IBD natural nail overlay - doing my head in!!!


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Shopaholic Geek
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Derby, England.
I must be doing something really wrong, but no matter how i apply IBD gel to the natural nail it lifts form the free edge withing hours.

I've spoken to Sam at Graftons (and various people on here - thanks guys:D ), and tried every different variants there is but it still won't stay put.!

Sam advised me to apply the builder gel instead of clear gel which i did, but no good. I then tried one coat builder and two coats clear, no good. I've tried not applying bonder (as 90% of lifting is caused by too much bonder), but still no good.

My lamp is new and i do cap the free edge - although maybe i'm doing that wrong? I just wipe the free edge with the gel as i 'paint' it onto the nail???

I'm now left with all my nails either staring to lift at the free edge of completly lifted. They look horrid and the only way i can get this bl**dy stuff off now is to buff it and try again.

Does anyone have any ideas, i never get lifting when i apply tips and gel, just on the natural nail. I'd love to try out the IBD polishes, but i'm reluctant in spending money on them as you have to put a layer of gel on the natural nail 1st and as this can't seem to stay put it's highly unlikly the polish will stay on top of it.

Sorry to winge, but i hate wasting time and money doing them, when they look worse then they did before i started within a couple of hours.

Please help.

Instead of wiping the free edge with the gel, as you paint it on, take it over the free edge, like you would if you applied enamel and wanted the edge covered, down and over so you are brushing past the flat edge of the free edge...........Try that and see how it works for you xxx and no filing or reshaping after you have done this...or the seal is broken xxxx
Thanks Ruth, i'll try that, (in fact i'll try anything at the mo, it's just so frustrating!!).

Hi Em,

I put a post on the site last night about exactly the same subject. I am having exactly the same problem as you are with IBD gel. I've been using IBD for a year now, I have no problems what so ever with application over tips but once my clients have grown out the tips and are left with their natural nails with a french overlay the problem starts. It's so frustrating because my ladies love the fact that they have grown their nails nice and long but now they are all just breaking because of the lifting.
I have tried EVERYTHING! All the things that you have tried I have tried too, plus more.
Most of my cients now wear L&P overlays becausse they are so disheartened with the gel.
Does this happen with all gels?
I've spent such a lot of money on my gel products but now I'm very reluctant to use them.
My post last night was asking whether it was possible to use white acrylic on the free edge and then gel in zones 2 & 3. This would still give all of the benefits of gel but may stop the lifting at the free edge, I never get this with L & P overlays.
What do you think?
Is there anyone out there who uses IBD for a permanent french on the natural nail and doesn't get the lifting on the corner of the free edge???
hiya, i posted on here a while back that my Brisa was chipping on a natural over lay but never with tips, like you i was capping, new lamp etc.... then someone told me to try applying a little bit thicker as if its applied to thin it wont stay put.

I have applied again (thicker) on my natural nails to 3 fingers and its been on for nearly 2 weeks with no chipping, so i must have been doing it to thin, worth a try,

best of luck xxx
I just don't understand it, i use all the IBD products lamp etc... I've tried that many different ways of applying and they still lift.

I too have been using them succesfully for well over a year now on tips, but natural nails forget it.

When i get lifting, it doesn't actually chip of, just sort of goes opaque (sp??) at the free edge and on closer inspection you can see that it's seperated from the free edge.

I've tried applying it thicker by using the builder gel instead of clear.

I love using IBD products, but i just wish i could figure this out.

Will try Ruth's suggestion re-capping and se how that goes, but i don't hold out much hope.

Evertime i do them i think this time it will work and then low and behold within 24hrs most (if not all) are showing signs of lifting.

I'm just a crap nail tech i reckon!!:cry:

Emmajt said:
I'm just a crap nail tech i reckon!!:cry:
Don't say that Em, if you've been using IBD successfully for over a year then you are definately not a bad tech. We're just having a small, yet very frustrating problem x:hug:
heavenly said:
Don't say that Em, if you've been using IBD successfully for over a year then you are definately not a bad tech. We're just having a small, yet very frustrating problem x:hug:
Thanks hun, that's sweet of you.

I nearly rang Graftons up the other day and told them i was sending the gel back to them because it's crap, but i managed to calm down in the end.

I've e-mailed Sam at Graftons again and told her the on-going situation, so if she manages to shed anymore light on the subject i'll let you know

Another couple of possibilities:
What Ruth said is a good one, bring the gel down the nail and then down over the free edge, like you are breaking it off. When it does break off, it sort of seals itself around the edge. Def no filing here after though.

I think the bonder is needed and should be used but have you tried using a tiny little dot and 'scrubbing' it i nto the nail plate almost like you are trying to get it off! Get this all around the edges e.g edge of the free edge (if you see what I mean!!)

personally, i wouldn't like to use it thicker than absolutely necessary. gel shrinks quite a bit and the rounded edge to a gel nail is such a giveaway. Stretching it over the free edge (as above) helps stop this.

The free edge, specially after wearing tips and overlays, can be quite bendy and pull away from the gel. The sides and corners seem to tbe the worse affected. Careful sealing alll the way around and use of oil will help this.

Some help I hope
mum said:
Another couple of possibilities:
What Ruth said is a good one, bring the gel down the nail and then down over the free edge, like you are breaking it off. When it does break off, it sort of seals itself around the edge. Def no filing here after though.

I think the bonder is needed and should be used but have you tried using a tiny little dot and 'scrubbing' it i nto the nail plate almost like you are trying to get it off! Get this all around the edges e.g edge of the free edge (if you see what I mean!!)

personally, i wouldn't like to use it thicker than absolutely necessary. gel shrinks quite a bit and the rounded edge to a gel nail is such a giveaway. Stretching it over the free edge (as above) helps stop this.

