Wedding Makeup - Mineral Makeup


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
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Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
First let me point out: I DO have my cert in cosmetology and did makeup in my course (was a 2yr course that covered: hairdressing,makeup, mani's & pedis, hygiene, business, biology, chemistry, etc..) for those that don't know.
I don't want to disrespect those that make a living as estheticians with my questions
BUT my course was nearly 20yrs ago, and I never followed the esthetics route, very far.

Having said that...
I recently decided to FINALLY give Mineral Makeup a try (I have rosacea) and ordered some last week (it's in the mail as we speak).
I "thought" I had learned all I needed to know about Mineral Makeup until I saw the thread on here 2 days ago :o
Mind you, considering the choices I could have made, I didn't choose too badly.

This is what I ordered: Starter Kits
Organic Facial Primer

Their ingredients:
Loose Minerals Ingredients

The ingredients that we exclude from all of our loose mineral formulations are: dyes, lakes, carmine, synthetic fragrance, talc, petroleum derivatives, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, methylparaben, propylparaben, UREA, and others.

Ok, I've told you what I ordered.

Now, the question is this:
Are there any online videos, or tutorials of "traditional" wedding makeup with mineral makeup?
And any tips or tricks you could offer?

I'm actually very good at eyes. I get asked ALL the time to do friend's makeup.

I'm trying to save funds by avoiding a make-up artist for my wedding, which after a practice run and the main event would cost me a total of 175$:eek:
Please do not think "ugh a dy" like with perms.
I really am good.
I am just afraid to go see this makeup artist, and wind up with a Rosacea breakout and a makeup job I detest and spend a ruddy fortune for my suffering. (which, has happened to me in the past). My skin is so reactive.
I'd rather test out makeup on my own, and wear what my skin is used to. Instead of go with unknown makeup and whammo, I have a reaction to it.

BUT I want something that is going to STAY which, we all know, pharmacy/department store makeup does NOT. it's c**p and not good enough for a wedding.

Please share your thoughts with me on my choice, and what ideas you might have to offer. Keeping in mind that while I am diplomaed, it WAS 20yrs ago (ugh, showing my age, blah lol) and I didn't stay in that line of work.

Much appreciated!
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no one has any ideas?????
Tips? Tricks?
Hiya I have never used this line but the key to mineral makeup is "less is more"

tips ;

to get heavier coverage use a damp sponge and cover the areas which require it i.e rosacea.

then use a good quality kabuki brush and buff the minerals into your skin in circular movements.

the pots normally have a little sticker over the holes for shaking the product out. Do NOT remove the sticker just pierce a few holes to get a little shaken out at a time.

As your brush gains more product over the days you will use less product from the pot.

PRACTICE PRACTICE AND PRACTICE AGAIN building up the coverage until you get your required effect.

mineral makeup is brilliant but too much is always horrible.

try you tube hun :green:,
i dont really know too mch about mineral cosmetics ,the only ones i have got is true colors from usa , which are fab but am only just getting to grips with it myself
am doing a friend tonite coz i want to put some pics on my website ,if it turns out ok , lol

found one
YouTube - ~SWEET & INNOCENT BRIDAL WEDDING make up look~
its a girl someone on here told us about , shes fab xxx
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Thanks a million ladies!!

I'm hoping the makeup is good enough and that I come to grips with it, to have a nice flawless makeup for my wedding with superb coverage.
And coverage is really the only problem I have, due to rosacea and avoiding that dreaded 'line' at the jaw, know what I mean?

crossing fingers and watching for the postman!

If the mineral makeup is the right colour for you there should be no line at the jaw because it should match your skintone perfectly:hug:
I understand what you're saying....
But I've bought tonnes of makeup over the years, (done my course), which I have repeatedly matched to the skin on my neck (because with the rosacea, my face is red, so matching it there is pointless).

And I know when it's done properly, no matter what brand, there shouldnt be a 'line'....
maybe it's just me and I'm paranoid and think I see one?

Crossing my fingers..
Have heard a great many things about mineral makeup.
Just crossing fingers I haven't got all excited over something that won't do what I hope it will (which is hide the rosacea and give me the complexion I had at 19yrs)

giant hugs and thanks for answering
I can't believe the prices of makeup, etc in the Us and Canada. I buy Lililolo mineral makeup, which I love, but the price of one foundation is the same as your whole set incuding the brushes! I realise the pots in yours are probably much smaller than mine, but still!

However, rant over. If you use any kind of moisuriser, you must put it on at least 20 mins before you put on your makeup. I also have a very red face and I use a green mineral powder concealer before the foundation. It really is effective and totally disguises all the redness. There doesn't appear to be one in the kit Victoria, so if I were you I really would consider ordering one too. My skin is very sensitive and I've had no trouble with any kind of breakouts using Lililolo.

You get a really good coverage with mineral makeup, and just keep blending with the kabuki brush and I think you will be very pleased.

Hope it works well for you!
Hi marion!

I've actually been doing further research regarding Mineral Makeup and all the possible 'distributors/companies" and there are actually quite a few of them retailing for VERY reasonable prices! And they're even good product, without the nasty bismuth (or however that's spelled, too lazy to check right now LOL)

I still have't received my kit and am watching the postman with anticipation (the old goat probably thinks I've the hots for him or something, by now haha)

Yes, I'm aware re: the green. I didn't want to add another product to my order without at first seeing what it was all about. Didnt' want something that might not appeal to me.
IF it goes well, then most definately, I"ll get the green.

Have been thinking about becoming a distributor for Mineral Makeup to my clients, as many of them offer special rates and labelling for those that wish to do so; when you buy in bulk.
So.. entertaining that idea, and researching it.
If that makeup does well for me, I know a TONNE of people that will be interested, and I'm sure I could find more.

So, lots to think on. Lots to try.
Shall keep you posted and MANY thanks for your responses!!

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