Q. re French rebalance and Natural nail overlays with gel?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
Hi everyone,

just been out of work sick the last week ...viral bug ana chest infection :cry:, completely knocked me out!! aaaanywho...my questions, first one is, iv just tried white tips, and while i find them useful and quick i defny wudn use them all the time, i think id get lazy. my question is...how do u do infills with white tips? (propably a stupid qustion :!:)

ok the second is more help than a question...when iv been doin gel overlays on natural nails they tend to lift at the free edge...iv been caping and prepping like normal....could anyone give me some advice on how they do them?

im bumpin this up again cos i really need help!! lol sorry guys..:lick:
hiya...have you tried using a form when doing a nat nail overlay...this helps loads with capping the free edge...also i think sometimes people do them too thin...and then it chips...so you could try doing them a bit thicker. As for white tips...are you using L&P or Gel...? i would have thought you just remove any lifting...thin out where needs to be and replace your smile with white...redo pink and so on.

thanks angie...im using gel, so basically just do a normal infill?

iv never used forms before, but no harm in tryin eh...ill give it ago on myself first...thanks again
Ah patience Wendy!! There's not many on-line today and not everyone has the answer to your probs.

To do an infill in white tips is the same as normal, however they will eventualy grow forward enough so you can see the natural nail underneath. If you only do white tips then you will have to start agai with a fresh set, but if you use a white l&p or gel then you can rebalance (or backfill) the area - seek out the relevant tutorial as no one explains this better than Geeg.

Without seeing you work I can't really help on your NNO as if you cap there shouldn't be a prob. However I cannot wear NNOs as I am a picker extraordinairre and love nothing better than to get my nail between product and nails and pick it off!! If you do a serach on overlays you will get lots of tips, one is to put a form under the free edge and extend out slightly so the you know it is well and truly capped.

Also clients must use oil under the free edge as well as cuticle to ensure it remains hydrated and doesn't shrink away.
no probs...glad your feeling a bit better. xx
thanks sassy...patients is a virture i do not posess...or spelling :irked: lol...
hi, i've also had a prob with nno (gel) lifting off the free edge and i've finally sussed out what was causing it! my client that this keeps happening to is DIY mental and has an alotment and so has her hands in water a lot and it wasn't the nno's lifting but the natural nail getting really wet and curling off the nno when they dried (if you know what i mean!) i clipped back and filed down all the gel where the nn's had come away then re-did the gel but made the capping a bit thicker and right round the free edge not just the ends (like i'd been shown at college!!) and told her she needed to wear rubber gloves while she was in the alotment and re-plastering the walls etc! they've been ok since.

this client also came to once with a big red/black puddle under one nail with the gel all shattered i asked what had happened and she replied " oh i hit it with a hammer while i was building the shed!!!"
And they wonder why their nails don't last!!!:(

With capping free edge's on natural nails it is hard to make sure they are done properly. I think its a hreat idea to use a form and extens the tip slightly, then you will know the free edge is capped properly. Plus loads of cuticle oil regularly will also help.

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