How many spatulas for a half leg wax?


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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Hi all, I am a new waxer and been struggling a bit if anyone has seen my previous posts!! Anyway I've switched from drizzling(how I was taught) to using new spatula each dip (so not double dipping) but I swear I'm using so many! Wondered if there was an average I should be working towards using! Lol thank you x
I don't double dip for intimate waxing and wherever there is blood spotting other than that I dip as many times as necessary.

I am not sure why you would want to use both ends of a spatula, it doesn't look very professional ... the cost of a spatula is one penny, if you really don't want to double dip on legs then just use a new spatula each time you dip. Your client is worth that.

I would say you need to use 6 or 7 spatulas per leg if you are using them once. If you are using more than this you need to take another look at your technique.

Don't try to spread the wax with the flat of the spatula, you need to wipe the wax off onto the skin below the knee and 'scrape' it all the way down the leg to the ankle.

Alternatively you could switch to the cartridge system ... very easy to use.

I'm on the city and guilds level 2 course, they don't teach the drizzle method any more. We only switch spatula if it comes into contact with bodily fluid (ie. blood spotting) or gets stray hair on it or something that could contaminate the wax pot. None of these has ever happened to me, I have occasionally switched to a new one because butter fingers has dropped the whole thing straight in though!
Thanks for your replies, I don't want to double dip so happy to use new spatulas but think I used about 20 today for a half leg which I knew was too many ! I didn't mention both end of spatulas tho I don't do that?? Think I def need to improve depositing wax then scraping as u said......thank you
Thanks for your replies, I don't want to double dip so happy to use new spatulas but think I used about 20 today for a half leg which I knew was too many ! I didn't mention both end of spatulas tho I don't do that?? Think I def need to improve depositing wax then scraping as u said......thank you
Don't worry about how many spatulas you are using ... 20 spats is 20p.
You need to be worried about completing the wax in a timely, thorough and safe manner rather than how many spatulas you are using.
The more you wax the better your technique will become, and this will result in you using fewer spatulas and strips and probably less wax.
I don't know how I thought I read you were using both ends of the spatula ... but I am so pleased to hear that you don't!
:) xx
Thank you really appreciate your advice, half leg is taking about 30 mins, what time I should aim for? 20mins? X
Thank you really appreciate your advice, half leg is taking about 30 mins, what time I should aim for? 20mins? X
15-20 minutes is your eventual aim - that is not going to happen until you have waxed a lot of legs so don't fret about it.
If you are new to waxing it is more important to make sure you have removed all the hairs, your client won't thank you if she has to go home and tweeze or shave.
You need a good quality wax and a good technique to ensure you remove hairs rather than break them.
Waxing skills and knowledge grow over time, keep reading and researching.
You gotta love waxing to be very good at it :cool:
Thank you, I am using pr wax and getting all the hairs so it's just application and speed I need to work on, just good to have something to aim for! Thanks again really appreciate it x
If I'm honest, I have never come across any waxers who use a new spactula each time. I only ever change one if the spactula is covered in wax and is no longer usable or if it has blood (from blood spotting) hairs or anything else on it which isn't meant to be. X
I use a metal spat for legs and only use a wooden one on areas I have already waxed, so that i'm not dipping my spatula back into the wax if it's been on an area of broken skin. The wooden ones are tossed after each dip. This is how I was trained.

I use wooden spats for intimate waxing though and never double dip those. I use loads of them, but as has already been said, they cost pennies. It's not worth worrying about.

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