Has any one any experience with the Gastric Band


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geeg said:
Yolanda, I had laproscopic RNY and you will only wish you had done it 10 years ago before you got to the pain part of your life. BEST decision I ever made. I lost all the excess weight in one year. (most do) Best thing about it is you really don't feel good if you eat the wrong food so it is easy to keep on the straight and narrow. You loose every week so it is marvelous. I eat REAL food .. no bars or prepared gunk just good wholesome real food (mind you, I always did).

One year and a half later and I am going to my sons wedding in 4 weeks time in a size 12 (and you could double that before) in fact I have lost half my body weight. I have enjoyed every step of the incredible journey. Had the tummy tuck 5 weeks ago and am now sporting the flattest stomach since I was 18!! Considering I am now 40 years older than that I'm pretty excited!!
I keep hearing that, that the people that have it done only wish they had it done sooner...I think I'm going to go through with it this time. I'm going to call my cousin in Chicago, she had it done, and I will be consulting with a few friends of mine that have had it done also to start getting my support in order, and Geeg thank you for the message I know you will be wonderful in supporting me in this endeavor...I've gotten quite excited now!!!
It's been great reading all of your stories, well done LancsLass and thank you Tsia and the other that have had the gastric band op, you have answered some of the nagging questions I had.

I'm having a gastric band done in Brussels on the 13th of June, I had my consultation just over a week ago!

It was really hard hearing that I was shaving 10 years off my life being a BMI of 56 (I don't want to know my weight, not yet anyway as I will only go into a bad depression) I'm 5ft9 and in size 28 clothes, at my heaviest I was in a size 32 clothes! Boy oh boy!!! how the hell did that happen, well, I suffered with depression for years and hide my head in the sand, probably drank too much, way too much, I don't drink much now and for the last 2 years I changed alot of my eating habits (no way perfect, still horrible moments between diets) and started to go to a ladies swim session 3 times a week, now I go everyday but I don't tend to lose too much at all.

I also went to the NHS, went through all the usual routines of failed diets, then to the dietician, no joy! and now after looking into gastic banding for 12 months I decided to pay for it myself after the NHS not being willing to help me.

I went out yesterday and bought some small plates and bowls that hold exactly 200ml of fluid! so that's my guide to the portion size, I do realise too that I may be full before finishing that size bowl of food!

I don't know if anyone has bought books on the subject, but I bought Carnie Wilsons book called "I'm still hungry" (hungry for love and acceptance) Although she had a gastric bypass it still deals with the same issues as living with gastric band people have. It was so good I finished it in less than 24 hours, really funny, down to earth girl (daughter of Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys) tells her story from pre/post op and reaching her goal, and her appearance in Playboy magazine!

The other book I bought is "Eating well after weight loss surgery" by Patt Levine and Michele Bontempo

Talk soon

Andrea.Willow said:
It's been great reading all of your stories, well done LancsLass and thank you Tsia and the other that have had the gastric band op, you have answered some of the nagging questions I had.

I'm having a gastric band done in Brussels on the 13th of June, I had my consultation just over a week ago!

It was really hard hearing that I was shaving 10 years off my life being a BMI of 56 (I don't want to know my weight, not yet anyway as I will only go into a bad depression) I'm 5ft9 and in size 28 clothes, at my heaviest I was in a size 32 clothes! Boy oh boy!!! how the hell did that happen, well, I suffered with depression for years and hide my head in the sand, probably drank too much, way too much, I don't drink much now and for the last 2 years I changed alot of my eating habits (no way perfect, still horrible moments between diets) and started to go to a ladies swim session 3 times a week, now I go everyday but I don't tend to lose too much at all.

I also went to the NHS, went through all the usual routines of failed diets, then to the dietician, no joy! and now after looking into gastic banding for 12 months I decided to pay for it myself after the NHS not being willing to help me.

I went out yesterday and bought some small plates and bowls that hold exactly 200ml of fluid! so that's my guide to the portion size, I do realise too that I may be full before finishing that size bowl of food!

