Aesthetic Beauty | Rats Lose Weight With Botox Treatments In Tests


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The Ed.

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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A team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have published promising results following tests using Botox as a weight loss tool in rats. The team, led by Helene Johannessen, a PhD candidate, have applied to the Norwegian medical ethics authorities for approval to test on humans.

The experiment is part of a EU project called Full4Health and hopes to develop Botox as an alternative to treat morbid obesity. The rats were injected with botox in their vagus nerve in the stomach which triggers our sense of hunger and controls the passing of food through the intestines. The rats were observed eating less and lost 20 to 30 per cent of their body weight over five weeks.

Helene Johannessen hopes this will make a huge difference to those suffering from morbid obesity. "As a start, we will be inviting patients who are candidates for obesity operations but who, for one reason or another, cannot undergo one."

Until then...geek on!

The Ed.


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A team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have published promising results following tests using Botox as a weight loss tool in rats. The team, led by Helene Johannessen, a PhD candidate, have applied to the Norwegian medical ethics authorities for approval to test on humans.

The experiment is part of a EU project called Full4Health and hopes to develop Botox as an alternative to treat morbid obesity. The rats were injected with botox in their vagus nerve in the stomach which triggers our sense of hunger and controls the passing of food through the intestines. The rats were observed eating less and lost 20 to 30 per cent of their body weight over five weeks.

Helene Johannessen hopes this will make a huge difference to those suffering from morbid obesity. "As a start, we will be inviting patients who are candidates for obesity operations but who, for one reason or another, cannot undergo one."

Until then...geek on!

The Ed.

Ewwwww. No. I'd rather be fat and wrinkly ...... couldn't think of anything worse than having my body pumped with something that really shouldn't be in it. ..!

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I don't know why they bother testing on rats it's cruel and also doesn't prove anything to do with humans x
I saw this recently and though great another great thing botox can do then looked in the mirror! Nope I'm still fat! Then realised they inject it into the vagus nerve, not yr face! :)
I'd let them inject me with it if it worked lol x
They problem lost weight because they were stressed with being injected in their stomach!
Lolol me too. Botox is extremely safe I believe it's the vagus nerve they inject in your stomach.
They already inject in bladders etc but I wonder how long it will last before re treatment.
But it will be much safer and cheaper than bariatric surgery
Isn't it just common sense. .. less food intake, more exercise equals weight loss. . Why do people pump themselves with poison as isn't this what Botox is?

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