which acrylic on white tips?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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hi not sure if this has been asked before but when a client wants white tips and acrylic which colour acrylic do you use? clear, pink or either?

kaz24 said:
hi not sure if this has been asked before but when a client wants white tips and acrylic which colour acrylic do you use? clear, pink or either?


I have seen it done either way.

I would probably recommend using the pink in zones 2 and 3 and use clear over the tip. Otherwise it won't be a clean look. HTH
hi, i cant give expert advice as i dont know to much myself but from training experience i have found claer acrylic to be best eith white tips as the pink going on the white makes it look funny

hope this is of some help
well ive used pink gel on white tips and it looked ok, so thought maybe it might be ok for white tips and l&p.


kalchis said:
hi, i cant give expert advice as i dont know to much myself but from training experience i have found claer acrylic to be best eith white tips as the pink going on the white makes it look funny

hope this is of some help
hi, maybe it was just the way i was doing it then as i found it looked discoloured when the pink went over the tip so now i always use clear for that bit, have a play with it as everyone is diferent and see what you think
wel ive only ever done pink with natural tips and have bought clear but not used it yet. Not sure if i should offer this on my list if ive never used it!I was going to start off with white tips and pink but wasnt sure whether that was the correct thing to do

Thanks for the advice


kalchis said:
hi, maybe it was just the way i was doing it then as i found it looked discoloured when the pink went over the tip so now i always use clear for that bit, have a play with it as everyone is diferent and see what you think
I think it all depends on what the client wants and perhaps what would suit them best. I tend to use clear on white tips myself.
When using clear acrylic polymer, is it the same process as pink? What i mean is are you still looking for the wet sugar type of consistency as pink?

Yeh I guess so. Sometimes I have a little play before I apply just to get the feel.

Does that help?

kaz24 said:
When using clear acrylic polymer, is it the same process as pink? What i mean is are you still looking for the wet sugar type of consistency as pink?

yeah its been a big help although slightly nervous about offering it if i havent used it yet! But then again i should really go for it and see what happens! Should i listen to the cautious side of me or go for it?

If you use clear on the tip and then a pink in zone 2 and 3 this will stop the pink cloudiness on the tip that you get when using pink all over. Everything is the same with the bead etc. You just need to remember which pot is which when applying as sometimes you can go for the wrong one.
i use clear powder when using white tips, unless the customer asks for pink, which i apply in zone 2 and 3.
I use creative pink and use it all over. :)
so i used both then? Ok well i'll have to practise on myself first before i offer it to people as i'm not confident!

Thanks for your help!

I usually use creative perfect pink on the nail bed then creative clear over the tip whether im using white tips or natural. But ive recently found that some tecs put pink over the white tip too, I like clear over the tip personally but its down to what the client prefers- i had a client ask for pink all over the other day cos thats what her last tech did and she said she liked it that way!! Id just say its was down to preferance really.
i dont use creative but i'll have a practise with the clear after ive moved and see how i get on with it!


White tips gave me the confidence I needed to do smile lines and I know it sounds stupid, but I always but a small white bead on my white tips - this way you don't see the contact shadow either. It then meant that I could systematically practice smile lines using white powder without any uneveness showing up.

When I'm demoing at the shows, people always ask "why on earth are you putting white powder on white tips?!" And I always say - any chance I get to practice smiles with white!! Why not? With clear you can never really camouflage the contact area shadow anyway.

Have I opened a can of worms??!! xxx
i agree with mandini, the ghost shadow can never b disguised properly by clear or pink alone.
ok mandini opened the can, & i'm now gonna spill the contents all over the table!
in my opinion, white tips should be saved for fabric nails only, as this is the only system that needs them to create a smile line.
liquid & powder & gel systems both have white products designed to create the smile line/free edge.
i understand that when you are 1st qualified, the smile lines you produce may not be what you're happy with.
the temptation is to use white tips to give a "professional" look immediately...

however, if you introduce your new clients to a clean perfect smile line when you start out, when is it going to b a good time to change over to free-hand smile lines?
mandini's idea of putting a small bead of white on your white tip at least gives you the practise to perfect your smile lines.

the biggest gripe i have with white stick on tips is, they don't look good on everyone. ie, if your natural nail beds are like mine (& mandini's!), then white stick on tips with shorten them even more :eek:
liza x
Yeah i agree thats the problem with white tips they dont always fit everyone so tend not to look that good on everyone.
I think my tastes have changed over the last 2 years when i first started out I used to always wear long white tips all the time, then i went on to my glitter stilletto's I actually found that through doing them my smiles lines are alot easier and dont bother me any more. I do prefer using white acrylic when doing french because it gives a softer, natural look, i use clear velocity tips instead of natural tips though. Saying that though i still use the white tips too.
As i am not exactly 100% with pink l&p yet should i just offer natural tips with pink for now and then introduce this later? I want to offer as much as poss but dont want to try something that im not familiar with yet!


Jinxx said:
Yeah i agree thats the problem with white tips they dont always fit everyone so tend not to look that good on everyone.
I think my tastes have changed over the last 2 years when i first started out I used to always wear long white tips all the time, then i went on to my glitter stilletto's I actually found that through doing them my smiles lines are alot easier and dont bother me any more. I do prefer using white acrylic when doing french because it gives a softer, natural look, i use clear velocity tips instead of natural tips though. Saying that though i still use the white tips too.

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