Coupon advertising, can you make it work for your salon?


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Sep 28, 2012
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beverly hills
Coupon advertising has its pros and its cons. The aim of this article is to give salon owners some guidance on how to make coupon advertising work for their salon business rather than against it.
Starting with the deal itself coupon advertisers are going to want you to offer a promotion on your highest value services. Their aim is to overwhelm new customers with VALUE.
Perhaps you've been burnt by this form of advertising in the past and just don't want to go back there. I completely understand... but the people that run these sites are making a tone of money for a reason.
What's the reason?
They have a massive database that they are offering MASSIVE VALUE to.
OK so lesson number one is to copy them!!!
If you offer customers massive value you build a large following really quickly.
Next lesson...
Take a look at the offers they are promoting and try a variation that suits your salon business. You'll find that you don't need to offer your variation of a salon promo for as little and people will still see your offer as value packed.
Now you can choose to create your own promotional campaign to get more clients in your salon doors or you can take advantage of the massive database of clients that coupon sites will have.
So let's imagine you do join up. Make sure you keep your deal as short as possible -i.e. 3 months maximum. You really don't want to drag out a voucher system.
Make sure that you either offer something that either a new staff member can do or a junior staff member can do.
What you should be aiming to do is build their customer base.
With this aim in mind you should make sure that you have a follow up offer that is exclusive to coupon customers, that you recommend to them.
Yes it maybe another discounted treatment offering however, it will mean that your staff will be in contact with them again and that they can start to build a rapport with this coupon customer and hopefully recommend extra services or retail products. So a discounted course of some sort would be ideal to offer your new customer.
If you haven't created a follow on offer for your new customer then your business will suffer under the coupon system.
Therefore, it is probably a good idea to incentivize the staff member/s who will be carrying out the voucher deal. Create targets around this specific deal and keep your staff on track by creating a system to monitor the number of customers who take up your follow on offer.
Also, and this is huge... get your customer's details! You want their name, address, email address and phone number-preferably mobile.
Because you want to continue marketing to them, that's why!
Once this type of marketing campaign has ended you want to make sure that you sit down and measure how things went.
There is absolutely no point in running any marketing campaign without measuring your results.
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