I'm reading Paul McKenna, how to make yourself rich book and it comes with a free hypnosis meditation CD which I've downloaded onto my phone and listen to it in bed.
although I haven't really done any of the excercises in the book, it has helped me focus on what is important and to work on areas that will help me.
I think we all feel a little bit like this at this time of year, and it is notoriously quiet, which gives us poor therapists far too much time to hang around and obsess and dwell about it.
I think like attracts like, so if you think happy you attract happy.
If you think negatively you attract negativity.
I know its easier said than done, but try and focus on WHAT IS GOOD AT THE MOMENT. and perhaps lay down some plans for the future. I've got far too much time on my hands so have pre-planned until end of March, and thats from someone who usually takes each day as it comes!
This time last year I was very depressed and on St Johns Wort tincture to try and pull me out of this blackhole. Luckily this year, I am much brighter.
good luck and keep geeking, keeps us all sane(ish)!