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  1. K

    Allergic reaction? Psorisis? Help!

    Issue has been resolved.
  2. K

    Frazzled hair extensions, help!

    So, I had a microweave fitted last week (real hair) and was loving it up until my first wash and blow dry. My straighteners have been on the blink and over-heated and burnt my hair extensions. I had no choice but to cut out the burnt bits, but the rest of it feels so dry and frazzled :( Are...
  3. A

    Dry hair extensions

    I have a micro ring weft applied it’s been in since the beginning of April and it’s so dry and tangled and gets matted 10 minutes after brushing and sheds like crazy the hair has halved in thickness since having it in I use the beauty works shampoo, conditioner, mask and leave in conditioner...