Hair loss


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Mar 3, 2016
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Hi guys,

I've suffered from hairloss(only the top of my head), due to a really stressing few years of my life and my dermatologist said I should start use Regaine for Men(as it's the stronger one, compared to the one for women)..
I've used it for a bit more than 1-1 1/2 years now(it works really well) - but the thing is, I ran out a few months ago and I haven't come around to buy new - and now it seems my hair on top of my head is thinning again :( Maybe it's just me being incredibly self-conscious, but it makes me unhappy because my hair is of the fine type - what have you guys used on clients(or yourselves)?

My diet is healthy, I drink lots of water and I exercise - but I've heard vitamin B6(biotin) is an important factor - any experiences with this?

I'm just bummed if this Regaine thing is something I have to use all my life, unless there's something more effective out there :/

I hope you can help!

The problem with regaine and minoxidil is once you stop using it your hair loss will return and possibly all hair grown will start to shed again.
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Is it in the hairline mainly or further back?
The problem with regaine and monoxide is once you stop using it your hair loss will return and possibly all hair grown will start to shed again.

Are they the only solutions we have for thinning hair though or are there better solutions?
Is it in the hairline mainly or further back?

Hi Amy,

It's actually on on top of my head and not in patches - my dermatologist called it 'male baldness'(such charming thing to have >_<) because of the pattern of loss - the thing is, it's not hereditary, I've lost it due to extreme stress and my body unfortunately thought to express that stress through severe dandruff - seborrheic dermatitis - so I started losing hair that way :/
My dermatologist said the last solution could be medicine - but it should be pretty hardcore, and not something that is normally prescribed for women!
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Are they the only solutions we have for thinning hair though or are there better solutions?

I've talked to other hairdressers and their experience with clients - and they recommended something called 'Priorin', I haven't tried it yet, but I'm thinking to try Biotin(vitamin B6) and maybe the Priorin as well - at this point I'm desperate for a permanent solution!

The thing is, I'm not shedding a lot - I mean, not more than I normally do - it just looks as if the hair is not there 'as much' now that I've been off minoxidil for a few months!
There is female pattern hair loss which typically is shed from the top of the head, the hair will get finer and not stay in the anagen phase as long as it maybe used to, minoxidil at 5% can sometimes cause facial hair that's why they don't really recommend it for FPHL but if you are not getting any bad side effects then great, you get better results from 5%. What do you do to keep seborrheic dermatitis at bay?
There is female pattern hair loss which typically is shed from the top of the head, the hair will get finer and not stay in the anagen phase as long as it maybe used to, minoxidil at 5% can sometimes cause facial hair that's why they don't really recommend it for FPHL but if you are not getting any bad side effects then great, you get better results from 5%. What do you do to keep seborrheic dermatitis at bay?

I've googled a bit around, and I think I'll try something called Amitamin, as this is similar to Priorin, but also contains other vitamins - so it's basically works as a daily supplement as well :)

When my seborrheic dermatitis was really bad, my dermatologist told me to use 2-3 different anti-dandruff shampoos every day for two weeks, switching between the three of them - it worked wonders - but I still use anti-dandruff to prevent new outbreaks! I use one from Vichy and then I've tried several others as well, but I find I like Vichy's formula the best..
Due to formaldehyde allergies I can't use all brands, like Head & Shoulders and so on, but I also find the cheaper ones can be really harsh on my fine Scandinavian hair!
I read somewhere that N-acetyl-cysteine is also used for hair loss. Might have been on a thread here actually.
Hi Amy,

It's actually on on top of my head and not in patches - my dermatologist called it 'male baldness'(such charming thing to have >_<) because of the pattern of loss - the thing is, it's not hereditary, I've lost it due to extreme stress and my body unfortunately thought to express that stress through severe dandruff - seborrheic dermatitis - so I started losing hair that way :/
My dermatologist said the last solution could be medicine - but it should be pretty hardcore, and not something that is normally prescribed for women!
Oh wow it's so hard I see it all the time in clients in various forms it's so hard because our hair is our armour and when our hair weakens like this we feel weak all I can recommend to you is kerastase stimuliest range with daily drops it has shown really positive results find a salon close to you unfortunately unless you can destress this will continue to happen I hope that helps [emoji173]️[emoji173]️
Have a look at the Philip Kingsley 3 step programme, iv had a few clients have success with this, majority of my clients religiously take biotin, problem is that if its an autoimmune problem the biotin probably won't work.

Your dermatologist probably means female pattern baldness which is the male equivalent with slightly different traits, if it is due to extreme stress or a trauma it's possible it could be Telogen Effluvium... But your derma or Trich specialist will know that.

