Salon name?


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Sep 21, 2012
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Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me I please? I am trying to think of a name for my salon. Any suggestions fellow geeks?? 😀
Just think of something different, unique and gives an idea of what style your salon is going to be. Sleek? Contemporary?

I highly suggest not using your name, the words beauty or hair and beauty or anything along them lines. Try and be as original as possible.

I do printing for a lot of geeks and others in the industry but only a few with original business names stick in my mind.
Penguin is right, be original, but make it personal to you, and make sure you google it too, you don't want to find your lovely new stylish name turns out to be some kind of sanitary product in a far distant land lol
Also make sure the spelling is easy for people to search
Think outside the box :)
Thank you for you input 😄
I will do my research on the names as a name I chose originally turned out to be a cannabis plant 🙈 oh dear!
Thank you for you input 😄
I will do my research on the names as a name I chose originally turned out to be a cannabis plant 🙈 oh dear!

Lol what was it?

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