I don't know if anyone has bought books on the subject, but I bought Carnie Wilsons book called "I'm still hungry" (hungry for love and acceptance) Although she had a gastric bypass it still deals with the same issues as living with gastric band people have. It was so good I finished it in less than 24 hours, really funny, down to earth girl (daughter of Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys) tells her story from pre/post op and reaching her goal, and her appearance in Playboy magazine!

The other book I bought is "Eating well after weight loss surgery" by Patt Levine and Michele Bontempo

Talk soon


Glad your happy with going ahead. Hope all goes well hun.

Ive had my first band fill, but not seeing as much restriction as I thought I would.
I have noticed that I am eating slightly less though, however, I havent lost any more since the initial liquid diet weeks after my op.

Going in for another band fill within the next fortnight.
After that then I hope I will see some improvement.
At my consulation, I was told the band could be filled with anything upto 10ml's of saline solution. However, on my first band fill, I was told that each band was different and mine only could hold a max of 4ml's!! :mad:

I wasnt impressed and thought I had been short changed somehow, but the nurse explained that they fix the band to the same equivelent restriction in everyone. if the band is bigger, they fit it tighter, others with a smaller band capacity fit it around your stomach looser than the others.
I'm still a bit confused but I think I get it. :rolleyes:

If anyone could explain this more then that would be a great help. :)
I wouldnt have it done just think of the risks I kept shaking when I didnt eat although im the right weight went to the docs and had really low blood pressure check in to the docs n have some blood tests taken for diabetes etc as for swimming just get a couple of your mates to go with you for support don't take any notice of the small minded minority they have their own insecurities but having said all that my ex boss male had his doc prescribe some tablets and they worked he lost 6 stone and hasnt looked back
Im on my 4th fill and still havent got the restriction that i want. I have a 5 ml band and have 3.1 in it so far. lost over 3 stone so far but its ben a up hill struggle.
juju said:
I wouldnt have it done just think of the risks I kept shaking when I didnt eat although im the right weight went to the docs and had really low blood pressure check in to the docs n have some blood tests taken for diabetes etc as for swimming just get a couple of your mates to go with you for support don't take any notice of the small minded minority they have their own insecurities but having said all that my ex boss male had his doc prescribe some tablets and they worked he lost 6 stone and hasnt looked back

Thankyou for your opinion, I like to hear what other people think.
However, I think of the risks involved with being overweight itself? Diebetes, high blood pressure, cholestrol, heart attcks, etc.. Not to mention the deppressed feeling you get every time I looked in the mirror.
All obese people have a serious health risk EVERY DAY THEY WAKE UP! :eek:

I get most 'normal' sized people just to tell me to eat healthier, but if it was that easy for us there wouldnt be any 'fat' people in the world and I certainly would have parted with a small fortune for my op. :lol:

I decided to go ahead with the what I call now the DRASTIC BAND as it was my LAST HOPE.

In earlier posts on this thread, I have written about my experience with tablets and all sorts of other ways to lose weight. And all to no avail.
Nothing is permanent when you opt for quick fixes..as proved thats why we say the term Yo Yo dieting. :rolleyes:
I hope your friend has better luck than I did. With some people it suits them, like Lancslass its working for. (how you doing by the way Lancslass?)
Unfortunately it didnt suit me and after some deliberation, and carefull consideration, I opted to pay £8,000 to change my life for the better.