The medicine that your Dr is referring to is very hardcore for women and if you are still of childbearing years you should think twice before taking... These medicines do work but they have severe side effects and risks...
I used Nioxin after my post baby hair loss, it kicked in straight away. I also have a client who could never grow her hair past shoulders and was so fine, now it's growing like a weed and really thickened up xx
Cool! Where do you buy it??
And what's in it?
I used Nioxin after my post baby hair loss, it kicked in straight away. I also have a client who could never grow her hair past shoulders and was so fine, now it's growing like a weed and really thickened up xx
We buy it through wella, we sell
It in the salon so one might sell it near you, the wholesalers also sell it, if you google nioxin and go on their website there's a consultation section that you answer questions and it tells you the "number" of the kit you need, it really is good xxx
What systems did you and your client use?

We buy it through wella, we sell
It in the salon so one might sell it near you, the wholesalers also sell it, if you google nioxin and go on their website there's a consultation section that you answer questions and it tells you the "number" of the kit you need, it really is good xxx
Hello...i offer digestible hair care products along with 2 serums that helps with your issues. We have teas, lemonade and shakes as well. The results have been phenomenal.
Hi guys,

I've suffered from hairloss(only the top of my head), due to a really stressing few years of my life and my dermatologist said I should start use Regaine for Men(as it's the stronger one, compared to the one for women)..
I've used it for a bit more than 1-1 1/2 years now(it works really well) - but the thing is, I ran out a few months ago and I haven't come around to buy new - and now it seems my hair on top of my head is thinning again :( Maybe it's just me being incredibly self-conscious, but it makes me unhappy because my hair is of the fine type - what have you guys used on clients(or yourselves)?

My diet is healthy, I drink lots of water and I exercise - but I've heard vitamin B6(biotin) is an important factor - any experiences with this?

I'm just bummed if this Regaine thing is something I have to use all my life, unless there's something more effective out there :/

I hope you can help!


Hi Emilie,
I understand that hair loss problem is a troublesome and is a fear to go bald. But we should know the reason of our hair fall and need to figure it out before its too late. A few months before I had extremely harmful that I could even see my scalp clearly. I was much worried about it and was searching for a solution which will help me to stop my hair fall. Then I visited my friend and told her my problem. She told me the main reason of hair loss is improper nutrition and asked to improve my diet.She suggested me to consume more of healthy food like sprouts, eggs, leafy vegetables and so on and also asked me to add natural dietary supplement which will help to increase my hair growth. She told me about the websites where I can buy these amazing supplements. I have not used it, but my friend got good results by using it.
Hi Amy,

It's actually on on top of my head and not in patches - my dermatologist called it 'male baldness'(such charming thing to have >_<) because of the pattern of loss - the thing is, it's not hereditary, I've lost it due to extreme stress and my body unfortunately thought to express that stress through severe dandruff - seborrheic dermatitis - so I started losing hair that way :/
My dermatologist said the last solution could be medicine - but it should be pretty hardcore, and not something that is normally prescribed for women!

If it looks like male baldness then you may have too much of the hormone testosterone. Have you had your hormones checked?
Re nioxin. That stuff really does work but I would suggest you get to a reputable wella salon who retail the full line and book in with them for proper consultation.
The products are amazing, as long as they are used and used as prescribed by your stylist. They are not cheap which is why I'm saying to book in with someone to show you what you need and how and when to use them.
Hi Emilie,
I understand that hair loss problem is a troublesome and is a fear to go bald. But we should know the reason of our hair fall and need to figure it out before its too late. A few months before I had extremely harmful that I could even see my scalp clearly. I was much worried about it and was searching for a solution which will help me to stop my hair fall. Then I visited my friend and told her my problem. She told me the main reason of hair loss is improper nutrition and asked to improve my diet.She suggested me to consume more of healthy food like sprouts, eggs, leafy vegetables and so on and also asked me to add natural dietary supplement which will help to increase my hair growth. She told me about the websites where I can buy these amazing supplements. I have not used it, but my friend got good results by using it.

Hi Oscar,
I have a overall healthy diet - I use low GI principles :) so it's not my diet, it was caused by extreme stress and due to a compromised immune system, I developed sebborheic dermatitis which causes dry scalp and dandruff as well as hair loss :-/
But I've just hit my 3 month mark on the supplement of amino acids and vitamins and minerals - it's called Amitamin Hair Plus, and it seems to work because my brows and lashes definitely has become stronger and denser.. But I can't exactly say for the top of my head, I see a difference in the hair that's already there, but they say you'll see best results after 6 months, and it covers my daily vitamin as well, so I'll give it those months as a minimum!

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