Possible allergy to nails?


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Nov 25, 2021
Reaction score
Product: Artistic rock hard LED gel
Issue: Nail tenderness

To start, my client showed up with pre filed nails for her fill. (We had done nightmare before Christmas art on them and she had a wedding to attend before she could get back in with me)
She used an E-file she ordered on Amazon.

I asked her to never do it again and simply paint over them if she ever needs a quick fix as she could really hurt her nail beds and cause damage. She said they feel fine and only tender the day she did it. (Only one hand. Her other hand had no tenderness at all)

I checked them out, I could tell there some tenderness or heat spikes the week or two before but all seemed well on my side of things to proceed with her nail service.

>>Fast forward a week and a half<<

My client text me asking why her nails felt sore or tight. And asked if it’s possible she’s grown an allergy to my product. I’ve been doing her nails for three years and she’s never had an issue with my product. I explained that her nails were probably sore from her filing, but she said it was both hands, not just the one she beat up pretty bad. She said
“The left wasn’t bothering me, then my ring finger, now my thumb and pinky.”

I asked her to look under her nail or sidewalls to look for possible hang nails or detached nail beds, she said nothing was wrong there.

Im at a loss SalonGeeks!
Shes overfiled the natural nails, the product just feels tight as her fingers will have swollen slightly with the service. It's possible she developed a over exposure sensitivity to the products but based on the fact an untrained person took an efile to their nails removing gel (even hard gel is soft compared to L&P) it's hardly a surprise she's over filed them.

Tell her to use her Solar Oil religiously for a few weeks and review at next appointment. I'd be extremely careful with next rebalance, you will be reaping the rewards of the damage she's caused.