Flat Nails?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Tunisia but ex Essex Gal!
Hi guys im probably being really thick here so do excuse me! I have just had someone call to book an appointment through a referral of another lady i do which is great as its my first 'word of mouth' referral and i want to do my best but she said i must stress that i like flat nails? what does she mean by flat nails? thanks in advance x x
I can only presume she means not too thick nails?!
Blimey - she could mean anything :irked:
We'll never second guess her - you'll have to talk it through with her

Clients say the most misleading things......one of mine says she wants bare nails by which she means a sheer polish like Negligee by Creative - since when is polished nails 'bare nails'????????? :smack: :lol:

Still............. ya gotta luv em! :D
thanks for the replies can anyone help pleeeaassee xx

Without your consultation and speaking to the client as a guess maybe she means she doesn't want an exaggerated c-curve? If this is the case and she dislikes a c-curve even a slight one then you will have to explain about the strength, weak spots etc and advise her they must be quite short. I have seen some techs work and the c-curves are really exaggerated look kind of hooky to me :!:maybe she has experienced this?
She is probably going to be more suited to a very thin natural overlay but with out thorough consultation your not going to know get her to draw you what she means or show you on your nails that may help.
Thanks Tracy now youve said it i think that may be what she means x

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