Hair extension removal issues but only with Blonde


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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
Washington, UK

Hoping some one can help me!!! Have been doing hair extensions for a few years now, dont do as many now as the eyelash side of my business has kinda over took. So just dont get the time.

Anyway I have found the last 3-4 blonde extensions I have removed have been a nightmare darks are fine no probs, but with the blonde extensions I am really struggling to get them out.

Bascially the bonds are breaking down fine and the main part of the extension is sliding out, I then reapply the removal solution and break down with pliers again but the residue doesnt want to come out its as if it is clinging to the hair it will move down slightly then stick again and I have to apply more solution and start again. Its got me so puzzled I had put the other difficult removals to one being over due there for had lots of tangling to work through, another one was having removed at 7 weeks so put it down to bonds still being strong etc.

The girl whose hair I have removed today has looked after her hair so well her bonds were really good still there was no tackiness them at all. She had had them in for 12 weeks exactly. She wants to have them reapplied on sat but both of us are rethinking now if this is how the removal is gonna be.

It has took me nearly 3 hours to remove them I am using the removal solution from additional lengths I think its the same as the one from lush us and its what I would use on all extension removals, as I say the darks are removing fine and I am normally removing in around an hour.

Am completely baffled and I dont like it, has anyone else come across this, the only thing I can think is its the natural hairs poristity with it being blonde are the cuticles more raised therefore making the residue cling to the hair.

Am also wondering if the solution has changed lately as I have only come across this over the last couple of months. The clients have had to different makes of extensions too so I cant tie it too one brand.

If any one has any pearls of wisdom I would be extremely grateful


I found a removal solution from Extensionelle in a spray, and its a wopping 250ml FAB.

I place a cotton pad behind the bonds to catch any over spray and go in twice with pliers, and never get any residue remaining.

Hope this helps xx
Thanks so much I did come across other people mentioning this product when I did search to see if anyone else was having the same problems.

Think I will give it a try thanks very much for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it.


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