I wear Shellac 24/7. I do completely different fingers to toes and wear open toe shoes to work, so everyone sees what I have on, everyday.
I also email all my clients every two weeks with...'My Nails' and post pics of my fingers and toes. This alone gets me bookings.
I also have a Book of Work with all my designs as well as 60 odd color pops at my reception desk, coffee table and...yes, in the loo!
Yesterday, I was sat in the dentist waiting room, waiting to have a filling done. A lady said to me, I hope you don't mind me askin but where did you get your toes done? Are they ordinary polish!
.......Hook 'em up and reel 'em in!!!
I'm obsessed with Shellac...bore my husband with Shellac....and go to sleep thinking up new Shellac designs!!!
It works because I love it! So....don't stress about how to sell it...just enjoy it and others will see your enthusiasm and want it too!