Health and Safety


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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
Hi all

A guy phoned my salon a few days ago saying he could send a consultant into my salon for £250 for half a day and at the end of it I would get a certificate. He said it is required by law.

Is this just another con? We have health and safety regulations in place like a First Aid Kit, Fire Escape signs and Extinguishers, all our clients fill in record cards... its a new salon and is newly renovated so all the electrics are fine but I have someone who will do PAT testing for me on an annual basis... do I need to get this company to come in too? Should I be displaying the Health and Safety Act in my salon and is there anything else I need to do.... all my staff are health and safety trained!

Any help would be much appreciated!
I have never heard of it,
i would be wary too :hug:
I'm currently in the middle of writing my health and safety policy and procedure manual for a new salon.

As far as I am aware and after all my research, nothing is actually needed by law, apart from the display of the Health and Safety Law poster (available from HSE website for about £7) and if employing over 5 people, a written health and safety policy.

I'm welcome to corrections as it all does seem a bit grey in terms of legislation.

I did read something about companies trying to sell the posters at the end of a £lotsofmoney consultation.
If you contact the HSE they will send you loads of bumpf to explain everything.
Yes, by law you must have a health and safety poster displayed.
I have had the council and health and safety people round my salon and you don't need to be paying someone to come in for half a day!
Crafty buggers!
Sounds like a licence to print money to me!
Posted via Mobile Device
It doesn't sound right to me.Contact your local councill for any H&S advice.

I had a h&s officer from the councill in the salon a few months ago and it didn't cost me any money for her to check the salon (although I do use the term 'check' very loosly :rolleyes:.
After asking if i had a 1st aid box and a fire cert for my extingushers (she didn't want to see them when i offerd) she asked me to sign that she'd been,gave me a copy saying you've passed and said thank you bye bye.

I was told we are a low risk group so h&s concerns would be very low :rolleyes:
Thanks guys... he hasnt phoned back funnily enough, but ive everything sorted now anyway!
The fire brigade came to my salon and did me a free health and safety check, first aid box, fire extingushers and such.... and then wrote to tell me all was ok

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