I know that I'm not losing as quickly as I hoped at first, but then, its better to lose it slower, any dietician will tell you that. It takes you at least 5 years to get it all on, so dont think that getting it all off will be any quicker.
And after all, 1lb a week for 52 weeks is 52lb. Over 3 stone a year. Id just be happy with that. AND its permanent. x :) :green:
juju said:
I wouldnt have it done just think of the risks I kept shaking when I didnt eat although im the right weight went to the docs and had really low blood pressure check in to the docs n have some blood tests taken for diabetes etc as for swimming just get a couple of your mates to go with you for support don't take any notice of the small minded minority they have their own insecurities but having said all that my ex boss male had his doc prescribe some tablets and they worked he lost 6 stone and hasnt looked back

I think untill we have walked a mile in someones shoes its hard to make a judgement like this !
vicky said:
I think untill we have walked a mile in someones shoes its hard to make a judgement like this !

well said! :green:
Very interesting this thread should pop back up today...on 6/8 I went to my doc to get a letter of support for the Gastric Bypass surgery and he gave me his full support!!!! My appointment for my psych eval is upcoming Thursday and I am leaving in a few minutes to go to a seminar at the clinic I will be having my surgery at!!!!

I am so excited...finally I will be free from all this weight!!
Ms.Matrix said:
Very interesting this thread should pop back up today...on 6/8 I went to my doc to get a letter of support for the Gastric Bypass surgery and he gave me his full support!!!! My appointment for my psych eval is upcoming Thursday and I am leaving in a few minutes to go to a seminar at the clinic I will be having my surgery at!!!!

I am so excited...finally I will be free from all this weight!!

Good luck hun x hope all goes well and ask as many questions as you can think of!! :green:
Just thought I'd give anyone who is interested and update on me ...
Well, Its been a few months now and I am getting used to my gastric band. I'm still eating more than I thought I would though.

I have started bike riding with my dogs for half an hour every day to speed up the weight loss.
Sometimes if I eat too fast when I forget I get a pain and I cant swallow another mouthful till that one has sorted itself out.... its weird and if its a big lump of food it can be quite painfull. :rolleyes:
My sisters op went well but her port is on her side, where as mine is in the middle underneath my bra line.

Anyway, the weight is coming off slowly and I am a stone and a half lighter since I had the op and I'm currently waiting for my next band fill appointment to come through.
Tsia said:
Just thought I'd give anyone who is interested and update on me ...
Well, Its been a few months now and I am getting used to my gastric band. I'm still eating more than I thought I would though.

I have started bike riding with my dogs for half an hour every day to speed up the weight loss.
Sometimes if I eat too fast when I forget I get a pain and I cant swallow another mouthful till that one has sorted itself out.... its weird and if its a big lump of food it can be quite painfull. :rolleyes:
My sisters op went well but her port is on her side, where as mine is in the middle underneath my bra line.

Anyway, the weight is coming off slowly and I am a stone and a half lighter since I had the op and I'm currently waiting for my next band fill appointment to come through.

Hey hun,

Thanks for the update. Let me throw mine in as well...I have a date for my surgical consultation on July 25th and I got the psych eval results in the mail a couple days ago, the psychologist totally recommends me for the surgery...He just says I need to have a better hold on my stress management, since stress is one of the things that drives me to eat that carton of ice cream that has been sitting in the freezer...lol!

I am so pleased...I will probably be posting more about it in my journal after the consultation. All that's left after the consultation is to get all of my paperwork submitted to the insurance company, wait for approval and then get my date for surgery!

Signed Ms.Matrix,
Still in the fire fight!!

PS. Oh yeah, all you peeps who have had Gastric Bypass, Lapband, or any other variation of the surgery or is thinking about having it, or know someone who has had it, there is an excellent support forum www.obesityhelp.com I don't what I would do without it, there are many inspirational stories on there...Here's a link to my profile if any one is interested: http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=M1018343582
Ms.Matrix said:
Hey hun,

Thanks for the update. Let me throw mine in as well...I have a date for my surgical consultation on July 25th and I got the psych eval results in the mail a couple days ago, the psychologist totally recommends me for the surgery...He just says I need to have a better hold on my stress management, since stress is one of the things that drives me to eat that carton of ice cream that has been sitting in the freezer...lol!

I am so pleased...I will probably be posting more about it in my journal after the consultation. All that's left after the consultation is to get all of my paperwork submitted to the insurance company, wait for approval and then get my date for surgery!

Signed Ms.Matrix,
Still in the fire fight!!

