Spray tan before holidays


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Jan 13, 2016
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Hi I wonder if anyone can help. When I use to get spray tanned my lady said the chlorine from the pool strips the tan and makes it go patchy, this is going back a few years tho.
I now tan people and have been telling my clients the same but is this true?
Yes, swimming pools use highly concentrated sodium hypochlorite & it's basically household bleach.

It's why swimsuits are nylon not cotton, cotton bleaches out easily.
Sadly, it's not just chlorinated pools that strip the tan as we found salt water pools had exactly the same effect. For clients who Tan easily this isn't a huge problem as by the time the tan starts fading, they have hopefully started to tan naturally, so I always reassure clients that it's still worth having a spray tan before they go, but for clients who struggle to get a natural tan at all it's not so good! My daughter barely changes colour year round, so relies entirely on spray tans. Last year we were determined to try and find a way to maintain her tan whilst on holiday, without taking messy products with us, so she tried applying St Tropez Gradual In Shower Tan every evening. It did help, but if anyone has any better solutions I'd love to hear them as it's such a shame that she ends up gong home paler than when she arrives!

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