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Mar 23, 2005
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Hi everyone just wanted a bit of advice

I live in an area full of nail tech's and i'm in training but finding it really hard to get clients to practise on, i've placed ad's in the local supermarkets and a couple of shop window's but no replies.
Please help i'm desperate for some real practise my itec exam is in june and i've a second baby on way due in august so time is running out .
I have invested in a training hand but nothing beats real customer interaction and maintance problems i don't have any family close by and most friends aren't interested in their nail care routine although i do keep trying to convert them!!!
i can totally sympathise with you!!

its the same around where i live! have you tried mailshots? i know a local newspaper here who will deliver up to 1000 flyers for about £15!! i would find out if something similar goes on in your area and you could say something like 1/2 price treatment etc with this flyer....people love to see they're getting money off stuff!!
zobo said:
i can totally sympathise with you!!

its the same around where i live! have you tried mailshots? i know a local newspaper here who will deliver up to 1000 flyers for about £15!! i would find out if something similar goes on in your area and you could say something like 1/2 price treatment etc with this flyer....people love to see they're getting money off stuff!!

Trouble is i'm only training do you think it will put people off if i advertise this way? do you think i would be looking a bit dodgy?
You could always take flyers to the local secondary schools, the girls in the last year of school are having their proms and there should be plenty of them who would like nice nails, even if its a one off at least you will get the practice.
just ask for 'models' like you see in the hairdressers. Put postcards in all your local paper shops, or do some cheap leaflets on your comp if you have one.

A special rate of £15 or whatever you choose should lure them in!!!!

Best of luck

Amb xxxxxxx
Have you tried firstly family and friends then get them to show off their nails to their family and friends and so on. There's nothing like getting your clients by work of mouth. 100% of my clients are all word of mouth. Also if you do a little bit of simple nail art on them you'll find they'll get noticed more.

And don't forget you are your walking advert so if you have super dooper nails every one will ask " where do you get your nails done?".

Go on you know you can do it!!!
Hope this helps - Good Luck!!

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