How should I handle this?


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Ohio Nail Tech

Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio USA
I'm not quite sure how to deal with this so I'm hoping some of you have more tact than I think I'll have when the day comes.....

Some background:
I have an elderly manicure client - Mrs. X (she's turning 90 soon!) who comes in every 2 weeks to have her nails tended to while she's under the hair dryer. I do the usual manicure...polish removal, shape, cuticles, massage and new enamel. I'm very thorough with cleaning under her nails and cuticle work as she has a conjestive problem in one arm and arthritis in the other.

Just yesterday I'm working on another client's nails and she proceeds to let me know that Mrs. X was telling everyone at their weekly bingo session what a horrible job I do on her nails!!!! That I don't clean under them and don't do her cuticles!

Client no. 2 says she defended my good name but Mrs. X just kept on griping.

This woman can't see farther than her nose and can't feel a thing in either hand and she's due back in next Thursday for her usual manicure. What should I do?? Should I confront it or try to explain what I'm doing so she realizes that I've been doing these things all along?

Your advise is so very greatly appreciated!!
I would not confront her because And client who told you may have got it wrong, But I would talk her through what your doing to her nails and perhaps even mention how well thought of you are by your clients because you do such a good job.
I'm a very straight forward kind of person so being me I would confront the lady.

I think I would say something like,

Mrs X, I hope you won't mind my mentioning something to you that is a delicate subject but that has upset me.

I take a great deal of time and trouble over your nails and I enjoy looking after them for you, so you can imagine that I was quite upset to learn the other day that apparently you are not happy with my work and told several people that this was so?

If this is true, then I would appreciate you telling me so that I can do things more to your liking and not to tell other clients which might damage my reputation. I am proud of the work I do and want you as my client to be happy. If you are'nt satisfied, then could you tell me now, so that I can better service your needs??

I hope this helps somewhat!!
geeg said:
I'm a very straight forward kind of person so being me I would confront the lady.

I think I would say something like,

Mrs X, I hope you won't mind my mentioning something to you that is a delicate subject but that has upset me.

I take a great deal of time and trouble over your nails and I enjoy looking after them for you, so you can imagine that I was quite upset to learn the other day that apparently you are not happy with my work and told several people that this was so?

If this is true, then I would appreciate you telling me so that I can do things more to your liking and not to tell other clients which might damage my reputation. I am proud of the work I do and want you as my client to be happy. If you are'nt satisfied, then could you tell me now, so that I can better service your needs??

I hope this helps somewhat!!

Totally agree - this is the sort of thing I would do as well - gets it out into the open and it can get sorted out.
We get loads of old dears in the hair salon downstairs, half of them are lovely, the other half .... putting it politely ..... aren't. WE have a few that sit and moan and bad mouth the stylists all the time that in the end one of the stylists really told her off because she was stressing the staff so much. She didn't come back, but frankly the salon did not need her business. TBH the salon didn't handle it in the best way because they reacted to her moaning when under pressure, but I think if you worded it like Geeg said then I think you will be fine. Whatever, I would confront her, it's your reputation she's bad mouthing.

Older people still think a manicure is about loads of soaking in water, cutting cuticles and cleaning under the nails, you will need to explain to her why you don't do this, because times have changed and there is just too much of a risk of infection. Let us know how you get on, these old birds have much thicker skins than us!!
I understand if some ole (or even young) person has problems with movement of her arms why you would clean under her nails to help..BUT...I do not believe it is our job as nail techs to CLEAN under ALL our client's this not a personal hygiene issue? Am I way off base here? Would appreciate some viewpoints!

Fiona W.
Hi Fiona, I have always been taught NOT to clean under the nails as you could compact the debris down towards the hyponychium, which could in turn break the protective seal and create the risk of infection. HTH
Have to say, I agree with Fiona in that I would expect my clients to present their nails to me in a clean and fairly sanitary fashion ... it is polite afterall!! No different really from having a shower and putting on clean underwear before seeing the doctor .. is it?

We have all had the experience I think of a client arriving at the salon with nails that have more dirt and microbes underneath the free edge than bears thinking about. :eek: I have seen chunks come out from under there and sometimes they smell ... this really is a discusting condition for a client to arrive for an appointment. They won't know if we dont tell them.

However if a client is elderly and a bit 'yonderly' (as they say in Yorkshire) I suppose they could be forgiven ... but I would wear gloves and soak them for longer than normal and then really sanitize the nails. NOt the nicest part of our job! :eek:
OMG - this has suddenly reminded me of the time I did infills on a client, she was really hungover and had a curry the night before and still had half of it under her nails. Gross is not the word, I nearly threw up with the smell, hope she is more considerate to her doctor!! Groooooooooosssssssss!!
I'm with Geeg 100% on this one. If this doesn't work, give her a leaflet on Voluntary Euthanasia. Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't wanna get chucked off the site.
Kimmi, I get your sense of humour hun, especially when you have to listen to the rantings of some of the old dears we get in. If I ever get like them then I just pray that euthenasia will have been legalised!
Kimmi Rocks said:
I'm with Geeg 100% on this one. If this doesn't work, give her a leaflet on Voluntary Euthanasia. Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't wanna get chucked off the site.

PMSL ! :lol:
Thanks so much for all your wisdom!

The more I think about it, this situation probably came about by some lack of communication between Mrs. X and I so I'm leaning toward this:

"Mrs. X, I know I've been tending to your nails for several months but today I'm going to explain each step in your manicure as I perform it. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like me to concentrate more on some things than others.

Even though I'm meticulous about her nails, I'm sure she has paid less attention to the manicure than the backs of her eyelids while she's dozing off under the dryers!

This woman, in particular, needs a lot of extra cleaning because of her arthritis and congestive problems. Her hands are almost useless. I definitely don vinyl gloves and give her hands a good rubdown with hand sanitizer before starting as she can't even do this simple step herself.

I agree with all of you about cleaning under the nails's disgusting and by far one of my least favorite things to do. The curry comment hit way too close to home, as I've swiped out bread dough and garden dirt among other icky things.

We were also taught not to disturb the hyponychium so all I do is a quick swipe of cuticle softener under the free edge and another swipe with a cotton-tipped orangewood stick. I finish with a few runs on a moistened nail brush to get rid of any softener residue.

Again, thanks a're all lovely!

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