Sooo excited!!!


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CND Grand Master Geek!!!
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
York, North Yorkshire, UK
Hi there,

Just had to share this with you all (maybe of some help too). I have just placed an ad in our local ad mag - it started being delivered around York on Monday (it get delivered over the week - I only got my copy this morning). Anyway, on Monday I got 2 calls and have now had 8 in total in just 3 days - I'm sooooo happy, wish i'd done it sooner!!

So, anyone who is unsure which way to go on advertising - this certainly seems to be working for me!!
good for you ...... it feels great when that phone starts ringing doesnt it..... i ad in our local mag worked very well for me and cheep as chips....

real pleased for you...well done xxxxx
NailStyle said:
good for you ...... it feels great when that phone starts ringing doesnt it..... i ad in our local mag worked very well for me and cheep as chips....

real pleased for you...well done xxxxx
Thanks Angie - it feels fantastic when the phone starts ringing!! - I'm on a real high now! It is real cheap too - just from what I've had so far the ad has already paid for itself, how cool's that!!
Nice one Kate , hope you get even more luck coming your way!
Julie Parkin said:
Nice one Kate , hope you get even more luck coming your way!
Thanks hun!! - could do with some after the year I've had!!
Thats a great response good for you, think I'll look into it, but of not aware of a local mag in this area, theres the local paper but I don't think it's that cheap?
Good luck with all your newbies. Keep us posted how you get on with them.

kateyork1 said:
Hi there,

Just had to share this with you all (maybe of some help too). I have just placed an ad in our local ad mag - it started being delivered around York on Monday (it get delivered over the week - I only got my copy this morning). Anyway, on Monday I got 2 calls and have now had 8 in total in just 3 days - I'm sooooo happy, wish i'd done it sooner!!

So, anyone who is unsure which way to go on advertising - this certainly seems to be working for me!!

I'm just about to decide on advertising.
Have you any tips on wording? How big was your ad i.e did you have piccies or jus text? How many people/what radius did it go to?

Sorry for all questions but excited about getting going. I've got a meetin tomoz with my hairdresser I'm going to be renting a desk from her.
Meeting to discus the formalities. We haven't discussed rates or anything so I've been on the site all night so I'm all prepared. My trouble is sometimes a bit of a soft touch ! x
buttons said:

I'm just about to decide on advertising.
Have you any tips on wording? How big was your ad i.e did you have piccies or jus text? How many people/what radius did it go to?

Sorry for all questions but excited about getting going. I've got a meetin tomoz with my hairdresser I'm going to be renting a desk from her.
Meeting to discus the formalities. We haven't discussed rates or anything so I've been on the site all night so I'm all prepared. My trouble is sometimes a bit of a soft touch ! x
Hi there,

I will put a pic on here for you and you can have a look. I kept the wording quite simple - anyway have a look and see if it helps at all. Good luck!!
Great I will take note for when I want to start.

Caz xxx
Hi Kate,

The ad looks really good ! Did you design it yourself or did the mag help you with that ?

well thats fab ! well done !
Hi Kate

That's brilliant, well done you :)

Really happy for you xxx
Hi ya, the ad looks fantastic, glad your getting a good response from it too x
very nice add and very professional

glad to hear your getting the result you wanted - it makes it all the more worth while
River said:
Hi Kate,

The ad looks really good ! Did you design it yourself or did the mag help you with that ?

Thanks for your replies everyone - nice to hear what other Geeks think of it. It was a joint effort between the mag, my brother (who helped design (and created) my website)) and myself. Most of the colour idea came from the fact that my car is black with bright pink writing on - thats where we got the inspiration for the website, and it all kind of stemmed from there.
Congratulations thats fantastic.

I also was looking at drumming up business (here in Oz) so what I did as I am just starting out was to do up some flyers on my home computer and print them out.

Then I took them around to the local schools and big shopping centres and put them up on the notice boards. The school ones I handed in at the school office and asked the receptionist to put them up in the staff room.

I did that on Thursday morning and so far I have had 6 bookings from people that have seen them. I also put one up at the local post office and that got me a booking as well.

Good luck.
Ooh that's a good response too - might give that a go!

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