Special treatment licence


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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2014
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I have applied for a special treatment license with my local council as I have a home salon. I know they will come and inspect my treatment room can anyone advise what they look for as I would really like to be prepared. Do you have any tips on what I need to do, also does everyone hold msds sheets for every product they use?
My council weren't concerned about msds sheets or anything like that. It was more health and safety, smoke alarm, first aid kit, no loose wires, etc x
Varies by local authority as each sets its own rules - ours were focused on handwash sinks in each treatment room, hot and cold water, extractor fans, smoke detectors, first aid kit. Don't be afraid to call them before the inspection and ask them what they're looking for so that you can make sure everything is in order..
I have applied for a special treatment license with my local council as I have a home salon. I know they will come and inspect my treatment room can anyone advise what they look for as I would really like to be prepared. Do you have any tips on what I need to do, also does everyone hold msds sheets for every product they use?

There should be guidance on their website. If there isn't then they probably won't be looking for anything specifically. It's best to have manufacturer's product safety sheets for everything you use for clients, but it's not needed for things like equipment cleaner.
Thank you for your replies, aim very nervous. I don't know when they will come as yet but I know it is soon. I now have my msds sheets in order. I work from my living room so it's not possible to put a sink in there but my kitchen is opposite to where I work and easily accesible.

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