Has anyone tried snake venom facials


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Active Member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hi Guys, I have had a rep in the salon today. They are promoting snake venom facials

Has anyone tried these?

I have been on the internet and quite a lot of cebrities rave about this facial
Hi what company are selling the snake venom facials thanks
It's not real snake venom (thank goodness). No different to any other.
No its not not real snake venom, but a product called syn-ake.

Not all companies are the same though, products that are purchased over the counter i.e. boots has minimal active ingredients (low % of syn-ake)

Professional use syn-ake is not available in commercial products
With this kind of thing you have to stay within your qualifications. It's a bit like skin peels, there are beauty ones and medical ones. If it's a product made for salons then it won't actually do anything, and it'll be more a marketing sell. But if it's actually penetrating the skin then it's a medicine and you cannot use it. However, it doesn't look as if even the stronger versions actually do anything.
With this kind of thing you have to stay within your qualifications. It's a bit like skin peels, there are beauty ones and medical ones. If it's a product made for salons then it won't actually do anything, and it'll be more a marketing sell. But if it's actually penetrating the skin then it's a medicine and you cannot use it. However, it doesn't look as if even the stronger versions actually do anything.

The company did offer extensive though, I am sure no skincare company would give you products without training
It's a grey area at the moment, if it is a medical grade treatment then you will not be working as a beauty therapist, you will be an aesthetic therapist. Might be worth establishing this with the company (if it's a beauty or medical treatment). If it's beauty then you're fine, if it's medical then you're entering a different profession.

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