How do you do packaging for your products?


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Aug 3, 2016
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My mom is an expert in making super homemade hair dye, she has sold it around the neighborhood. There was a good response to it, so I have decided to bring her product to the market. I am not much familiar with the business field and this is my first experience. I certainly not sure how to do packaging and market it. My friend, working in the salon, said that she will help for the initial marketing. She told that her company gets packaging services from the Clearpak solution, Ontario. What type of packaging is good? Decorative or printed? Which type of packing will be more attractive to the customer? Also, would like to get designs and logos for our product. Your suggestions are highly appreciated.

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I would get it fully tested and certified first and then trademarks sorted.
I second what bannerpenguin said. Being from Canada, I can tell you that you absolutely need to have your product tested and certified, you must have an msds sheet! You can't just go about selling homemade hair dye in pretty little packages. If someone has a reaction you are 100% liable. Think about this carefully before going in full force.
I agree...I used to work for Sally's own brand for hair and we developed lots of hair products including hair have to get all tested and certified..with all products but have to be extremely careful with hair colours due to allergic reactions etc. yes you would defo need MSDS sheets too. You also need to have the right information on both tubes/boxes ie ingredients/safety advice...there's lots to it.. Good luck thou.

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