Business name


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How about
B Beautyliscious

Any thoughts? X
Not making a dig or anything, but if you are so indecisive about a business name (which isn't hugely important at the beginning) are you sure you are ready to start your own business?
Thanks hun, but Just because I'm indecisive about a name, I personally don't believe it means I am Not ready! I am very sure I am! I have been doing beauty for 8 years and have now decided to branch out alone.
Just looking for people's opinions on name's! We all need opinions at times an this is exactly what all the beautiful Geeks on here are for!! :) it's not like I am asking how to do a manicure for example!

Thank you
Just wanted to make sure that you realise you're going to have to make much harder decisions than a name when embarking down the self employed road ;)

Personally I think Beauty at your Bec & call is genius, albeit a tad long!
A few suggestions:

Honey B's
Becca's Honey B's
Beautiful Honey B's
B Beautiful (with the 2 B's back to back)

Anyone like any?

I started with be beautiful, but have trimmed it down to Be...
My treatment menu reads be....beautiful (facials) be......smooth (waxing) be..... high brow (Brow treatments) be....happy everafter (bridal services) be........relaxed (massage)
I defo like be beautiful as you could use the butterfly for your logo and it gives you lots of scope for advertising etc....the domain name be beautiful has gone but I used bebeautifulmoraira (the town I am based) you could do the same adding where ever you live on the end of bebeautiful. Good luck what ever you choose, I spent ages coming up with mine and loads of friends said that they werent sure about it but I went with my gut feeling.
When I was trying to come up with a name my sister in law came up with skin and tonic which is fab.
Just wanted to make sure that you realise you're going to have to make much harder decisions than a name when embarking down the self employed road ;)

Personally I think Beauty at your Bec & call is genius, albeit a tad long!

I know that I have a long hard road ahead and I'm ready for it and excited!
I know I will also come across things harder (however, I will only be mobile and won't have to employ anyone, so that's one less thing to worry about! Lol) but I feel a name is something you can get opinions on and that's what I'm looking for!

Thanks for your view on Beauty at your Bec & Call! I also like this, just feel it's a bit long, didn't really want anything longer than 2-3 words max!
I started with be beautiful, but have trimmed it down to Be...
My treatment menu reads be....beautiful (facials) be......smooth (waxing) be..... high brow (Brow treatments) be....happy everafter (bridal services) be........relaxed (massage)
I defo like be beautiful as you could use the butterfly for your logo and it gives you lots of scope for advertising etc....the domain name be beautiful has gone but I used bebeautifulmoraira (the town I am based) you could do the same adding where ever you live on the end of bebeautiful. Good luck what ever you choose, I spent ages coming up with mine and loads of friends said that they werent sure about it but I went with my gut feeling.
When I was trying to come up with a name my sister in law came up with skin and tonic which is fab.

Thanks Hun

Haha I like "skin and tonic" but if i was to have that, anyone that knows me knows gin and tonic is my tipple! Lol!
Hi Gamoureyes

I agree with you that getting opinions on the name is a good idea, it shows good market research. I once came up with some names that just had friends and family in fits of laughter :o

The beauty of SG is the market research is free :D and comes from the experts.

Kathie x
Hi Gamoureyes

I agree with you that getting opinions on the name is a good idea, it shows good market research. I once came up with some names that just had friends and family in fits of laughter :o

The beauty of SG is the market research is free :D and comes from the experts.

Kathie x

Definitely, thanks Kathie! I have done lots of market research, as believe it or not, that is my full time job.... I work in market research! Lol! X
Ooooooh you shouldn't have admitted that, I may have lots of questions for you in the future LOL x
Ooooooh you shouldn't have admitted that, I may have lots of questions for you in the future LOL x

Oooooo nooooooo!!!! Haha x
If you like 'Beauty at your bec and call' but think its too long how about

Bec and Call beauty
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I will add this to my short list! Thank you!
Words I like (or variations of these words) are:

Elegant / elegance
Angel / Angelic
Pure / Purity
Glam / Glamour / Glamourous
Bliss / Blissful
I think Bec and Call Beauty is fantastic. JA beat me to the punch ;) Original and fun! all the other words you have listed tend to be very traditional. How do you view yourself? I love retro and diff things so my business name is
Rock 'n' Beauty. Young people love it as doesnt sound dowdy. If you are going to have majority older clients traditional maybe the way to go.
Am pleased so many of you like 'Beauty at Your Bec & Call' :)
I guess it is a tad long for an actual biz name but could maybe work as the strap line...
Becca's Blissful Beauty?
How about Blissfull ... then as a strapline beauty at you bec and call?? Not sure.. you any closer to a decision??x
Getting closer hun! Lol! But gonna sit down and have a brainstorming session tomorrow as I finish work early, so hoping to come up with something this week :) I really appreciate everyone's help with this :) I registered as self employed today, so getting excited now! :)
Thoughts on...



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