Do We Accept Second Best Too Quickly?


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Mrs Geek said:
Patience, dedication, hard slog and more important than anything...THE PERFECT MODEL.... this is what will make you ALL winners if competition is the path you choose!!!

Hi Mrs. Geek.

With all respect to those who compete, I know they are excellent nailtechs, BUT I think it is very strange that so much of the competition is about finding the perfect model. For me, it is most difficult to do good nails on a nailbiter, a person with very flat and wide nailbeds or someone with poor nails/hands than a person with perfect nails. Why isn't the competition about "improvement" from the worst case? (Oh my God, did you understand that?) :) This is what I am dealing with the most of my day, not those perfect nails/nailbeds.

About the "everyday-nails". In my opinion it is not only in the UK you can see those very bad nails. I have customers who travel a lot. Some of them have had their nails done when abroad. For the first, they have not staied on for more than a couple of days and for the second, they do look very bad: "bumpy" and very thick. Nobody of my customers wants to do their nails abroad anymore. They either come home to me after 4 weeks or they wait, sometimes 6-8 weeks to do their nails with me.

I too think ongoing training is very important. I always think it shows when you go to an old fashioned hair salon. It's not that they don't have the ability, it's that they are not up to the minute with the new techniques and trends. Likewise with nails.
Cec said:
Hi Mrs. Geek.

With all respect to those who compete, I know they are excellent nailtechs, BUT I think it is very strange that so much of the competition is about finding the perfect model. For me, it is most difficult to do good nails on a nailbiter, a person with very flat and wide nailbeds or someone with poor nails/hands than a person with perfect nails. Why isn't the competition about "improvement" from the worst case? (Oh my God, did you understand that?) :) This is what I am dealing with the most of my day, not those perfect nails/nailbeds.

About the "everyday-nails". In my opinion it is not only in the UK you can see those very bad nails. I have customers who travel a lot. Some of them have had their nails done when abroad. For the first, they have not staied on for more than a couple of days and for the second, they do look very bad: "bumpy" and very thick. Nobody of my customers wants to do their nails abroad anymore. They either come home to me after 4 weeks or they wait, sometimes 6-8 weeks to do their nails with me.


Cec I quite agree with you... I know the UK isn't the only country to have teks doing below-par work... I hope I didn't imply that from the beginning; there are many within the global nail industry who shouldn't probably be practising! As to perfect model nails... again, I feel your are correct...isn't it about taking something ugly and making it beautiful?? This is what the excellent Antony Buckley was discussing with the USA Salon Success competition; I think however you will always find that PERECT MODEL NAILS will rule when it comes to truly outstanding WINNING nails because at the end of the day, they look the most gorgeous!! We also had this discussion a while ago when it came to magazine nail advertisments...beautiful hands or REAL hands... that is the question!
Zoe Pocock has been entering comps for a long time... the one time she placed, the organizers screwed up and gave her 4th place rather than third... what a blow to her confidence!! Even after they had admitted the mistake they would not rectify it... why?? who knows!! Zoe was so naffed off she had almost made up her mind NOT to enter again... I am so glad that she is still entering!! Liza Smith followed behind Ketan and Denise for a period of time but eventually stepped up the barr to come out and win!! Zoe too will one day be up there!!

I have only entered a novice which I came second and got awarded third. Excel was my second comp and the nailympics was my third comp not that I am bitter but being given the wrong placing when you have the highest score is rather annoying. I know i wasn't alone but even so. But I am not sure if that is a long time in doing nail comps though Mrs Geek. Although it does feel like it.
zpocock said:
I have only entered a novice which I came second and got awarded third. Excel was my second comp and the nailympics was my third comp not that I am bitter but being given the wrong placing when you have the highest score is rather annoying. I know i wasn't alone but even so. But I am not sure if that is a long time in doing nail comps though Mrs Geek. Although it does feel like it.

Sorry if I didn't get my facts exactly right... I did know how naffed off you were three times isn't forever is it... still, if I had come 2nd I would have wanted everyone to know... keep truckin' as they say!!!
Just to share abit on what i know...

In Japan, every nail technician have to sit for 3 levels of exams conducted by a non- government body call JNA- Japan Nailist Association. The amazing thing is that the exam is so damm difficult. Normally, the first Level exam have about 12,000 nail techs sitting for it and only 4,500 will pass. Can you imagine that? However, the second and third level will have higher passing rates.
conceptnailz said:
Just to share abit on what i know...

In Japan, every nail technician have to sit for 3 levels of exams conducted by a non- government body call JNA- Japan Nailist Association. The amazing thing is that the exam is so damm difficult. Normally, the first Level exam have about 12,000 nail techs sitting for it and only 4,500 will pass. Can you imagine that? However, the second and third level will have higher passing rates.

and that's where the NVQ system irks me because it's almost impossible to fail it, and I think exams with most nail suppliers have an incredibly high pass rate too, so our education system is pretty well advocating lower standards!
this is a fab thread and has certainly got us all thinking!

does it seem that to win you must know the judges to know what they are looking for?, and adapt?
what product range do the guys from japan etc use?... is it any better than ours,
We have used international judges for olympia and not local judges to the circuit?
Do the judges know b 4 the comp who has entered? and who is whos model?

