advice needed on "post-smoking" skin


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Active Member
Mar 10, 2008
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I stopped smoking nearly 5 weeks ago, my skin came out in blotches the first week or so, which i expected.
Now my skin looks washed out, and i have a few white heads and weird spot things as well as lumps under my skin.
The seem to be around my left eye and on my right side of chin and cheek.
I have also broke out in millions of blackheads.:cry:
I have bought 8% glycyrol acid (sp) to help clear my skin, i used it for a week, no change though, it also stung like mad, so i have stopped, in case i burn my skin off. :confused:

Any help would be appreciated please.
I stopped smoking nearly 5 weeks ago, my skin came out in blotches the first week or so, which i expected.
Now my skin looks washed out, and i have a few white heads and weird spot things as well as lumps under my skin.
The seem to be around my left eye and on my right side of chin and cheek.
I have also broke out in millions of blackheads.:cry:
I have bought 8% glycyrol acid (sp) to help clear my skin, i used it for a week, no change though, it also stung like mad, so i have stopped, in case i burn my skin off. :confused:

Any help would be appreciated please.

First of all, I apologise because I thought your post read Advice for Pot Smoking Skin.

Anyway, as an ex smoker I know the rigours of distressed skin - you will probably still be looking a little greyish and with dark circles under your eyes - yep? This all takes time and it took my skin a good 12 months to recover from the years of toxins I put into it from smoking.

This time of year is bad anyway for dry, sensitive skins with wind, central heating etc.

As I cannot see your skin, my advice to you would be to stop buying off the shelf preparations thinking that you can sort it yourself, please go to a salon close to you and have them take a good look at your skin and advise you on the appropriate products.
Pot smoking,, that did make me laugh.
I'm trying to get into a salon for a facial and advise, however because of work at the moment, i am not able to get along on the opening times. I will have to wait a couple of weeks. I would like a dermolgica (sp)
You got the look of my skin down to a 'T', lol.
I have not changed anything else i use on my skin, only bought the glycyrol as spur of moment. Never again.
I stopped smoking before around 5/6 years ago for only 3 weeks, in that time my skin looked amazing and every one said how well i looked and so much younger. This time it really has taken it's toll.
Thanks for your advise anyway
Brilliant advice! Best to get yourself booked in for a salon treatment. The therapist will recommend a homecare plan for you to follow too.

When you say glycyrol .. Do you mean glycolic? If this is what you do mean, with the right professional products and a homecare plan its perfectly safe and gives fantastic results. There is a tingling feeling and possibly slight redness which is normal, its 'exercising' the skin.
When I gave up smoking my skin turned into teenage skin big time. It was the toxins. Drink plenty of water to flush the system. Dermalogica is a great range. Make sure without fail you cleanse, tone and moisturise, morning and evening even after a heavy night lol
Acid?? ouch lol
A good facial will be great for you and....... welldone for stopping:)
Nicki. yes that is it, lol Glycolic %8, night time use only, hence why i bought it. It tingled on my forhead and cheeks, around my T-Zone it stung really bad, my skin is sensitive.

Smilie. Thankyou, ,My skin is getting worse each day, lol. as well as my weight, i look like i am pregnant at teh moment, (not sure why i still attend the gym every night,lol)
I use facial wash every morning and most nights followed by moistruiser, in the morning i also use a scrub.

Smilie how long ago did you stop smoking and how long did you smoke for, did you put on much weight, if so did you loose it again. When did your skin return to normal.
Trying to fit in a facial with dermologica, I can only find one salon where i live that does it. Due to work i'm having a problem getting there.
Nicki. yes that is it, lol Glycolic %8, night time use only, hence why i bought it. It tingled on my forhead and cheeks, around my T-Zone it stung really bad, my skin is sensitive.

Smilie. Thankyou, ,My skin is getting worse each day, lol. as well as my weight, i look like i am pregnant at teh moment, (not sure why i still attend the gym every night,lol)
I use facial wash every morning and most nights followed by moistruiser, in the morning i also use a scrub.

Smilie how long ago did you stop smoking and how long did you smoke for, did you put on much weight, if so did you loose it again. When did your skin return to normal.
Trying to fit in a facial with dermologica, I can only find one salon where i live that does it. Due to work i'm having a problem getting there.

I smoked for 20 odd years and was up to 40 ciggs a day. Gave up for 27 months then didnt deal with a few things too well and started again 5 months ago. (dumb bitch I am, still kicking myself for it, little bit of advise no matter how bad, that one puff makes you feel poo in more ways than one) I have now stopped again and its 2 days. I put on a bit of weight but i was eating late at night, plus chewing gum (not good makes the tummy think its gonna eat) Your skin will get back to normal and your weight will sort itself out. You doing 3 lots of cardio a week? lol believe it or not thats what burns the fat. Pilates is fab too, easy on the body and relaxing.

I use dermalogica cleanser and wipe off with damp cotton pads, until pads are clean. (I used to use a wash and I dont think that helped my skin). then tone then moisturise. I exfoliate once a week as I find it encourages my face to do an oil slick lol I used to touch my face alot thinking another spot teriffic, I dont do that now and it helps.

I am waffling lol
Keep up the good work it really is worth it honey
Anyway, as an ex smoker I know the rigours of distressed skin - you will probably still be looking a little greyish and with dark circles under your eyes - yep? This all takes time and it took my skin a good 12 months to recover from the years of toxins I put into it from smoking.

This time of year is bad anyway for dry, sensitive skins with wind, central heating etc.

Well done you for stopping! I am an ex smoker too, 20 a day for 20 years but I gave up in January 2006 following some hypnotherapy which was great.

It took my skin around 12 months to start looking good too and perhaps also due to the time of year that I stopped but now it looks better than ever - I am soooooo pleased with it!

On a not so good note though I have put on 2 stone even though I haven't really eaten too much more however I am allergic to the gym/excercise so my own fault really!

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