The free edge, specially after wearing tips and overlays, can be quite bendy and pull away from the gel. The sides and corners seem to tbe the worse affected. Careful sealing alll the way around and use of oil will help this.

Some help I hope
Thanks Marian, there's some great advice there.

Sam at Graftons told me to omit the bonder as too much bonder can cause lifting and i think i was probably applying too much. I suppose i could try just the smallest of dots and apply as you suggest - anything is worth a try:D

I must say as well that when i applied 2 coates of builder gel it seemed a lot thicker than just applying 1 coat of builder followed by 2 coats of clear gel (and a lot more natural - looked just like i'd got lovely shiney nails), so maybe i could try that again, but this time using bonder as suggested and as Ruth suggested for capping the free edge.

In my never ending quest to get this stuff to stick, i'll try again tonight and let you all know how i get on.

Fingers crossed (but don't hold your breath)


PS i hate being negative, but it's just hard when you try things and they still don't work!

Just thought i'd keep you updated on my IBD gel saga

I re-appplied the gel on my right hand last night (didn't get chance to do both) and so far it's been on 13 hrs and not a sign of lifting yet!!:D

I removed surface shine etc... then applied the tiniest bit of bonder and scrubed it into the nail, then one coat of builder gel, one coat of clear gel, lightly buffed (but not the free edge) and one coat of Ultraseal.

Now i don't wont to tempt fate, but it seems to be working so far - God i hope so, otherwise i'll have no nails left at the rate i'm going!!

Keep you posted


Glad things are better. I dont use IBD but i do use biosculpture for natural overlays and Brisa and you do find that if you do 2 nails and cure your gel wont shrink back as much.
I've had a nno myself using IBD for a few months now and I definately found that when I was too liberal with the bonder they lifted just as you describe. Its really worth using the tinyest bit and as Marian said just working it onto the surface. I do have probs with the perm french white though, even though I cap the edge it still seems soft, I've stoped using it and have been trying more than white.
You are def on the right track - hope things get better.
I have a couple of clients wearing just clear (not builder) and theyve managed really well on them so far.
emmad said:
I've had a nno myself using IBD for a few months now and I definately found that when I was too liberal with the bonder they lifted just as you describe. Its really worth using the tinyest bit and as Marian said just working it onto the surface. I do have probs with the perm french white though, even though I cap the edge it still seems soft, I've stoped using it and have been trying more than white.
You are def on the right track - hope things get better.
I have a couple of clients wearing just clear (not builder) and theyve managed really well on them so far.
Hi emmad,

Well so far they've been on about 36hrs and still no lifting!!!!!!!

Can't belieive it, so chuffed i could kiss someone - finally feels like i'm getting somewhere.

When i've mastered these staying on i was going to try doing a perm french white - do you have any tips on applying the gel?? Also you said you've started to use MTW instead, at what stage are you using this as i don't remove the sticky stuff until i've done both layers. Would you apply it after the second layer, before apply Ultraseal??

hi guys , i use the ibd and also had problems with lifting this was down to too much bonder aswell.
do you use the ibd gel polish for the french tip the first polish i bought had no name on the pot and was lovely then when i reordered white polish they sent winter white polish which is more of an ivory colour what do you use cant seem to get hold of a white ibd polish.hopes this makes sense
I'm sure they do a new extreme white within the french manicure range. I can't recall what it's called. I saw it at my local wholesalers the other day, either that or i dreamt it!!:confused:
hi yes they do a extreme white but it is a builder gel a bit to thick for tips, i cant get it thin enough with this what do you use?
Any tips gratefully recieved
alison27 said:
hi yes they do a extreme white but it is a builder gel a bit to thick for tips, i cant get it thin enough with this what do you use?
Any tips gratefully recieved
Oh thanks for that, glad i wasn't making it up!!

At the moment for the white tip, i'm either using white tips ( a lot of my clients seem to like them), or i'm using MTW. I'm not confident in myself for trying to use white builder gel yet. Need a little bit more practice on my poor Mum befoer i unleash myself of the public.:lol:

Yeah the extreme white (as with most white tip gels) is far too bulky. I've tried MTW a few times but never been that pleased with the results, I find the product as a whole quite tempramental. I've tried various ways of doing it but just under ultra seal is quite good (not too far to file to get rid of it later). Must try the white gel polish though - thats a great idea.
hi there

i am a user of ibd gels and have been for 2 and half years now
and dont have any probs, i found it was a better gel system for me with no lifting and plenty of strength.
sam taught me all i know a acouple of years ago when she did the training.

for my natural nail overlays i use winter white which is a brighter white than the ultra white i found that was too grey looking.
i aplly my bonder lightly then dab it till its dull and grainy cure for 1 min
then apply my white on free edge cure for 2 mins
then apply clear gel for the natural nail at the back butting up to the white (not going over the white) cure for 2 mins
then apply clear gel over the whole nail capping the free edge really well
and then cure for a further 3 mins.
then cleanser plus followed by cuticle oil
and dont have any probs with lifting at all.

i dont use ultra seal at all unless i need to re shape and buff a nail.

i have sometimes used builder gel on the natural nail thats if i have ran out of clear gel
but mainly use the clear gel.

i do apply it thicker if i think the client is going to be heavy handed.

if you do find you dont like the ibd white gels
you can mix them i have been using the akzentz gels (paint on white)
with the ibd when i have ran out before of the ibd white and thats been fine too

some clients like the real bright white look and thats good for that

karen nails plus beauty sells the white gels akzentz and does do the trial pots

any way hope this helps

my typing not good as i need to reduce the length of my tips xx

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