Course Advice needed!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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North Yorkshire
Hi, I found this website about a week ago and think it is great. I am currently doing a essentail nails course (L&P) which I am really enjoying. I realise this course isn't enough to make me a nail technician and I have a ton of more stuff to learn before I come anywhere near good enough to charge people for nails! Due to my many restraints at the mo the easiest way for me to learn is at home. There are many many reasons for this which will bore the pants off you all so I shall try to keep this short. I have been looking for a more in depth course to do when I complete my essentail nails course. I came across an ICS Nail Tech course. Website is (and just search courses for Nail Technician) if anyone wants to take a look. Does anyone have any views on this type of course? Ideally I would like to get a formal qualification in nails but no colleges in my local area seem to do any of the courses I have read about in threads on this website. I also have the added problem of living in a pretty rural area and not being able to drive! I am learning but lack of money has put the lessons on hold for the time being. So any advice would be much appreciated!
Hi matey

You 'aint going to want to hear this but here goes!!

I trained with a small Local company originally in l+p came away thinking great I am a nail technician now...!

Found this website a few weeks later......EEEEEEK i didnt no ANYTHING!

So ...i now have the learning bug....I have trained with Bio & Creative...TRY to attend all the shows read Scratch and Professional Beauty for all the top Tech tips and tutorials and i still feel like a ROOKIE compared to most of the people on this site!!

I know its hard sometimes if you cant fit in training and 'home' study is your only option......but you can not find anything better than 1-1 training or seeing how to apply products in the flesh!

Get yourself to Excel in London at the end Feb and pick up loads of info and watch all the demos etc. You may come away with a different outlook and will certainly be inspired! Sorry hadnt intended this to be soooo long!!


Hi Jess
I am sorry to hear that you feel the Home Learn course is not preparing you thoroughly to be a nail technician. The home learn courses have been specifically developed to train to a very high standard, it is one of the only course that insist on the student completing 300 nails before assessment take place. It really is practice that makes perfect. We are very different to all other companies in the industry, in our belief that students can learn better at their own speed and training out of the classroom does work. Last year we trained 3000 students and one of our student, who trained solely with us won the professional beauty 2004 gel competitions at excel. The reason Ivan gave for this was that the ENP home learn course is such a technically based course it gave him the skills to create great nails. We really want all our students to succeed and become competent nail technicians and will do all we can to help them achieve their full potential. We do have a student support coach who can offer you unlimited technical help and I help with the more practical business career advice. It would be great if we could either talk by email or phone and see how we can help you achieve. Using sites like the nail geek site are invaluable to sourcing out industry info and pick up tips and hints from other working technicians and this will add to your industry knowledge, but I promise you home learn is a great training source and once you are assessed and have gained certification you will be able to service paying customers with confidence and earn a good income like many of our previous students.
Hi, Thank you for your replies. As I said above I am really enjoying the course, it's just I don't feel personally for ME that I would be able to call myself a professional nail tech after one course. I want to learn all the systems and only began to realise all there is to learn after finding this website to be honest. I think my course is a great introduction to the world of nails, and probabily one of the best I could of chose to do at home (this being why I chose it) Hope I didn't sound negtive about the teaching methods or any other part of the course as this wasn't intended. I just like the idea of doing as many courses as I can to try and get a good rounded knowledge of what is appearing to be quite a complicated business!
Hi Jess, I really pleased you are keen to learn as much as possible in the nail industry, this is a sign of a true proffessional. Keep going with the good work, take full advantage of books and site stuff written by real experts in the business as well. If we can support or help in anyway just call or email Essential Nails
Hiya and welcome, you could give Creative Nail Design a ring, they can send you some info, or do a search for Creative on here, you'll find loads of threads. Its the only company i can recommend as its the only company i have used and i was so impressed with the training, products and the aftercare/support whenever i ring them i feel like i am chatting to a friend, they are so approachable. I am sure you will get all the answers to your questions on here, best of luck xxx
Hi Angie, Thanks for your advice. I have already asked them to send me their course info after reading all the good stuff about them on this site! Not sure if it will fit in with family life but wheres theres a will theres a way!
Oh, forgot to ask, am I right in thinking they do training in Leicester? I notice thats where you are from, it is not too far from me. I am sort of in between Peterborough and Leicester.

i am doing the essential nails acrylic sculpting course at the moment and find it great it fits in with the family and i am practising loads. previously i did a four day gel course with star nails and definately found it grat to work with other people and discuss things the trainer was great. in the future i hope to do an ezflow or creative course. but essential nails is great for building confidence in your work and getting a feel for nails also their support is excellent.
I am def enjoying the course and am really glad I decided to do it. I think maybe I was a bit nieve when I started it as thought I would do the course and be able to charge people for nails! It's a bit overwhelming when you realise how much there is too it all! I try to do an hour while my 2 year old is asleep in the afternoon and sneak a bit in at night too.
you find that once you start training in nails it becomes an addiction(bit like this site) you just keep doing more courses and wanting more info
jess124 said:
Oh, forgot to ask, am I right in thinking they do training in Leicester? I notice thats where you are from, it is not too far from me. I am sort of in between Peterborough and Leicester.
Hiya, i couldnt get a fdfc in leicester so i went to nottingham, not to far away. I have 3 kids so i was in a bit of a state as to when i would fit it in, and the kids where off for half term so my hubby booked a couple of days off work holiday and drove me there, then i booked into a hotel overnight so he wouldnt have to keep picking me up and dropping me off, the hotel was quite cheep and it saved alot of messing about, it was a stones throw away from the salon and it was nice to have a break from the house/kids etc. The lady who taught me was Trisha from nottingham and she was so lovely. Good luck in what you decide, but i'd say go for it, it has changed my life honestly...take a look at the thread My Dilema and all will be explained....xxxxx
hi if you are unsure and would like a choice of systems you may like to try ezflow . I have used creative for a number of years and recently converted, i was very pleased with the results!!! maria tel number is 01204 412001 or feel free to email me [email protected]. Glad you find the site useful!!
sorry message should read hotmail!!!!
hiya geeks,

may i just say sorry to whom ever i have offended as i have just recvd negative reps for my post,??? apparantly i am trying to sell. Sorry i thought i was just giving some advise about training, as i said i cant give advise on the other makes as i have'nt used them, i can only go on what i know. Sorry again if i have done something wrong, it wasnt my intention to upset anyone.xxxx
angie, you have not done anything wrong
when you use a certain product and have had positive experiences with it then,
then you should not be penalised for recommending it.....everyone on here uses different products and have trained with different companies if yours was good "which it obviously was" then you are going to recommend it, dont worry about other people hun,
its been discussed here before and on another thread "beauty secrets" no-one is being penalised for recommending various beauty products,
if things work wonderfully for you, you want to shout it from the roof tops,
ignore the negative and think about the positive.............which is what you have brought to this site
hiya joanne, thank you very much it means alot, i feel so much better now, i am a bit of a sensitive soal, if anyones got some nice thick skin i could borrow. lol thanks again joanne what you said was real nice. xxx
Hi babe,
I read and re-read your post and I can't see what is wrong with it............I got thick skin lol......... you can have some of mine lol.............Joanne is spot on xxxx
I read and re-read your post and I can't see what is wrong with it
me too ... I have converted to creative and love it and the fabulous Samantha :) and I shout it from the rooftops lol The care and impartial advice that I have received from this brilliant company is wonderful. In my opinion angie you have trained with the best so dont be afraid to say it. :hug: for you
ia am sure that there is afoundation in leicester, ellisions run by jane cook?

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