Who is watching Big Brother tonight?


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Got to be said that Linda must go she is a horrible woman! Got to admit I love Jim he's had me in stitches Jim to win !
I think linda needs to go now too. I guess Jim and Luisa make for interesting (or should I say controversial) viewing, but Linda is just plain nasty. I find her animosity and anger quite unnerving. Personally I wish that the minute her and Jim start, that the other house mates would just leave the room. Hopefully the pair of them would then realise how silly and ridiculous they look and sound.

Jim has made me laugh this series, but I find his passive aggression quite unsettling. He winds people up, then when they bite, he sits back, watches and 'wonders' why someone is so angry. It's not a pleasant trait.

Luisa is just some silly woman who hasn't learned when to keep her mouth closed. She's got too much to say with little substance behind her.

I would love Ollie to win. I think he is a genuinely lovely guy, that stays out of other people's drama with very good reason. I've no idea what he was like in Made in Chelsea, but I think on CBB he's come across as a decent guy. Ollie to win!


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Oh Lordie Linda is rude. Arguing with Emma Willis now!

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Linda is an awful woman thank god she's gone !
I get that she'll be on the defensive, but maybe she should realise what got her evicted. I thought she was really rude to Emma... how can anyone be rude to Emma Willis she's a sweetie haha. Good riddance.

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I have heard she's got issue with mental health, whether that's true or not I don't know but it was apparently her sister who said it! If so why the hell did they let her go in?? Surely that place would send the sanest person nuts!!! (Feel I need a disclaimer for this one as know how people like to jump on here! 😳 Not trying to cause offence to anyone with mental health issues, have a lot in my extended family so please don't take this the wrong way!!)
I get what you're saying Kankan. I've got mental health issues (OCD/anxiety) and I'd never go in there. Jesus it would be the end of me!

It's her anger that worries me. It must be exhausting. Xxx

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But she comes across as nasty and bitter and you can't blame that on mental health issues, just surely her personality.
I get what you're saying Kankan. I've got mental health issues (OCD/anxiety) and I'd never go in there. Jesus it would be the end of me!

It's her anger that worries me. It must be exhausting. Xxx

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Thankyou for not taking it the wrong way!! I have a habit of saying things wrong lol
I'd go stir crazy in there, especially with her haha although being cut off from phones, emails, telly etc would be amazing!! But could I live without SG??! 😳.
I think anger comes from other issues, like her husband dieing few years ago and sister dieing really not long ago, another reason I don't think she should have gone in! Oh and her obvious hatred of poor old jim!!! (Never thought I'd say that about him!)
I like Linda. I like jim .
No one hates anyone for no reason. If Linda was so nasty then surely it would be directed and exposed towards many other people and it wasn't just towards jim.

Just watched rylans programme and Linda let out that Jim was vile towards her 16 yr old sister or niece back in the days and she said it was while he was drunk hence why he does not remember.

I think Linda is a sound lady. She isn't rude when she wants to say something to someone. The only time she raised her voice and said some mean things was when Jim mentioned her husband and frank Carson.

Jim is passive aggressive. Exactly what happy feet said . I like him becausr he makes me laugh. Other than that not much else to him. He's stuck in his ways and grumpy.

Ollie bless him - sweet harmless guy. Needs to get some confidence and self esteem though.

I like Sam- she isn't offensive but the silent ones have the loudest mind.
Don't think she should win.

Lee- not going to waste my breath.

Dappy to win. Hes the only one that has made me think differently of him.
Tbh I wouldn't want to be in a confined space with Jim or Linda haha! I don't think either of them have come out looking particularly favourable or mature but I do think the way in which Linda spoke to Emma kind of showed her for who she is and Jim was no where near her at that point. I think if you're having a really tough emotional time in your life the Big Brother house is not somewhere you should be. I wouldn't last five frikkin minutes, I'd end up doing a Vanessa Feltz!! ;) xxx

She was much calmer with Rylan for sure. I did giggle when he said he's in the mood. ;) xxx

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Lee and Casey are both desperate and disgusting - tonight's episode was just cringe viewing!

Jim's freakin' hilarious tho! Especially 'that thing' he did at the end.. Lol
Uncomfortable viewing! I think it's really sad that casey went back to Lee. I hope she watches back and has a what was I thinking moment. Lee is just, well I don't know what haha. I don't buy for one minute that jasmine even cares, it's just publicity for her, much like her 'relationship' with Lee. One thing though I don't get why the women are arguing, ok yes sister solidarity, but really they should direct their anger at the toe rag that is Lee Ryan and thank their lucky stars they never have to see him after. CBB. Xx

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The little bit I've seen I am actually rather liking Luisa.
How cute is this evenings episode. Lol really had a little cry when the mums came out and blue were brilliant!
How on earth can Lee think he's done absolutely nothing wrong in leading Casey on? The boy's completely deluded!
All three of them are deluded!
How on earth can Lee think he's done absolutely nothing wrong in leading Casey on? The boy's completely deluded!

He played her like a fool, it's clear Casey liked him / ollies face when Jasmin walked in was a picture

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