is due for euthenasia on Monday or Tuesday, there are conflicting reports, so the more people we can get to sign, e-mail and share the more of a voice we have.
no no you haven't upset me this horrid world we live in has what really gets me is that murderers,rapists and pedofiles in this country don't even get put down so to speak but they see it fit to put down a harmless dog.

I hate it that people think that dogs are less valuable than us it makes me sick to my stomach it really does.

I worry about my boy he's a pure bread bullmastiff aged 11 months.He's the sweetest thing and so good but this bread is on a high alert risk.why?.

I would be mortified if they took my boy it dosnt bear thinking about.

Bad dog owners have given certain dogs a bad name for being irresponsible and using dogs as there weapon.Then poor dogs like lennox get taken away and disposed off for no reason.

Poor lennox and his loving family.

The world we live in is twisted

I really hope they see sence and do the right thing
As usual bureaucrats and pen-pushers make decisions that upset and anger so many, but don't affect them either way :(
That article upset me too as now they aren't just affecting Lennox and his poor families lives, but potentially the livelihoods of business owners in Belfast by people boycotting them- stubborn fools too proud or power mad to upturn their awful decision.
I fear poor Lennox may have already been destroyed, otherwise why has no one been allowed to see him? Disgusting.
As usual bureaucrats and pen-pushers make decisions that upset and anger so many, but don't affect them either way :(
That article upset me too as now they aren't just affecting Lennox and his poor families lives, but potentially the livelihoods of business owners in Belfast by people boycotting them- stubborn fools too proud or power mad to upturn their awful decision.
I fear poor Lennox may have already been destroyed, otherwise why has no one been allowed to see him? Disgusting.

I fear he has already been put down to.It just dosnt weigh up in my mined.There is no reason why the family shouldn't be able to see him or why he can't be re homed in the U.S other than he's not with us no more.Disgusting behaviour if you ask me.
I fear he has already been put down to.It just dosnt weigh up in my mined.There is no reason why the family shouldn't be able to see him or why he can't be re homed in the U.S other than he's not with us no more.Disgusting behaviour if you ask me.
Exactly Colleen, that or he's in such an awful state that they're afraid to let the public see him.
There are so many corrupt people in high powered jobs, it makes me sick. Xx
Exactly Colleen, that or he's in such an awful state that they're afraid to let the public see him.
There are so many corrupt people in high powered jobs, it makes me sick. Xx

Totally agree.I just don't get this society we live in and were supposes to have faith in these people.........yeh right.

I don't have faith in most of these people Neva have Neva will.

He's either already gone or like you say in an awful state and if he is in an awful state.One the family and the world knows what has happened to poor lennox I would be suing that kennel place for negligence,cruelty and so on as sone of the articles state that he's in poor conditions with no human contact because staff are scared of him.

Poor thing I dislike our country so much at times I really do.xx
Have signed ...... So sad x
I think everyone is now worrying that he has been "despatched" It is all so unfair that a mistaken identity incident can end up this way. His owners must find it so difficult to forgive themselves for "walking" him to that wardens van 2 years ago. My fellas will follow me through fire because they trust me, how can you lead them to a life like that?
Hopefully Victoria can get something sorted, sadly no word recently from Cesar but hopefully his team is also working behind the scenes,

I have been in tears on and off for days and think I may take a few days to focus my efforts on this until we know the outcome. At least SG is a pleasant break from all the sadness. Some days I dread logging on to my personal FB page as it is full of desperate pleas to help innocent animals, Lennox is a high profile case but certainly not the only one out there. Fortunately some do make it back to their humans but sadly many dont. I do a lot of work with rescue animals, training, rehabilitating and re-homing so I come across many heart breaking stories on a daily basis but this one has REALLY touched me more than any others. I wish we could save them all but whilst people are breeding and others are buying puppies we will still be forced to euthenase 7000 unwanted pets A DAY!!!

How can that be right?
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