Struggling with colour!


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Active Member
Aug 27, 2013
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I'm coming to the end of my NVQ Level 2 and really don't feel confident in any of the colour theory.

I've been at college nearly a year and we have had 4 different teachers in this time. We only covered colour theory in 2 lessons.

I don't work in a salon as I work full time in an office and go to college in the evenings. I tried to get a weekend job in a salon but nowhere wanted to employ an older apprentice. I'm 24. I even offered to volunteer.

What would you suggest I do? I don't want to leave college with no understanding on what colours I should be using. The practical I'm fine with. I can do full head colour/highlights ect but won't have a clue when choosing the colours.

I really want to go mobile once I qualify.

Thank you x
What colour house do you use x
You learn a lot of colour working in a salon. Maybe you could do a basic colouring course or ask your tutors at college if they can go more in depth with you about colour. Have you explained to them that you don't feel confident. I don't think a year training is long enough at all. you should carry on to your level 3 x
Try & get on a colour course also the colour book- the official guide to colouring is really good it's habia approved & also I found having a colour chart in the colour house you use very handy . The colour chart helped me get to grips with all the base colours & tones by actually being able to see the colours it sinked in that little but more. Im not afraid to say colouring isn't my favourite thing to do but the book & chart helped me loads with understanding it a bit better.
Agree with littlemissm and consider buying The Colour Book by Tracey Lloyd. You can get it from Amazon.

Also, check out colour courses run by your local wholesaler.

They tend to be based on a specific colour house and you might be able to pick up a colour handbook on the course. These are usually excellent resources.

Another bonus is that the courses are fairly in-expensive and sometimes even free!

Another option is to sign up for the student edition of They include course notes that map to the units studied and explain things very clearly.
hiya, thats very simular to my situation,

im 23 no one will give me an appprentiship and i work full time in an office, the best thing i ever did was opt to do a level 3 qualification. i do it one evening a week and if you are 24 or over you can get government funding. They give you a loan for the course costs and you only pay back when you earn 21,000 a year.

I am like a sponge, i always ask questions, give scenarios and ask for extra handouts or information. best to get your monies worth form your tutors!

keep going !!!
Thank you everyone, you have been very helpful. Will purchase the book today. And I start my Level 3 in January :)

The college uses Wella.

I'll speak to my tutor tonight to see if I can get some extra help. I'm not the only one in my class that is struggling either. I think that we've had so many tutors take over from each other in the last year that they may of missed lessons thinking the other tutor done them with us.

Does anyone have any books they would recommend for hair ups? We don't cover many in the level 2 and I would like to learn some before the Christmas season kicks in. X
Thank you everyone, you have been very helpful. Will purchase the book today. And I start my Level 3 in January :)

The college uses Wella.

I'll speak to my tutor tonight to see if I can get some extra help. I'm not the only one in my class that is struggling either. I think that we've had so many tutors take over from each other in the last year that they may of missed lessons thinking the other tutor done them with us.

Does anyone have any books they would recommend for hair ups? We don't cover many in the level 2 and I would like to learn some before the Christmas season kicks in. X

Try Patrick Colman think iv spelt that right? Lol x
Commenting for later x

in the same boat, college training for colour was shocking. im now doing level 3 and learning alot more. look at your local salon supplies. i did an affinage colour course (day course) even though i dont use their colour house it was very informative.

keep looking on here , people but on all different scenarios and they are very helpful.

Dont give up hope, i have struggled to get a job and an apprentice wage is soo bad i cannot live off of it but im not giving up hope. i am doing as many day courses as i can to help improve knowlage.

good luck!

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