Hi, just want to alert all you fellow geeks to the website Desirenails.com
Be careful ordering anything from them. I placed an order on the 9th June for some EZ flow stuff and never received anything. I contacted them and they came across quite 'blase' about it but said they would refund my money which i was happy with. The refund never arrived either! I've contacted them 3 or 4 times and they're not answering my emails. Can't telephone them as the site is undergoing construction so no telephone number available. I will take it further next week if i've not heard anything.
Be careful ordering anything from them. I placed an order on the 9th June for some EZ flow stuff and never received anything. I contacted them and they came across quite 'blase' about it but said they would refund my money which i was happy with. The refund never arrived either! I've contacted them 3 or 4 times and they're not answering my emails. Can't telephone them as the site is undergoing construction so no telephone number available. I will take it further next week if i've not heard anything.