Rubber Trainer Hand


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Jul 16, 2005
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New Zealand
Feeling really despondent about my skills as a nail tech. and have decided I need more practice. The only trouble is I don't have any family or friends here in NZ to practice on and I can't afford to fly them here to help me out:lol: .

I've got a practice hand (one of the yellow rubbery ones) but I can't get my head around how to use it.

My instructor said to put the nail tips on with blue tac but what about blending the tip etc and applying the l&P? Can you do this on this hand? How would you get it off? and you obviously can't practice the prep either.

I really need to work hard on this as I feel like giving up now and this hand has got make me want to carry on!!

Any advice would be great. Just sitting here looking at the hand and I don't know where to start.
Hiya, I got one of the rubber ones too, and I also didn't have a clue how to use it...sorry I'm not much help, but at least you aren't the only one who doesn't know what to do with it! I ended up buying the essential nails nail trainer hand!
Glad I'm not the only one:|
I couldnt get on with tehm i ended up glueing the nails on but had a nightmare gettign tehm back off, found blue tec doesnt like it when you file a bit over zelously lol.

Essential nails have a website and can post to all countries so why not order one of them nail trainers from them the fingertips clip on and off much better or get one from geekbay seen a couple on there for sale.
I did try to put l&p on the one nail of it as I thought "well it's rubber so it might peel off" didn't!!! So that's not the answer....maybe you can only use it once lol?!!!!
Oh no - am I stuck with an extra hand and a rubber one at that?????
I really really need to practice as I'm getting worse and not better with my timings! I feel like giving up and I was hoping that my rubber hand might help me!
This was the only one on offer on the course that I took - they certainly didn't have anything as flash as the essential nails one.
Don't give up! I've gotta work on my timings too!! I think everyone goes through a stage where they feel like they've had enough...but you'll get through it hun! I bet you're doing fine! When did you qualify and have you got any clients yet? xxx
ONE client!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are my timings on her:
lst set - 2 1/2 hours (rather pleased)
Infill - 3 hours
Infill - 4 hours
new set (she had picked them off) - 4 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was last night which is why I'm fed up today!!!!!!
It all takes practise...and she shouldn't have picked them off! Makes it harder work for you! Maybe your client is one of those who is hard to do anyway! I had a client last week who was the best client I've had her nails were soooo easy to do they took me about 1 hour and 20 mins....felt very chuffed with myself as it's the quickest I've been then that same day I had another client...her nails were a complete nightmare from start to finish, I have no idea why but they took me 2 hours to do! Then the next day she came back as one had lifted and 2 were on their way! - within an hour and a half of me doing them she reckoned!!
Don't lose heart, it is a quiet time for most techs in NZ at the moment, big combination of events... winter, election, petrol etc etc ...

Get some business cards and give at least 2 to everyone you know, offer an intro special... and you should see people starting to take advantage in this next month as the weather warms up!!!!

As for Nail Trainers, not something I really go for... They are not like working on the real thing, so I would always recommend find some more practise clients whereever possible....!! HTH ;)
Thanks for the encouragement Envy and Envy Nailz (any relation to each other??????!!!!!!!!!!)
I know that there is nothing like working on a human hand but I don't know anybody here as all my family and friends are in the UK and this is the only way I have to practice.
Envy-what do you think I should be doing next?
Phew... hard situation....

I would basically hit up everyone you meet, workmates, neighbours, anyone...
It depends what you are charging, if you are charging trainee rates, then explain that you are only charging to cover product and ask if they are interested or know of anyone.. even if they say no.. give them a card and ask them to pass it on if they run into someone who is.... (let your personality shine and you'll be on your way....)

Put up signs at local dairys/ notice boards looking for 1/2 price clients etc,,, for trainee technician..

Wouldn't waste money on flyers, cost to responce is not effective with the numbers you have at this stage...

Hang in there.... that would be my best advice... keep doing your other client, and practise on your own nails... so long as you keep doing SOME then you'll find more in time, especially coming into the warmer summer months.

I really hope this helps - don't give up!

envy and envy nails - no relation, just both have good taste LOL ;)
Thanks for that Envy.

I don't want to give up but I know I need more practice and I have to find the nails to pracrice on.

I have done flyers in the past but had no response to them.

I'm just dreading having to do someones nails now because I take so long!!
We all take a long time when we start!! I'm sure everyone will agree there ;)

Just explain that when you book someone in, and explain that is why your pricing reflects it!

To help with your times break it down into four areas
Start by giving each half an hour and see which you spend the most time on, and which you can shorten.. That's the easiest way to work out where you are loosing time :)

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