Eyelash extensions


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Aug 9, 2010
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just wondering about the above... we covered for about half an hour on level 2 beauty therapy course so don't feel confident enough to offer as a service. Where is the best place to get training on this so i could offer as part of my business?

Many thanks

B x

there are a lot of palces out there now to train with so do your research cos it can be a mine field! i did my training with ah francis. i found their course good value for money and they are always available to talk to if you have any worries or questions. I love their products and so do my clients!

Eyelash Extensions | Eyelash Extension | Eyelash Perming | AH Francis

Good luck with it though :)

Hi Beckster78

Laurie Lash is very right - there are so many training places that now offer ELE training its not funny!! You really need to do your home work and sort the good from the bad.

There was another thread on training on here if you search ELE that I commented on. Where abouts are you - so I can give you a heads up on any great trainers I know. (we are all pretty familiar - Iv been a trainer since 2001)

Also as Laurie LAsh said you should be confident once you have finished your training and your trainer should also provide ongoing support if you need it. They will be the first person you call if something goes wrong or you need a problem fixed!

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