what christmas rush


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tranquil girl

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
Newcastle upon tyne
Is it just me or are there any salon's who are still quiet, I have not had a single client in to my salon today (tyne and wear), where are all the clients. I am sure that last year i was busy but nothing this year is it just me salon or area, are you all busy out there.

I do beauty treatments as well and even that side has been dead please can any tell me why why why.

:rolleyes: I hope its not a blue christmas for me. boo hoo boo hooo!!
i am getting booked up now. have only really stated out properly in nails this year so this is my first xmas will wait and see what it brings
pretty&pampered said:
i am getting booked up now. have only really stated out properly in nails this year so this is my first xmas will wait and see what it brings

do you have your own salon? do you do beauty as well? I need clients, what system are you using, listen to me sorry for all the questions i'm just a nosie little thiiing!
i wouldnt worry 2 much i dont think it u
its quiet in the salon i work 2 at the moment and we r usually very busy i think people r waiting nearer 2 xmas they will probably book in at the last minute
although i no a lot of people r sayin there not 2 bothered about xas this year so may not b booking in at the moment
im sure it will pick up soon
dont worry , theres still time. they tend to hold off until the last minute. people want to get their nails done at the last possible moment so they dont mash them before the big day
im quite but am mobile hope its going to pick up in the next week
Completely dead for this time of year...
Just had 2 new clients cancel as well! :(
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I was actually expecting this to happen. I read a financial report that said that bookings for Christmas do's and beauty treatments were going to be down an average of 25% this year. In fact the only thing that will be up is people going abroad for Christmas so hopefully these people wil want their nails doing before they go away which means the week before Christmas there could be a big rush. Most salons are booked out in Christmas week with their regulars so you should be able to pick up this trade. Look after these people and they may well become regulars in the new year when they become hooked on their lovely new enhancements.
I was quiet about 3 weeks ago but now its gone busy...not busy enough for a salon with more than one nail tech but busy enough for little ol me. I am more than happy with 3 clients a day...i have to work around getting the kids to school at picking them up...so i can cope with 3...i suppose its what you would call busy..for me i am busy but 3 a day in a salon wouldnt be called busy....xx
Well I got 2 new bookings this morning so maybe things r starting to look up...:D
It's been pretty dead for me too lately, but the days leading up to x-mas are completely booked. No one worries to much about getting their nails done right now but every year right before x-mas everyone calls in needing a last minute apointment, which by then is impossible. This is so frustrating because i end up losing clients because i can't fit them in those specific days even though a couple of days earlier i had no work at all!! Is it just me, or does anyone else have this happen too?
Winky said:
It's been pretty dead for me too lately, but the days leading up to x-mas are completely booked. No one worries to much about getting their nails done right now but every year right before x-mas everyone calls in needing a last minute apointment, which by then is impossible. This is so frustrating because i end up losing clients because i can't fit them in those specific days even though a couple of days earlier i had no work at all!! Is it just me, or does anyone else have this happen too?

thanks, i feel i little better knowing that its not just my salon, i was starting to think that no one like my salon (just re-decorated) I just worry that if folks are not bothering before christmas than what will january bring. I am offering 10% off treatments in january if they have a treatment in december just hoping that they may return in january. does anyone else have any special offers that might help with low times ill try anything at the moment even selling me body tee hee only kidding i think i would owe people money if i did that.

have a great nail day guys xxx
Sorry this is going to depress you and I honestly dont mean to...

I am too busy!!!!

Because I have just opened I am doing a special offer of £20 a set (normally £25).

Now this could be a combination of cheap prices and the novelty of having a new shop in the town but I am booked solid from 10am till 10pm with no break.

I am finding that people are booking their infills and recommending their friends to me and I can cope with the cheap prices purely because I am doing a lot of people. I suppose if i only had one or two the discount would not be profitable.

The discount ends on wednesday, so we shall see how things go.

Why not try a discount or a promotion of some kind?
Please dont take that post the wrong way...when i was mobile i struggled like mad with no clients, so I sypathise with you , hopefully things will pick up!!
wondernail said:
Sorry this is going to depress you and I honestly dont mean to...

I am too busy!!!!

Because I have just opened I am doing a special offer of £20 a set (normally £25).

Now this could be a combination of cheap prices and the novelty of having a new shop in the town but I am booked solid from 10am till 10pm with no break.

I am finding that people are booking their infills and recommending their friends to me and I can cope with the cheap prices purely because I am doing a lot of people. I suppose if i only had one or two the discount would not be profitable.

The discount ends on wednesday, so we shall see how things go.

Why not try a discount or a promotion of some kind?

Well done on your business doing so well though bet u wa chuffed
yes I am very quiet at the mo! i hope it picks up soon! need money for xmas!

wondernail said:
Sorry this is going to depress you and I honestly dont mean to...

I am too busy!!!!

Because I have just opened I am doing a special offer of £20 a set (normally £25).

Now this could be a combination of cheap prices and the novelty of having a new shop in the town but I am booked solid from 10am till 10pm with no break.

I am finding that people are booking their infills and recommending their friends to me and I can cope with the cheap prices purely because I am doing a lot of people. I suppose if i only had one or two the discount would not be profitable.

The discount ends on wednesday, so we shall see how things go.

Why not try a discount or a promotion of some kind?

I do special offers every month, things are just a little slow here in Newcastle, well done i hope your business goes well. Just had a look at your web site very cosy place if im every in wales i will call in for a ped very relaxing well done.
well its 21st december and i am still very quiet i have my onw room in a tanning salon doing beauty and nails (been open nearly 18 months) i have even got offers on but no show tell a lie i have 3 people in on friday evening thats all.(ebw only)
Only recently a beautician has opened up further up the road in an hairdressers and she as offers on just like me but i am miles cheaper in prices even when i don't have offers on. so i think they have all gone to her to check her out but she only does jessica nails i do creative which i think is much better.
i hope i start to pick up after christmas, :Scared::cry:
I drove past a usually very busy salon near my house and they were sitting there doing each others nails.

Also, has anybody else noticed that there are only a fraction of the people wearing enhancements than there were a couple of years ago?
Hi Kimmi,

Yes, I have to admit that I've noticed that too. At one stage, almost EVERYONE had enhancements on, you couldn't see natural nails to safe you life !

Not sure why this has happened, but it might have something to do with NSS who are *#?@!!/#'?& up peoples nails and the word spreads. I know we are trying our darndest (is that a word ?) to educate the public, but a lot of people who have been burnt once simply wont' have them done again and of course tell their friends .....

Having said that, you still have your die hards that will always wear their enhancements (which is great !) but we also need some new blood :D

What is everyone elses view ?


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