Need Nail Advice!


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New Member
Apr 22, 2005
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Connecticut, USA
As you can tell I'm not a nail geek...just in need of geeks for advice ;) I have 2 small children and I have weak nails that peel and chip all the time. I also have a dreadful time getting nailpolish to stick to them! It always just peels right off and bubbles. I have been thinking about artificial nails or coatings to solve this problem. I don't know anything about nails, so I need suggestions. I don't want long nails...just shorter, but even nails that will hold the polish more than 24 hrs! A week would be super...I'd be extatic if it could last 2 weeks!

Hi Valerie,

I am assuming you are in the States?

When varnishing your nails - first you must make sure the nails are dry and clean of oils - apply a good basecoat before your colour and finish with a good topcoat. The bubbles could be caused by too much shaking of the varnish, oil on the nails or applying too thickly and not letting the previous layers dry enough before applying.

I would suggest you contact a qualified nail therapist to get a more specific individual "diagnosis" and treatment plan. But please, please find a good one who will care for your natural nails and not just slap on a set of enhancements.
Yes I'm in the states... do I find a nail therapist? What should I look for? Do you have any home product reccomendations to use till I find one??? Thanks!

You can find a nail therapist on the net or look in your local telephone directory. if you got to the creative nails website there is an enquiry forma nd telephone number. Try ringing them and asking for a nail technician in your area and they can give you a listing that should help you.

Good luck
To find out where your nearest Creative Master Nail Technician is, ring 0800NAIL or

If you gently buff the surface of your nails (in the direction of nail growth, not back and forth) with a very fine abrasive nail buffer then use a lint free pad and some acetone and 'scrub' the surface of each nail till all traces of oil and dust have been removed from the surface, then apply a base coat ... 2 thin coats of colour, and then a top coat, you polish should last much longer.

roll you polish between your palms before applying ... this will stop the bubbles ... never shake.
Thanks ladies... the nearest Creative tech is about 20 miles from me. I can swing monthly manicures there...but what would you reccomend? I was looking at their well as Mavalas... What would you reccomend? The Natural Nail Care Clinic sells the Mavala kits... or maybe Opi treatments??? My nails peel, chip and the polish doesn't stick just lifts off the nail (looking like bubbles...not polish bubbles) My nails tear all the time too. I used to use Nail Tek...but it made the nails hard but super brittle and they shattered.

Thanks again!

MommyFort said:
Thanks ladies... the nearest Creative tech is about 20 miles from me. I can swing monthly manicures there...but what would you reccomend? I was looking at their well as Mavalas... What would you reccomend? The Natural Nail Care Clinic sells the Mavala kits... or maybe Opi treatments??? My nails peel, chip and the polish doesn't stick just lifts off the nail (looking like bubbles...not polish bubbles) My nails tear all the time too. I used to use Nail Tek...but it made the nails hard but super brittle and they shattered.

Thanks again!


The problem with lots of nail hardener type treatments (containing formaldehyde) is that they work by dehydrating the nail - over time this will cause the nails to become brittle, as you have found. To help to combat this, you should also use a good cuticle oil, like Solar oil on a daily basis.

If you were able to get to your Creative, or similar, tech then she/he could prescribe a home care package. I would suggest Toughen Up basecoat (non formaldehyde), Solar Oil, CND varnishes and Super Shiney topcoat. Also I would suggest a good quality hand lotion - CND Scentsations are good but if you have dry skin or want something unscented then try Solar Silk.

Good luck

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