Mobile therapist business impressions


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I am what I am :lol: Can I be a freelance mobile beauty therapist please.
Hun, when an older person comes up to you and says nice but I'm to old or I'm beyond all that, they are looking for you to disagree with them.
They want you to tell them that they are ladies with dignity, or ladies of distinction and then start raving about your luxury products that are just what is called for to keep their completions looking fresh. Or however you would phrase it.
Its the same when you say I'm a nail stylist and they start fluttering their nails around saying oh don't look at mine, they are so bad, they don't want you to say bloody hell love those are awful, they want you to say actually you have lovely hands/ beautiful fingers etc all you need to make them look their best is........ treatment why don't you............
They want you to talk them into it.
Bottom line we all want to have perfect skin/hair/nails and body:lol: but most of us are shy and unsure or just feel guilty when we spend money on our selves we want someone to give us a little push, it shares the guilt:)
None of this brings work. the reason being its provided to them for free, so why should they pay for it.

So stop providing it for free. People don't value you or what you do if it's free.

I agree with freelance Kim, but NOT personal. I think I would be forever answering the phone at 1am on a Saturday morning asking if I could give a personal massage or personal service !!!

And what's wrong with that? LOL I was thinking along the lines of Personal Trainer. :hug:
Hun, when an older person comes up to you and says nice but I'm to old or I'm beyond all that, they are looking for you to disagree with them.

I did say this they just laughed and said "when you get to my age dear you'll understand" :eek:
I did say this they just laughed and said "when you get to my age dear you'll understand" :eek:

Did you demo and talk or talk alone.
I would be inclined to pick a victim from among them and talk them through a luxury treatment telling them all about the property of the ingredients, or go among them at the start with a sample of cream for the back of a hand, apply a dab and get stuck in to a treatment let them sit there stroking the back of a silky soft hand while you tell them what you can do for them.
When you see a none surgical face lift done they do half a face for a reason:green:
Regarding getting featured in local publications.....

Have you thought about offering to run a competition for their readers?
They would be more likely to enter into that kinda thing rather than just offering to give you a free editorial.

You could do a write up about yourself and then have a question based on something within the article....and give away a free facial or a few depending on how your feeling

just a thought....

Regarding getting featured in local publications.....

Have you thought about offering to run a competition for their readers?
They would be more likely to enter into that kinda thing rather than just offering to give you a free editorial.

You could do a write up about yourself and then have a question based on something within the article....and give away a free facial or a few depending on how your feeling

just a thought....


What an excellent idea! I must follow these through!
Have you thought about offering to run a competition?


This for me is by far THE BEST way to gain loads of new clients.

What I do is have competitions running within shops local to the salon. The main prize is for approx £40 worth of FREE beauty treatments. The entrants have to fill in their details & at the bottom is yes/no whether they wish to receive further info from you.

I draw 1 main winner, then send out a letter to all those who circled yes for further info offering them a free back massage, with the option to upgrade to a full body for just £12.

Now I know a lot of you would probably hate to do either a freebie or a reduced price treatment, but for us the results speak for themselves. In about 4 months of doing this we have gained about 30 new clients (just from the competitions) who now come in regularly spending money, plus they have recommended friends to come to us :)

Admitedly (sp?) not everyone re-booked after their massage but just recently I sent those who didn't another letter with yet another great promotion & guess what? They've phoned to book in :)

This kind of thing could work very well for hIpPy ChIcK & other therapists working within a hairdressers - just target the hair clients...
I did this at a local group held at a church and I can't be sure how it went as I blanked the experience out of my mind the second after I finished my 20mins talk! :eek: The problem was looking out at a sea of blank faces is very daunting! Plus lots of them came up to me after and said "nice talk dear but I'm past all that" it's hard to convince a room of wrinklies aged 70+ that an anti-aging facial will be able to touch on the aging process that has taken its tole, plus they can't see their own facial hair and have no other body hair left to wax!!

