Sales Lessons from a Salon Owner


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Sep 28, 2012
Reaction score
beverly hills
Rule #1
Be dedicated to the idea that you have a product or service that will satisfy your customers needs
This level of belief in what you are offering will create an enthusiasm for your product/service that almost sells itself. When somebody truly believes their product can solve your problem they are more believable in the eyes of the buyer. Genuine dedication to this idea that you truly believe your product or service will satisfy your customer's needs will at the very least, make them curious... AT the Very least!
Combine this belief system with a disciplined action taking process i.e., a sales system that everybody in your salon business adheres to and you will have a business that sells.
Rule #2 - Listen to your customer!
One of the most flattering things you can do to a client is let them know that you are truly listening to them. It always came as a shock to me when people would say "Remember when you said XYZ? Well I was thinking about it and I understand what you mean... " I say it comes as a shock to me because so many people's listening skills are so poor that when somebody actually goes to the effort of letting me know that they listened to what I had said... and thought about it!..then that becomes a bit of a Wow moment for me. Suddenly I feel like communicating with this person more often. All because they listened.
Why should it be any different when it comes to your customers? Everybody likes to be heard, acknowledged and understood.
If you're in the people industry then listening needs to be a priority.
Actually, you can replace the word selling with listening because if you can sell well it's because of the fact that you were listening well.
If you actively listen to your customer then you will be able to target your product or service to their unique set of problems or concerns. Without a problem or concern there is no way you'll be able to sell your customer a product or service, because selling is about problem solving so your number one goal needs to be to listen out for your customers needs, frustrations, worries and concerns.
A good salesperson doesn't need to sell to their customers, instead they just need to help their customers.
Rule #3
Become an exceptional note taker
Taking notes is part of active listening.
The more notes you take, the more sales you will make.
The reason for this is that you are actively showing your customer that you are listening to them. The person speaking will often elaborate more, purely because you are writing down what they have to say. They will want to make sure that you truly understand what they have to say so will clarify their statements and think more deeply about what they've just told you.
Another important reason to take notes is that in the salon business your customers visit you regularly. Customers don't always purchase a recommended product or service the first time it is suggested. It can take up to 10 recommendations before a customer takes up your offer. So don't give up after the first time you try to sell them something.
You can never really know what your customers circumstances are and perhaps they need to pay a massive bill or run the purchase past their partner first. However, the following month when they return you may find that your customer now wants to purchase your offering. This is where great note-taking skills come in handy.Firstly, you can refer to your notes before your customer comes for their visit, which will make you more prepared, focused and professional. You simply refer back to your notes and voila, your sale will be straightforward and almost effortless.
However, if you didn't write down what you had recommended and even worse... can't remember the recommendation or the problem your customer had in the first place... things are going to get a little awkward (to say the least).
Rule #4
Preparation is Key
If you arrive 15-20 minutes early each morning to prepare yourself and your staff for sales, then you will have a more focused, driven and equipped salon team.
Sales increase when you focus on them. If the very first thing you do each morning is sit down with your team and go through their appointment columns, get them to tell you what their customers concerns are, what solutions they had recommended at their last visit, and what they believe they need to recommend this visit then you're gearing your salon business for success.
Not only will having a morning debrief bring in extra sales to your business, it will also help your salon maintain better customer records. If you ask all of your staff to create a shorthand system for product and service recommendations, customer concerns, samples given and products or services sold then any staff member should be able to pick up a customer card and pick up where the last therapist left off.At the same time this extra note taking effort will force your staff to actively listen more to what their customers are saying.As a result, sales will increase. It's one great cycle of sales.
Morning debrief sessions done as a group activity will also allow staff members to feed off each other.It will allow for extra ideas on how to solve problems or deal with difficult clients. It will also enhance communication between team members on what matters most... your customers and their needs.
Rule #5
Obtain and Use Client Proof (Testimonials) wherever possible
Do everything in your power to gain customer testimonials. Testimonials are where customers testify to the effectiveness of the product or service they received when they attended your salon business.Other people's feedback on your offerings will always outweigh what you have to say about yourself.It is almost like a referral for your business only the person giving the testimonial isn't always known to the customer viewing the testimonial.
Before and After shots are another form of customer proof of a visual nature. A visual testimonial is reinforcing the effectiveness of your service or product. Pictures always tell more of a story than words. Wherever possible try to obtain them and have them on hand when you are recommending something to your customer. Allow your customer to look at the before and after photos, the more they do this the more they will engage in the sales process.
Rule #6
Customers buy based on emotion rather than logic
What does this mean for you? It means focus on the emotional concern your customer currently has and the emotional benefit they will gain by purchasing your offering. Don't focus on features, ingredients, cost of the product or service as this will send your customer into logic mode which will make them think more and desire your product or service less.
So for example, if a customer walks into your salon business with acne. They will often feel self conscious and embarrassed to go out in public without make-up but they would really love to be able to leave the house without make-up and feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. Now this is an assumption I've gained after years in the beauty industry, it is best to double check with the customer what their specific emotions are around this problem. By finding out how their current problem is effecting them emotionally and giving them an emotional snapshot of how their life could be once using your product or service they are a lot more likely to purchase what you have to recommend because you have just connected with them on a deeper level and are offering them a solution to something that really affects them at a heart felt level.
Rule #7
Don't take rejection personally
When somebody says "no" it simply means that the solution you are offering them isn't appropriate at this point in time.
It is NOT a personal rejection. It just means that your customer doesn't have a strong enough need to purchase your recommendation... RIGHT NOW! Remember only a small percentage of clients ever purchase on the first offering. It takes repeated recommendations before a customer will purchase a product or service so in the case of sales, persistence and a desire to help your client are key.
Until next time may you achieve the time and money freedom to do more of the things that matter most to you.
Bye for now.
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