I would help but I would have a thousand thouts going through my head about what people think! If someone helped my child I would be sooooo grateful and accusing them of kidnap or abuse would not even cross my mind. Unfortunetly for many there out for all they can get.
I have three kids and I pray that if they needed help someone would be there.
I was abused as child and I would never ever dream of accusing someone just because they touch my child. Those that do have never been through what I went through! And my case got thrown out of court this week because I never got my mum to take me to the hospital at 3 and 4 years old to collect DNA!! So this paedo who has had several other complaints against him is back on the streets!
There is no justice for me but also no justice for those poor people who get accused of abuse for looking at a child in the wrong way!
Our children are all going to grow up afraid of the human touch.