Time to leave job, right?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Im currently in a beauty job and remaining employed in the industry is very important to me because i ultimately want to teach.

Thing is though, theres not a day that goes by where i dont think about "should i stay in this job or move on to something else?" im thinking that if i ask myself this question this frequently then surely its time to move on?

I *could* stay longer because i feel that ive got the strength to do it and i appreciate that the longer im there the better it would look on my cv. Financially i am not paid that well but the hours are always there to be had. I like the people i work with in as much as i believe i am liked and the banter is pretty good lol.

Reasons to leave include the way in which i feel overlooked. I feel i do a lot for them and ive not been given much training and ive never had a review despite other members of staff being given these things...like sometimes i just feel that its young girls looking after their mates and the whole politics of that really winds me up. I also dislike the way that some things are handled generally but i wont go into details here.

On the one hand i want to stay in this job for as long as i can to show future employers that i am someone who sticks at things but on the other hand i seem to spend a hell of a lot of time wondering what else is out there. Does the fact that this plays on my mind so much speak volumes or should i man up because it could be hard to get another job anyway?
I dobt want to say how long ive been there incase people can work out who i am on here.so how long do you think someone should stay in one beauty job in order not to be seen as a job hopper?
2 years, unless there is a very good reason for moving, like redundancy, closure, military moves.
I don't always think the grass is greener. Perhaps you have been there too long and need a change in your surroundings, not career.

I worked as a legal secretary before I started beauty and I trained in beauty on the weekends, so literally never had a day off. I longed for a new career as I thought there must be something out there better than being a legal secretary, truth be told I am again working as a legal secretary as I couldn't stay in beauty for money reasons. I work mobile evenings and weekends offering nails and tanning as I enjoy beauty. I really am not sure what to suggest, but why don't you go for a better paid job somewhere else, it's hard to give advice when I don't know how long you've been there. I.e. you could go for a managerial role within another salon or go to a larger well known company i.e. dove spa just for example as they will have strict policies and procedures that will be followed as I find one-off places do tend to slip where these are concerned. xx
When I worked for a well known water company after being there 2 years I asked to move contracts, and they moved me as they could see I was not happy. I then stayed for another 4 years and got promoted twice. I daily asked myself was there something better than what I was doing as towards the end my manager kept stabbing me
In the back and slagging me off. Best thing I did was leave.

If the first thing you think of when you wake up is leaving and the last thing at night then leave. As it will start to effect your work.

Keep ya chin up hun xx
As you like where you work and get on with the rest of the staff, why don't you just approach your manager/boss and ask for a Review.
Be proactive and have a meeting with them showing your enthusiasm for more training and responsibility, maybe that is all that is needed to turn things around.
I feel you have to give this a try before you leave a perfectly good job.
Thanks guys. See its a tough one because of i did get more training from them, if i left too soon after that i would have to pay them back. Like on the one hand i want more training but i would hate to get that and then still find that the other factors that i dislike about the job are still making me want to leave.

I guess i need to decide what i want but im not quite sure how to go about that. Like hows the best way to weigh up the pros and cons?

Whats dove spa like to work for (anyone?). Their website makes them look like a good place to work for :)

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