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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2005
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Tenterden, Kent
I went to dinner last night with some girls I am going on holiday with in 10 days time. One of them, that I dont know very well (a friend of one of the others) asked me where I get my nails done. I said I do them myself.... She then showed me her poor nails. Ooooh goodness, what a mess!:eek:
She had them put on by this NSS salon, has had two infils with them, and now has had them removed. £45, £30,£30 and £15 respectively!! She now has such obvious ridges in her nails, they are thin and painful and she has had cuts down the sides also. They drilled her nail beds until the heat was such that she yelped. When they took them off, they didnt soak them, they just cut them down and then picked off the product. They put on clear varnish but it didnt hide the mess her nails have become.
Her daughter has been going there for months. She caught a nail the other day and it ripped off the top layers of her natural nail together with the enhancement.
My message here, is that this is what she thought was the NORM! If you want long nails then you have to put up with pain and discomfort. You can never not have them because from now on your natural nails are ruined!
I sincerely think that it is such a shame this happens. Some of the employees in these salons are extremely talented with their application techniques. WHY OH WHY do they let themselves down?!
Anyway, she is coming to me on Monday. She wants gel this time as she found the acrylic too hard (I wonder why.....?????!!!!!) I have told her that she will almost definitely experience the heat as the Brisa gel cures! We have also allowed 2.5hrs to get it right.
Well, I am glad I have got that off my chest. I just feel we are all being tarred with the same brush. What do you guys think?
Sounds like you just got yourself a couple of new clients hun, well done. This is a chance to educate your new clients as to what they should be looking for from a nail technician as well as the damage that can be done fromcutting corners and using tools inappropriatey.

Try putting the nails in the glow of the lamp they make take longer to cure but will not cause as much burning to her,.

good luck
If you build up the Brisa in thinner layers, then after the first layer, she shouldnt feel much heat if any. Remember that Brisa is much more of a cool gel than most .. one of the big advantages of using it!

I do not think we're all being tarred with the same brush and it is a great opportunity for you to show off to this person just how nurturing and careful of the natural nails you can be. She will tell everyone for sure and this is how people learn.

It is a shame but it has always been so (when have standards EVER been equal in any industry???) and there are plenty of discerning women out there as well as plenty of ignorant ones. Many, sadly, have to learn the hard way for various reasons... the usual one is that they want something on the cheap and this is the result.
Oh that's a good idea. I didn't know if it would fully cure the gel that way. Would you give it 2x2mins? Thats why I left an extra hour to do them.
Oops my reply is in the wrong order!! Computer went funny for a bit.. She wasnt trying to get them cheaply, I think £45 is quite pricey around here. Unfortunately there is very little choice of salons. Two, and they are both NSS. I am not sure if there are any others. Hopefully I can nurture her nails back to health. I guess it will be a few months judging by the depth of the grooves.
Sarajane - Give her a pure fab set of nails and do all us Geeks proud!
I'll try :) ! Can't go wrong with Creative!:)
Hiya...I had the same this this client who had been having her nails done in manchester....moved to Leicester 9 months ago and was doing a round trip every two weeks to get them in-filled !!!! well she came to me this morning and i felt like crying when i saw her poor nails....i have never seen such a mess in my life....i really wanted to take a pic for you but didn't want to make her feel worse by asking if i could.

They were covered in deep ridges from the e-files that had been used in a untrained way...there must have been 5 on each nail...the ones nearer her cuticle were the worst...the tiny bit of length she did have left was very thin and you know what upset me more than anything is that she had the most beautiful long nail beds that i think left alone would grow to be amazing looking nails.

I asked if they had hurt her at all and she said yes but didn't like to say anything cos the owner of the "salon" was so nice !!!!! i bet he was... pushing out crappy nails after causing horrendous damage and charging for the privilege. He also told her his products where the best on the market and from America...? but none of his bottles had labels on...if they are that good why isn't he proudly showing the name of them !!!!

He only ever sprays the white on with an airgun....she was amazed that i did this by hand and it doesn't come off cos its gel. I explained everything i was doing , told her she may have some teething problems due to the damage on her nails....she signed my form so no come backs on me.

It still amazes me how many clients just don't know whats exceptable and what isn't....they sit in pain....they pay over the odds.....why !!!! at least she now knows the difference and can start to enjoy having her nails done, as its supposed to be and not see it as going to the dentist and dreading it.

Looks like we both got new clients from these fools who do nails...he he he. While they keep doing what they are doing we will still be here to put there mistakes right...who's the winner...errrmmmmmm US !!!!!!

luv to all xxxxxx
Don't you find it SO frustrating that the message isn't getting across well enough to the public that you CAN wear nail enhancements without enduring torture on application and ruining your nails! Its sad that a lot of clients come to have their nails done, bracing themselves for pain! (As featured in many threads)

I think we should all e-mail programs like GMTV, This Morning etc and push for them to do a feature educating the public on how the experience SHOULD be in the hands of a skilled, qualified Nail Technician (i.e. Geeks!!)

Well that's my rant over, I'll be e-mailing the above mentioned programs and as many women's magazines as I can think of this week! Its about time the public were educated, don't you agree? Maybe this will help put a stop to shoddy NSS salons.
Here, here Claire. You go girl!! We all SO totally agree. Will be doing the same thing.

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