Business | Doing Your Part For The Drought?


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The Ed.

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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SalonGeek HQ
This week, the Environment Agency made the announcement that another 17 counties have been made official drought zones. The midlands, the south west, the south east, East Anglia and part of south Yorkshire are suffering severe water shortages after a second dry winter which saw less than 60% of the average rain fall.

If households and businesses don't start taking some responsibility for this issue, we are going to be seeing water shortages which would, inevitably, hit salons very hard. When we think about how much water salons use to wash hair, clean towels, clean the salon, it's windows, floors and surfaces, it's clear to see that limited water supplies would be nothing short of a disastrous for salons.

The Environment Agency is encouraging all businesses to carry out a water audit of the workplace to establish where water savings can be made. "As more areas of the UK move into drought it is vital that we use less water to protect the public's water supply in the driest areas of the country," says Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman.

Indeed, it was only last week when we reported on Easydry towels and the effect that these can have on your water usage. Anne Butterly, Easydry MD says, "Easydry salons have been leading the way in dramatically lowering the industry's carbon footprint, including cutting down on water wastage." Interestingly, the company claims that using Easydry towels saves an average 4-stylist salon around 50,000 litres of water a year - that's the equivalent of leaving a tap running for 24 hours a day for 42 days!

But there are other things that you can do too:

  • Consider investing in rain harvesting and waste water recylcing
  • Ensure taps are turned off fully. If you spot a leaking tap, tell building maintenance staff immediately.
  • Have windows cleaned less often as long as it doesn't affect health and safety
  • Clean fleet cars less often. Keep headlights, mirrors and windows clean for safety
  • Ask water company for advice on how to save water

The latest figures do show that being water efficient, in whatever way you can, could potentially save businesses up to 50% in water bills. That's got to be tempting, right?

Until then...geek on!

The Ed.


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