Techs slating other techs online!


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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
west yorkshire
Just need to vent big time!!

So I was just having a search for somthing in the search bar...and I've come across a thread started a few years ago by a tech very local to me.

It's basically slagging off another local nail technician - saying that their work is rubbish basically.... and that their "title" of CND grand master is basically a load of rubbish as they are no better than goes on and on.

Well....I know this is about me.

And I just can't understand why people feel the need to tear eachother down like this? I never discredit other people's work! And I worked dam hard to gain my master qualification with CND! My product knowledge had to be impeccable - as did my work! It was seriously intense and I was so proud of myself for achieving this title in my very early 20s.

Some people need to walk a mile in another persons shoes before they think it's okay to slander someone all over the Internet thinking they won't see it. Days or years later - it's always going to have the same impact on someone!

I have never seen her work nor do I care to, however, even if I had and didn't think it was all that - you wouldn't catch me slating her?

Sorry for the rant! The has really got to me
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I feel awful for you but rise above it. Your clearly worth more than that, I hate bitching about other tech's. It's not professional at all and on Facebook I'm surrounded by groups that support each other. [emoji5]️ keep your chin up, you haven't got where you are by being 'rubbish' [emoji57][emoji122] xx
You know that her comments aren't true therefore they're not about you they're about her. She obviously feels the need to put you down to make her look better. Ignore it. Totally her problem and not yours!

And a big well done getting your Grand Master!!
I wouldn't loose any sleep over it Spandangle possible just jealousy because you've had the time and £'s to complete your CND grand master - it's something to be proud of!

It's totally not like me to vent publicly whatsoever! I just read it and I was mortified!!

I'm completly comfortable and confident at my job and I love it so much! It's things like this that take the fun out of stuff.

I completly hate mean people! There's some amazing techs on here - i hope to be as good as them one day! And there's newbies that need help and support. But by knocking eachother down it just makes people feel bad!

****and breathe**** xx
Sounds like the green eyed monster to me ... She obviously sees you as a threat and feels the desperate need to slate you. Horrid and very unprofessional

Karma will bite her on the bum xx
Hey! I totally understand you. I had similar expierence on my countries local nail forum.
Some info for the background... There are less than 2 million inhabitants in my country, so bad reputation travels quickly, and economic situation + peoples mind set makes it even more awful - many nail techs cut the corners on their services and don't pay taxes properly, and many clients seem to don't care or even embrace it. This makes me awfully sad, as I pay all the taxes and never cut corners, so my prices are even twice as high as others, however, I don't say anything publically about other nail techs and their work... ):
So on my local nail tech forum one other tech slamed me - that my price is way too high and quality is not matching the price aka I am overpriced. It made me incredibly sad - I know, my services differ greatly form other local nail techs, as I used to use their services before I got licenced and have seen them work, as well I hear what my clients tell me about other nail techs and advise me to their friends as one of the kind nail tech, who does exceptional work. So I know what she (the other tech) said on the forum shouldn't affect me, but still it was sooooo unpleasant. When I saw that post of hers, I knew there is no use to answer to it, as many more nail techs would slam me afterwards for the same reason as she did, so I just deleted all my posts on there and my profile and thought to my self - surely my clients will find me and won't mind paying the price, knowing I won't put their health at risk.
Sadly, many are price cheap cheap....
I blame Martin Lewis, the money saving expert.
He's made saving money, bartering, cutting a deal, a national sport! :eek:
Folk aren't seeing the bigger picture.
Without a profit, we have NO BUSINESS
No business means no employment.....and so begins the cycle.... :(
Sadly, many are price cheap cheap....
I blame Martin Lewis, the money saving expert.
He's made saving money, bartering, cutting a deal, a national sport! :eek:
Folk aren't seeing the bigger picture.
Without a profit, we have NO BUSINESS
No business means no employment.....and so begins the cycle.... :(

Agree, about being cheap... Yet I think, in my county historical background is more to blame. We used to be occupied by Soviet Union, so it forced people to figure out how to do things differently to survive - eventhough, we are free now for quite some time, the way of thinking is still there, and I think it won't go away that quickly. ):
Quite clearly jealous - rise above it.
I do hope she is on here and gets to read this.
I hope she is too! And that maybe she should concentrate on her own lever of skill before trying to ridicule mine publicly! Social media can be so bad!

On a hasn't effected my business nor my happy clients whatsoever :) x
I wouldn't worry about it.
Some people are very outspoken on here and not always right...and sometimes just very rude about lots of things.
It's all too common in this industry I'm afraid. Often it's insecurity or even ignorance, I never judge other people work, even if they are the most lumpy and bumpy nails I've ever seen you just never know the state of the clients nails before hand or even how the client is while getting their nails done.

I was chatting to another fellow nail tech who was watching a video of Rhianna's nail tech doing her nails on tour, they were in a crowed tour bus in the middle of a party, the atmosphere was erm ... smokey ;) and Rhianna was bouncing up and down to music while getting her nails done, I did not evny her nail tech [emoji23] but how many techs do you think look at her nails and think they could do a better job? loads I'm thinking !

To become a CND Grand Master is no joke, and you would not have passed if you didn't have the relevant skills.

I know it's hard but try not to let these negative thoughts get to you :) the only way some people can feel better about them selves is by putting other people down , which is really quite sad for her :)
Oooooh I love a little playground action [emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]
Oooooh I love a little playground action [emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]

And I feel like I belong in a playground for throwing a massive paddy about it :p

However I felt better afterwards! All hail the unbiased ears of the salon geek tribe :)
Together we stand united
Had recent experience of this! Little did the girl know the person who was teaching her on her course I know and was showing her pictures from my face ok page. Worst thing is I work with her!
Not mentioned it to her because i cant be bothered wth the agg but i think it's very bitchy, two faced and uncalled for. Apparently she went quiet after she was told my pictures look good! Suck it up buttercup! X

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