Hi, Newbie here, just started up going moblie!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Hi ppl,

Have started up mobile hairdressing in may & love it.
This week i had my first unhappy client,( had red/brown hair dye, she wanted me to try and match hair extensions bleach blonde!! i gave her bleach blonde highlights, which i think was fine and she had really dry hair to begin with, so didnt want to go an all over bleach) which really made me think am i in the right job :( and upset.

Done a consulatation with her and she was happy to have highlights, explained that you are not going to be blonde all over straight away and put a toner on to take away yellowish/orange tinge and turned out a lovely light blonde, but she said it looked to brown!

how do u all get on with unhappy clients?

did give her the whole treatment for free !!
Hi Clare,

I,m Amy also a newbee on here, I.m currently at college doing nvq 3 then the plan is to go mobile. i,ve had some clients and did have a nightmare one one day i really felt like giving up as a felt soo bad but alot of the girls at college and my tutor said you will have days when that happens and it normally because the customer dos,nt really knows what she wants, but to always go over what ur going to do at consultation a few times and then if they agree you have every right to charge!
if they don,t like the outcome then thats not ur fault you explained yourself and then carried out that service, if they don,t like well that,s there hard luck all you can do is give further advice to get result.
So try not to feel bad.
Hope that helps abit.
So how is ur mobile service going did u advertise? and do u mind me asking what ur experience is?
I,m doing nvq 3 but still feel i,ve tonns to learn, never relised there was soo much to hairdressing Arhhhh x
Hi ppl,

Have started up mobile hairdressing in may & love it.
This week i had my first unhappy client,( had red/brown hair dye, she wanted me to try and match hair extensions bleach blonde!! i gave her bleach blonde highlights, which i think was fine and she had really dry hair to begin with, so didnt want to go an all over bleach) which really made me think am i in the right job :( and upset.

Done a consulatation with her and she was happy to have highlights, explained that you are not going to be blonde all over straight away and put a toner on to take away yellowish/orange tinge and turned out a lovely light blonde, but she said it looked to brown!

how do u all get on with unhappy clients?

did give her the whole treatment for free !!

So you explained it would not be blonde all over straightaway!!

It turned a lovely light blonde!!!

And you gave her the treatment for free!!!!!!!!

Please, never make this mistake again.

Just because she did not like the colour is not a reason to refund or do the job for free.

Your advice was accurate, in fact according to the outcome of the colour is was better than she could have hoped for.

You are going to have to get wise quickly to clients like this my lovely or you will be out of business quick time.

Jacqui xx
Try not to beat yourself up about this! You explained to the customer that she wasn't going to be blonde all over, and you done what was best for her hair. And realistically what she was asking for wasn't acheiviable with her hair condition!! But i know how you feel, when someone isn't happy it does knock your confidence!!
I no i have learnt from that mistake! Was horrid tho and felt like a big hole should open up & transport me home hahaha!!

I do a lot of advertising On Qype ( expensive & never heard of it until my husband told me) & Yell.com and have now got my own website up and running thanks to my lovley husband, lol.

But mostly my clients are from word of mouth.

Have done my level 3, and used affinage products, so only use them now for my clients.

How long have you got left of your course? :)

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