Nails nail art gallery


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Kelly Mansfield

Active Member
Jun 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have lots of space in the nail art gallery for the April issue of Nails, why not show off your abilities? I'd love to see some of your work.
I'm having a professional photo shoot next week - if you want to be included in the April issue then please send in some of your nail art designs on tips, together with a picture of you and your name, age and job status.

I'll look forward to receiving your work!

Hello my name is Lucy I love to do hand painted designs. I am a beauty therapist /nail tech aged 26. Here is some of my nail art.


  • 3d nails.jpg
    3d nails.jpg
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  • Breast cancer awareness ribbon nails.jpg
    Breast cancer awareness ribbon nails.jpg
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  • Clare's nails.jpg
    Clare's nails.jpg
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  • exotic flowers 1.jpg
    exotic flowers 1.jpg
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  • Roses.jpg
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  • sparkley tigers.jpg
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  • step by step dog nail.jpg
    step by step dog nail.jpg
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  • sun a Nail.jpg
    sun a Nail.jpg
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  • swirl by lucy.jpg
    swirl by lucy.jpg
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  • exotic flowers 2.jpg
    exotic flowers 2.jpg
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  • collection of nailart.jpg
    collection of nailart.jpg
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Hey loo

Your nail art is always fab, send some of your tips in to kelly and then we can all see you in the mag! :lol:

Sue x
Thank you so much Suey for your kind comments I really appreciate it as this is my absolute dream job I love nail art!!!!! My post has been edited as didnt realise i had to post a pic of myself AHHHHH how embarassing lol :lol: :o Where is everyone else's work I know there are plenty of you out there that love doing nail art too so get posting your pics !!!! :D
Hi Lucy - I think you have to send your finished work into Nails mag, where I guess they do the necessary photographing. As for the piccie of you............nice to see you:D

oh noooooo thats soooooo embarrasing thanks for pointing that out to me peppercorn nails, :o :o I don't subscribe to any magazines yet. I would love to be in an article thats an ambition!!! ;) Thought we had to send our pics via the post so now you can all see what I look like, oops I feel stupid lol . I am obviously being a bit dappy lol so could someone set me straight on where I should send my work ie address???? Any info please?

(Ha ha :o have removed the picture of me now couldn't leave it up there after I realised we were supposed to send straight into the magazine, Im embarrased enough) :cry: :eek:
Ahhhh Loo you needn`t have taken you pic off here, we all like to see who we`re posting to.
I think the address is: Alexander House, Forehill, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4ZA
but to be sure I`d ring Kelly on 01353 616 527
Can`t wait to see you in the mag
Thanks debs i will give her a call!!!! :) :) :)

i LOVE the zebra one!! i have a glitter polish that would work perfectly. the only problem is i keep losing my brushes!!

although im not sure how you do your right hand. i mean painting with your left. or maybe that was stencil??

I've had a few similar emails about this one, so thought I'd clear up any confusion.

It's best to send in the actual tips rather than photographs, as this section has a very particular look that we like to stick to. However my photoshoot is this Thursday - so be quick!!

I need: nail art on tips, a picture of you, your name, age and job status. And if you want your tips returned then remember to send me your address!

This section is for everyone to show off their nail art - whatever your level. So if there's something you're really proud of then why not get it published in the mag?

Any queries give me a call on 01353 616 527 or email me on [email protected]

Oh and by the way - if you're thinking about subscribing now is a great time as there are some fab offers on - call 0800 328 1178

oh boo hoo I wanted to send my nail tips but dont have time now as the post won't get there in time :sad: Maybe next time now I know what to do silly me eh!!!! :o
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