competion nails are differnt to salon nails... so why do we consider that we are thinking all our second best? There are some very good tecs and trainners who do not compete, which is there choice who time again deliever fabbio nails to clients and tecs................................. through there choice do not compete... i would not ever consider there nails to be second best!
heres hoping that the new standards will change that ....we can live in hope!
Sassy Hassy said:
and that's where the NVQ system irks me because it's almost impossible to fail it, and I think exams with most nail suppliers have an incredibly high pass rate too, so our education system is pretty well advocating lower standards!
absolutly fab! said:
this is a fab thread and has certainly got us all thinking!

does it seem that to win you must know the judges to know what they are looking for?, and adapt?
what product range do the guys from japan etc use?... is it any better than ours,
We have used international judges for olympia and not local judges to the circuit?
Do the judges know b 4 the comp who has entered? and who is whos model?

competion nails are differnt to salon nails... so why do we consider that we are thinking all our second best? There are some very good tecs and trainners who do not compete, which is there choice who time again deliever fabbio nails to clients and tecs................................. through there choice do not compete... i would not ever consider there nails to be second best!

Great thread I have to add.....cheers Samantha xxx
Well with all the competitions I have attended, Pro Beauty UK ones I have to add, we have never known who the judges where...... not until we got the scoresheets with their names written on them......Something that I think is a bit silly.....why keep it so secret ???...

At the Nailympics this was not the case, we knew who the judges where, and they all have incredible system knowledge...........these judges are the cream of the industry......I know that the Fibreglass category was judged by judges that do know the fibreglass system inside out and know how the prefect fibreglass nail should look like......and what can be achieved using this system.....

Judges should look for, system clarity, perfect balance, prefect tip placement if tips are being used, amongst other thing, but they are also looking for incredible consistency.....
Every nail has to be perfect and all should look absolutely the same in structure , shape and form.....

This is something I feel the USA and Japan have down to a T....they are very consistens in a competition and that is what gives them the winning edge....
This is something I am striving for......Finding the formula that makes me a Nailympics winner and then stick to it with a vengeance....

It doesn't matter who's system you use, if you can't show that your work is consistant than the best system in the world is not going to make you a winner........ Perfect Consistency will..............

The judges at the Nailympics are not aware at the time of judging, who's nails they are judging..... they judge blind, they cannot see the models faces, all they get to see are the hands......This is also the case with our competitions....

Salon nails and Competition nails are very different, a Salon nail is build to last and to enhance the clients hands....
The Competition nail, is a nail that is build to perfection on a model with a perfect nail canvas, it is very fragile because it is build for look and sleekness...

This is a bit like Catwalk fashion, the fashion you see on a catwalk during a fashion show is amazing, the models are stunning, but it is for show, to show off creative talent and the way it is shown is fantastic, but not always right for every day...i.e. who wears a see through blouse or shirt in Tescos ???.....the winning formula in fashion is the WOW look, the make up and the nails lol....
Then after a fashion show the look is taken and adapted for high street sales and to be worn by every person of every shape and size.....

This is the same with Competition nails, you create the ultimate set of nails, perfect in look, shape and form...... then this is the adapted to every day use in the salon.... A competition will skill the Technician into producing the best set of Salon nails, with the consistency required by a competion winning set of nails......
So I am not being disrespectful to Technicians that choose not to compete, because this is not everybody's cup of tea.......
But I know personally that competing has made me so much more critical to my own standard of work..and has given me the knowledge to look at my nails in 3D rather than the overall appearance.. . and I would love to say my work is consistent from the first set I do to the last, but is it in all honesty...????.... No i don't think so...... my nails are not second best, not by a long shot, but they are not always consistent either.......because I do nails for real people too, people that at the last minute tell me they have to be out in xyz minutes, because they have a video conference or a business meeting, so the carefull checking of the line of light goes out the window...and I will do the best to my ability in the time allowed , thats something competing has taught me too, time pressure .... but I know that if I can get to that winning formula, adapt it to my salon nails then every client will get a consistent nail even if the pressure is on !!!!!

I am working on it with gusto xxxx or what ever his name is.....
Excellent response Ruth.... how to clarify something simply... the Fashion Week analogy is perfect... whoever wears what we see on the catwalks of FW?? one apart from possibly Isabelle Blow... the clothes are tailored for REAL PEOPLE just like salon nails are tailored for the real everyday person doing real everyday things...

Nearly every tek responding to this thread claims that they always try for 100% in their work on their clients (and I believe them) ... now all we need is the other 99% of the industry to follow suit!! I have high hopes........:) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have sat for the last couple of months feeling very second best about my nails and not pushed myself business wise coz i had this feeling that I wasnt good enough. I am not good enough - YET - but I now know that with hard work and more training and practice I will be. I looked at comp nails and nail mags and my idols and just thought that they were that good coz they are a natural at it - now I know that its through hard hard work and training.

I was also thinking of the fashion analogy re clothes and hair that they do the extreme and then tailor it for the high street adn this is the same for nails.
I dont think I have one client with model nail beds so every one is a challenge.

Samantha I have read this thread over several days and thought long and hard and have realised that I WAS nearly accepting second best because I thought that was probably all I was capable of - now I am not! :hug:
*Jo* said:
Samantha I have read this thread over several days and thought long and hard and have realised that I WAS nearly accepting second best because I thought that was probably all I was capable of - now I am not! :hug:

Well done you Jo, we all have to start at the beginning and I know where you're coming from xx

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