But seriously, never again, though this is a great idea x

Its funny isnt it the different areas. The womens institute members i know are an average of about 60 often divorced and still looking for men :) so still very into looking after themselves.
Hi I agree - dont discount the silver pound! My Mum who lives in sheltered housing (she is 70) sells my crystal nails files on a regular basis to all her friends and neighbours. She often tells me she has potential clients for me but unfortunately I live several hours drive away from her. There are a lot of older ladies wanting to look good and who like to pamper themselves. :)
Hi Weezie, I'm in a similar position to yourself so have been watching this thread with interest! Kim has made a good point about the 'freelance' over mobile, I think in London that would work well.

I started call myself a 'professional home therapist' or 'visiting therapist' as I don't like the word mobile either. In fact my brochure simply states, 'Karen Hirst Holistic Health & Beauty' on the front then I explain I'm a 'home salon service' inside. There are lots of ways to say it without the ugly word that is mobile!

Just to share an experience I had with newspaper editorial ... I once wrote a 500 word piece for the local newspaper on Christmas beauty with a competition at the bottom. Imagine how I felt when I went to buy the paper, opened it up and found they had only printed the competition bit. None of the story appeared. I wouldn't mind but I have a degree in journalism and over ten years' writing experience LOL!!!! :) I ended up having to give a prize for no editorial and it was five treatments for five different people! Mad and naive or what? So if you do a comp, make sure it's on the understanding it's in return for editorial.

Like the idea about the uniform having your name on. Not sure about the towels, think it would depend how expensive this is to do. Would people really notice it? I'd spend my money on the facial flyers instead.

I personally think that being a mobile therapist can offer a higher level of service to the client if done in the right way. People greet me at the door in their dressing gowns and fall into bed afterwards, sheer luxury and total convenience which they need to pay for! I know exactly where you are coming from trying to sell yourself.

Best of luck xxx
Just a thought about your facial, like your self i do lots of different facials, i used to try and tell customers about all the facial i did, benefits,products. The customers used to be confused and didn't really take all the info i was giving them. Far to much information on my behalf. You live and learn.

So now i promote one facial at a time. for example Non surgical Face lifts, collagen facial.
You then get to really promote that facial as you get asked lots of questions and you can sell the facial.

i think the facial leaflets are a great idea.
sometimes we want to promote ourselfs and tell customers every thing we do which is a normal thing but the message gets diluted.
I have to remind myself less is more.
Have to agree with Weezie, I've called myself the same, no disrespect to some clients but I use the words Freelance Mobile therapist - the reason being is then they know I am a mobile therapist as well as working on my own. :hug:
it is very confusing for clients, and rather than make a decision, or ask a question, they just abstain from booking the treatments.

when I did my training in facials recently, I saw the tutor's pricelist, and it had
basic facial
anti-ageing facial

Now she used Gatineau and Decleor but didn't state any facial range. I queried it, and she said it gives her the freedom to do what she thinks best for her client. she had about 4 different anti-ageing masks but didn't put them down as she said that it confused rather than helped her clients.

I think sometimes we over analyze things, and look at things from a THERAPIST'S point of view rather than a CLIENT'S point of view.

On my price lists I have a brief explanation about each treatment, but people have confessed to me that they haven't got a clue what the treatment is about so rather than try it, just write it off.
Wow I would like to thank everyone individually but that would take up a few pages now!!! Thanks sooooooo much guys for all your input it is really appreciated and really encouraging xxxxxx kisses all round! xxxxxxx :hug:
After reading this I have to say I will be re-wording my website, calling myself a freelance therapist and underneath state that I am mobile.
Hi Weezie,

When I added anti ageing facials to my price list I too had the same problem that you are having. So I did | one off special promotion to introduce the anti ageing facial I kept the full price but added on a twenty min back massage. Most people like something for free (back massage) but it introduces the new facial and then they can see for themselves the results. I now have a few clients, mostly older ladies with a bit more cash who always have the anti ageing facial. You will of course just get some who will only take it at the special promotion but at least you can then suggest it for another time when say their skin is in need.

Hope this helps, regards Andi:hug:

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