My self employed rent-a-chair business is failing (I’m the chair renter), my rent isn’t high and I love my workplace, but I just don’t have the bums on seats (the pandemic has a lot to answer for with this). They’re gradually disappearing on me despite me doing loads of training courses continuously, I can offer things that other hairdressers don’t (up to date colour techniques etc), and I don’t charge extortionate amounts. New clients aren’t booking in or even finding out I exist. My big problem is I am just not good at social media and online stuff in general
I can take a good photo/video, but in all honesty I just don’t have the time for the extra work, along with doing all my own appointment bookings and general admin. I have a 5 month old baby and it’s very much expected of me that the minute I am not inside the salon doing hair I am Mum, there’s zero space in my day for extra work to be taken home with me. Especially as social media works by posts being made at particular times and days, this just isn’t possible for me to keep on top of. I even did a social media course once, and their main advice was to constantly be active on there and do at least 15 mins every day consistently. I just can’t! Not along with doing actual hair and looking after a baby who never naps, help I’m drowning! Lol