PS. Oh yeah, all you peeps who have had Gastric Bypass, Lapband, or any other variation of the surgery there is an excellent support forum www.obesityhelp.com I don't what I would do without it, there are many inspirational stories on there...Here's a link to my profile if any one is interested: http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=M1018343582http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=M1018343582http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=M1018343582

Wow, Good Luck with that. Hope all goes well. xxx
Hi geeks

I will also update as i havent done for a while on here

i started my tablets in March/April and to date i have lost 4 stone and as i have promised i will change my avatar and put up some before and now pictures,,,,,,still have another 3 1/2 stone to lose and the weight loss has slowed down to 1or 2 pound a week now instead of 5 and 6 pounds lol
lancslass said:
Hi geeks

I will also update as i havent done for a while on here

i started my tablets in March/April and to date i have lost 4 stone and as i have promised i will change my avatar and put up some before and now pictures,,,,,,still have another 3 1/2 stone to lose and the weight loss has slowed down to 1or 2 pound a week now instead of 5 and 6 pounds lol

I was only thinking about you Lisa this morning, wondering how the weight loss was going. Congratulations on hitting 4 stone. :hug:

Having been prescribed Reductil, I had to stop due to the side effects and my blood preasure went up:cry: So my doctor has given me Xenical. Only started yesterday, so i'll see how this goes.
lancslass said:
Hi geeks

I will also update as i havent done for a while on here

i started my tablets in March/April and to date i have lost 4 stone and as i have promised i will change my avatar and put up some before and now pictures,,,,,,still have another 3 1/2 stone to lose and the weight loss has slowed down to 1or 2 pound a week now instead of 5 and 6 pounds lol

You go girl!!!
And you go to hun

i want to be kept up to date with your progress with the DR's appointment and your band.

How is your lovely littls baby doing yolanda xx
lancslass said:
And you go to hun

i want to be kept up to date with your progress with the DR's appointment and your band.

How is your lovely littls baby doing yolanda xx
The baby's fine, growing getting so big...he'll be 1 in Sept. And of course I will keep you updated. I'm not having the Lapband done though, I'm having the same surgery Geeg had...and I can't wait!!!:hug:
Hi girls,

So nice to hear of all of your success, no matter how fast or slow, its still progress in the right direction, very encouraging. Just thought I'd bring you up to date with what I've been up to cause its been a couple of months since I was on the site last and what a couple of months it has been! So about 8 weeks ago I felt like I was getting a period, felt very hormonal etc (last period October last year! PCOS). After a week of this and very sore breasts I did a pregnancy test to eliminate any suspision, or so I thought! Well after 8 years of no birth control and four years of reproductive assistance to have our son (now nearly 5) I discovered that I was indeed pregnant! Needless to say the shock nearly killed us but once it wore off, the joy took over. What I put this down to is my slow weight loss due to the gastric band and starting light walking about 4 months ago. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was violently ill and just wanted to give up on life and even thought about quitting my job, but happy to say I have turned a corner and feeling much better now. Will keep you up to date and look forward to hearing of all of your continued success.
Tracey4046 said:
Hi girls,

So nice to hear of all of your success, no matter how fast or slow, its still progress in the right direction, very encouraging. Just thought I'd bring you up to date with what I've been up to cause its been a couple of months since I was on the site last and what a couple of months it has been! So about 8 weeks ago I felt like I was getting a period, felt very hormonal etc (last period October last year! PCOS). After a week of this and very sore breasts I did a pregnancy test to eliminate any suspision, or so I thought! Well after 8 years of no birth control and four years of reproductive assistance to have our son (now nearly 5) I discovered that I was indeed pregnant! Needless to say the shock nearly killed us but once it wore off, the joy took over. What I put this down to is my slow weight loss due to the gastric band and starting light walking about 4 months ago. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was violently ill and just wanted to give up on life and even thought about quitting my job, but happy to say I have turned a corner and feeling much better now. Will keep you up to date and look forward to hearing of all of your continued success.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Another mommy geek!!

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